Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Need Help?

Psalm 18:6

In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.

Cry Out for Help

The human heart tends to be self-reliant, and we all seek to solve our problems in our own strength. How sad, because God is both willing and able to help us if we would only cry out to Him. If you were drowning, wouldn’t you cry out for someone’s help? Would you be so pride-filled that you’d wait until the last second and even risk drowning before you cried out for someone to save you? That is the tendency of my own heart, but I miss out on the greatest power in the universe–the Creator God, for Whom nothing is too hard. What a pity, because God has promised that when the righteous cry out for help, He both hears them and then delivers them (Psalm 34:17). David knew the wisdom of crying out for help, and he knew what needing help was all about since he had to run for his life from King Saul, who pursued him for many years trying to kill him.

God Helps Those Who Can’t Help Themselves

The false idea that God helps those who help themselves is wrong–it is not found in the Bible. God actually helps those who can’t help themselves, and in this way he is glorified (2 Chro 16:9). God wants us not to have fear or be dismayed because He says, “I Am your God who will strengthen you in your time of need and uphold you by My righteous hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Do we believe that? When Israel faced 900 chariots of iron, their only hope was to cry out to God for help, and He came through for them, delivering them (Judges 4:3). God actually loves it when we cry out to Him for help. Our cries absolutely do reach His ears (Psalm 18:6).

He is Listening, Are we Speaking?

We can have the confidence that when we pray to God for help, He does hear us (1 John 5:14) since He is quick to hear the humble of heart (Psalm 34:2). He hears us in the morning and in the evening (Psalm 5:2-3). When we need saving, even from our own mistakes, He will save us (Psalm 145:19). When we hunger and our tongues fail for thirst, He hears us (Isaiah 41:17). Interestingly, He even hears us before we have the chance to call out to Him (Isaiah 65:24); however, it is still up to us to cry out for Him and for His intervention in our lives, but He can’t hear us until we humble ourselves and acknowledge that we need His help.

A Closing Prayer

Great God in heaven, I know Your ears are always attentive to my cries for help. Thank You for Your deliverance out of my many troubles. I thank You that when I needed Your help, You listened to my cries. I thank You that no matter what time it is or what trouble there is, You hear me. I give You thanks for being such a good God. In Jesus’ name I pray.


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