Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Heart Center

Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected (Philippians 4:8, NCV).

     We've said it to our kids on a number of occasions. "You have two choices." Then we proceed to give them their options. Probably one of the choices would be better, but we give them two options to ensure we have a back-up. God also gives us choices. Because of free will, we choose how we spend our time, what we invest our energy in, and what we fill our hearts and minds with.
     His desire for us is that we choose him. He wants us to stay in communication with him as we are faced with daily choices. We keep God as our focal point and continually meet him back at our center, so we don't ever steer too far off course.
     Where do you choose to spend the majority of your time? What choices could you eliminate to stay centered on Jesus? In a busy life of choices, it is important to know your back-up is also your best option--seeking God and choosing life with him. 

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