Saturday, December 6, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Over the years, I have gathered different sayings that really put into perspective what I want my kids to know.  I thought I would share them with you.

Words of Wisdom
  • If nothing else, always be kind.  There is no better way to show good character and strength in who you are.
  • Enjoy life and always live life to the fullest.  You only get one life, so live it up.
  • Don’t lose sight of who you are to please others.
  • Create the life you want.  You are responsible for what you end up doing.
  • Live your dream no matter what other people may think.  Don’t be apologetic for it.
  • No matter what other people say, as long as you did your best and can look yourself in the mirror, you’re doing better than most.
  • Take a risk and go after your dreams.  You don’t want to look back and regret not taking advantage of those moments when you could have taken the leap.
  • Be honest.  Lying gets you no where but miserable.
  • Realize that everyone who walks through your life is there to teach you something.  It might be good or bad, but you will be wiser for seeing a lesson in the experience.
  • When in a relationship, whether with a significant other or a friendship, don’t ever make excuses for someone’s bad treatment of you.  There is never a reason for someone to make you feel less than another. If anyone ever touches you in an inappropriate way, don’t second guess yourself.  Leave that relationship!!!
  • Words have power.  Use them with care.
  • You can have anything in life you want.  If you don’t get it, you didn’t want it badly enough to work hard enough for it.
  • Forgive those who make a mistake, but not those who take advantage of your forgiving nature.
  • Be the person you want people to think you are.  Do what you want to be remembered for.
  • No matter how bad your life is, there is someone out there who has it worse.  Be thankful for what you do have.
  • You can always reinvent yourself.  Age doesn’t matter, it’s only a number.

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