Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Rhetorical Jesus

John 3:36

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.

Someone on Your Heart?

Is there someone who comes to mind when you think about sharing your faith? Who is that person? Who has God placed on your heart that often comes to mind when you think about someone who’s not yet saved? Is it your spouse, your child, your neighbor, your co-worker, or just a friend? Frequently, God will place someone into our thoughts and make us think about them from time to time. He may be trying to tell us, by His Spirit, that He would like us to tell them how they might be saved and the only Name given to us to be saved by (Acts 4:12).

Saved or Lost?

Notice how Jesus puts the message of the gospel in John 3:36. He contrasts believing in Him and having eternal life with rejecting Him and still having the wrath of God abiding on him or her. Whoever believes in Him has no fear of facing His judgment (John 3:18a), but whoever doesn’t believe in Him is condemned at that moment (John 3:18b) unless they repent and believe. There is no middle ground. Some have told me that they are waiting and haven’t made a decision yet, but that’s a dangerous place to stand because any of us could die at any moment and suddenly face judgment (Heb 9:27). To make no decision is to still make a decision to not believe in Christ. To make no choice is choosing to not believe. Indecision is a “no” decision. There is no fence to sit on in the matter of salvation. The fence and all who sit upon it get burned up in the judgment. I heard one preacher say that there are only two kinds of people: the saints and the aint’s.

Who’s Your Father?

Jesus once called the religious crowd the children of the Devil (John 8:44), but to whoever believes in Him, God gives them the right to be called the children of God (1 John 1:12). You have only one parent, God or Satan, and you know where Satan’s ultimate destination is (Rev 20:12-15). Has God placed someone on your heart that you need to share the gospel with? Is there someone you know who Jesus wants to be saved? The fact is, He wants all who are not yet saved to come to saving faith in Him. Who doesn’t Jesus want to be saved? No one (2 Pet 3:9)!

A Closing Prayer

God my Father, You are such a good God, saving me and so many others I know. Please give me the encouragement to keep sharing my faith and to give me the courage even when I know it’s going to be hard, especially with my unsaved family members, and I pray this in the name above all names, Jesus Christ.


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