Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life Lessons: God’s Will Genesis 24:1—25:18

Life Lessons: God’s Will
Genesis 24:1—25:18

SITUATION:  Abraham obeyed God’s plan. Abraham might have married Isaac to a local girl or sent him back to his family’s land to find a wife. But Abraham obeyed God by selecting the right wife from the right spot. Abraham’s loyal servant discerned God’s will and found the right wife—Rebekah, a woman of good heart and determination.

OBSERVATION:  In God’s will we find successful living. God’s way may be harder than the world’s way—but he rewards obedience!

INSPIRATION:  If you want God’s will, give Him your total self—a living sacrifice—and that means your body and your thoughts, your mind, which He can renew from within, if you let Him. . . .
     The guidance of God’s Word is primary, basic. It’s interesting to note that many of us say we are interested in God’s will, but we balk at checking our plans and habits against the plain teaching of the Bible. How can you say you are seeking God’s will, if you don’t know what the Bible says? This is like going to someone for advice, but not letting him talk. You actually want him to agree with everything you say . . . .
    The witness of the Holy Spirit comes as you walk in the Spirit. Prayer is vital here. It’s unfortunate that we have made “I’ll have to pray about it” something of a cliché. Maybe we should change the phrase to “I will talk with God about it.” With God, not at God. Some prayer lists sound like Christmas lists. Others sound like assignments that God should carry out because we are “so spiritual, so deserving.”
     Take a look at outward circumstances LAST. . . .
    But suppose you feel you have the Word and the Spirit lined up fairly well. How do you evaluate or act upon circumstances? This can be intriguing, exciting. For one thing you have to act in faith on what you already know. Is it evident that there are certain actions that would be worth taking? Some people call this “trying different doors.” Sometimes God will slam shut every door but the one He wants you to walk through. You may have to try several doors to learn which is the right one.

No, God’s will doesn’t drop out of the blue in a special delivery letter. But He has written to you—in His Word. He will talk to you, with the inner witness of His Spirit. And He will guide you as you weigh outward circumstances.
     You can be “very religious” about these three checkpoints . . . or you can use them like a Christian, in faith, trust, and commitment. Then you will see from your own experience how God’s ways will really satisfy you. 

APPLICATION:  As you read the Bible, ask God to show you how your plans, goals, and directions conform to his will. Ask him to reveal to you areas where you have strayed from his leading. Consult with other Christians. Ask them for help in thinking through how the Bible applies to your situation.

EXPLORATION:  God’s Will:  Exodus 40:16; Nehemiah 9:23; Psalm 16:7-8; Micah 6:8; Acts 21:13-14; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:16-18.

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