Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Will you use this day I have given you to surrender your worries to Me?

Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Sufficient for the Day

The way that we must think biblically is that there is victory only in surrender because God fights for us (Neh. 4:20; Deut. 3:22; Ex. 14:14). We shouldn’t try to carry around the weight of worry today because it will take our eyes off of Jesus. There is enough worry for the day already without having to add to it (Matt. 6:34). The Greek word that is used for “anxious,” as in “do not be anxious,” is “merimnaƍ,” and it means “worry” or “to be troubled.” So, any time you read the word anxious, just read it as worry because it’s essentially the same thing. One thing that most people might miss about Matthew 6:34 is that this is actually a command by Jesus–an imperative, direct command from Him–because He knows it’s not in our best interest to worry or be anxious about things today or tomorrow. What power do we hold over things we can’t control? We must learn to surrender every worry, concern, and troubling of our hearts to the Lord, for He not only knows the future, He can help us with it.

More Than Food, More Than Clothing

Before Jesus commanded us to not be anxious or worry, He told us that life was more than food, clothing, or drink and said to us there is more to life than these (Matt 6: 25); of course, there is. Jesus promised to take care of our every need if we seek Him and His righteousness first (Matt. 6:33). Have you begun to notice something in this devotional? Almost all the advice is from Jesus, and nearly every bit of it is from Matthew chapter six. There is an interesting pattern in this chapter, because he begins the chapter with helping the poor (Matt. 6:1-4), then shows us how to pray (Matt. 6:5-15) and fast (Matt. 6:16-18) but not to be seen by others, and then the human preoccupation with money (Matt. 6:19-24).  Finally, and fittingly, He concludes with our worry over things of this life that we have no control over (Matt. 6:25-34). There is a pattern here in how we should help others, how to pray for that help, how to not make money our source of help, how to gain rewards from heaven, and finally how to avoid depending on ourselves but God for our needs.

Ready to Surrender?

I think the theme of Matthew chapter six is all about surrender and depending solely on God and not ourselves. Worry only shows a lack of trust in God to provide for us. We must hand over that which we have no control over and surrender it to the God Who knows the future and has total control over everything. My question to you and to myself is will we use this day that the Lord has given to surrender all our worries to Him?  Will I try in vain to handle what I have no control over, or will I take those things I have no handle on and place them in His hands? That is, will I surrender it all to Him?

A Closing Prayer

Father God, please forgive me when I try to tightly hold onto my own worries without surrendering them to You because I am incapable of doing anything about those things in my life that are out of my control, but You are sovereign over all things. So, help me to surrender my worries over to You, and in the mighty, strong name of Jesus I pray.


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