Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 25---Accountable to God

Day 25---Accountable to God
Read: Romans 14:10-12; Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Corinthians 9:16

Have you ever wondered... Once you're saved, are you accountable to God for your actions? What God requires from you?

Romans reminds us that it doesn't matter much what people on earth think about us. It's God who matters. It's a scary thought to realize that one day each of us will stand alone before the judgement seat of Christ. God sees our hearts. He knows our thoughts. He watches every move we make.
If you know Christ, then you don't have to fear him. Your eternity is secure. But, we are accountable to him for our choices. Someday we will stand before him and answer for our decisions.
Sometimes it's hard to hold ourselves to God's strict standards. Good friends can hold each other accountable. A close friend can ask how you're responding to a particular temptation that always seems to break you. A fellow believer can help you live up to God's standards. Remember, ultimately you're accountable only to him--but in the meantime, we can help each other.

The LORD knows what is happening in the world of the dead, so he surely knows the thoughts of the living. (Proverbs 15:11)

For a more in-depth study, read: Proverbs 15:2-3

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