Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Effective Discipling

     We know that children loved to be around Jesus because he loved to be around them. Children are perceptive. They wouldn't keep going to someone if that person didn't like them. Jesus' love toward them was deeply compelling.
     As mothers, our most important job is to point our children to Jesus. Churches and ministries provide many aids to assist us in our job of discipling our children, but we must make sure the fruit of these aids is drawing our children closer to God and not hindering their growth. While many of those tools and programs might be helpful, they can never replace a child's own parent sitting down with them and pointing them to the Lord.
     "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Luke 18:16, NIV).
     Do you spend time discipling your children or do you let other ministries do it? You will care far more about your child's spiritual growth than a volunteer will, and you will be better able to detect if the program is helping your child really know God. Do your best to make sure your children view God rightly.

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