Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 26---Believe and Be Baptized

Day 26---Believe and Be Baptized
Read: Matthew 3:11, 13-17; 1 Peter 3:21

Have you ever wondered... What baptism is? If you must be baptized in order to be a Christian?

John (a man), baptized Jesus (the Savior of humanity). Does that sound a bit ironic to you? It did to John the Baptist--and he told Jesus so. But Jesus wanted to stress the importance of baptism, and he wanted to leave us a model to follow, so he was baptized. Jesus didn't need forgiveness; he was perfect. But he followed the will of his Father, which included baptism.
A marriage commitment begins with a ring. The couple publicly commits to each other. At the ceremony, the couple declares, "I'm no longer my own--I'm married!" Baptism announces that you are no longer your former, independent self. You have chosen a relationship, and you take Jesus' name, "Christian."
Baptism is a blessing, not a burden; an honor, not a chore; a privilege, not a punishment. By obeying Jesus' command to be baptized, you symbolically die to sin and are reborn with Christ.

Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of changed hearts and lives. He told people to believe in the one who would come after him, and that one is Jesus." (Acts 19:4).

For a more in-depth study, read: Acts 2: 38-39

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