Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 3:5-15
Key Verse: 1 Kings 3:9
I ask that you give me an obedient heart so I can rule the people in the right way and will
know the difference between right and wrong. Otherwise, it is impossible to rule this great
people of yours.
An English theologian tells the story of a young man who went to college. When he had been there a year his father asked him, "What do you know? Do you know more then when you went?" "Oh, yes!" he replied, "I do."
Then he went the second year, and was asked the same question: "Do you know more than when you went?" "Oh, no!" he replied; "I know a great deal less." "Well," said the father, "you're making progress."
Then he went the third year,and was asked, "What do you know now?" "Oh!" he replied, "I don't think I know anything." "That's right," said his father; "you have now learned to profit, since you say you know nothing."
He who is convinced that he knows nothing of himself as he ought to know gives up steering his ship and lets God put his hand on the rudder. He lays aside his own wisdom and cries out, "O God, my little wisdom is cast at Your feet; my little judgement is given to You."
Solomon must have been similar to this young college student, sor he too knew the wisdom of being humble when it came to leading the people he had inherited from his father, King David. In his dream from today's passage, God asked Solomon, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." Solomon in all his youth (about 20 years of age) declared with great wisdom, "Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"
What a great declaration to know that by his own power he wasn't qualified to lead and to govern his people! He also wanted to know right from wrong.
Mom and Dad, do you hear the simple humility of such a great man of God? If he didn't feel confident in that task, is it any wonder that sometimes we are dismayed at trying to lead our children properly? If Solomon could so humbly face God and ask Him such a simple request, why should we feel at a loss when we too feel helpless?
As parents we need to be up front when it comes to asking for discernment from God. Notice also that Solomon started his request with this statement about himself: "So give your servant...." We need to approach God as a servant, one who realizes that only through the power and guidance from God can he do anything. We aren't capable under our own strength.
We have a very big God. He is bigger than anything in our past, anything in the future, and bigger than anything in our present. Yes, we indeed serve a very big God.
As long as we are in God's will, He will give us far more than we have asked for in our prayers. Oh, to have that kind of faith! We can be assured that God loves us so much that He will more than meet our every provision!
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