Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 3 God's Love

Have you ever wondered...
*Just how much God really loves you?
* If you can fall out of God's love?
* Why you deserve to be loved so much?

Read: John 13:1; Ephesians 3:14-19; Romans 8:35-39

God's Word is the most beautiful expression of love ever written. Shakespeare's sonnets pale in comparison to the Bible's descriptions of love. His love transcends every kind of earthly love. His love is stronger than any bond between parent and child or husband and wife. No earthly image can accurately portray God's love for us. Galatians 2:20 explains that Jesus loved you enough to die in your place. He chose to accept your punishment so that you could spend eternity with the father. In his death, Christ committed the greatest act of love ever seen by human eyes.
With a love so devoted, so sacrificial, so extreme--nothing can ever interfere. Nothing can squelch or diminish that love. You cannot fall beyond the reach of his love. You can't lose it. You can't change it, win it, or control it. His love extends before and beyond time, and he loved you before you knew him. When you choose to accept his love, you begin the most amazing relationship of your life.

And from far away the LORD appeared to his people and said, "I love you people with a love that will last forever. That is why I have continued showing you kindness"
(Jeremiah 31:3)

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