Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life Lessons: Revenge Genesis 34:1—36:43

Life Lessons: Revenge
Genesis 34:1—36:43

SITUATION: Even though Shechem’s rape of Dinah was wrong, Simeon and Levi overreacted and sinned. Consequently, God told Jacob to move to Bethel and Hebron.
OBSERVATION: In the middle of life’s continuing problems and challenges, God reminded Jacob of his new name, Israel. Through this reminder, God shows he is faithful to his promises. God’s promises set believers apart.

INSPIRATION: On the basis of the counseling I do, I would say that the two greatest problems among Christians are a lack of understanding their position in Christ and a lack of knowing God as their Father. They have no family image; therefore, they feel cut off from other family members—members of the Body of Christ, as well as feeling alienated from God. Our fellowship is made solid only as we renew our thinking about God. What grief it must bring to God’s heart for us to cast an image on Him that is not true.
     A man can be a teacher without being a father, but a true father will be a teacher. A man can be a lord without being a father, but a true father will be a good director of the home. A man can be a good provider without being a good father, but a true father will be a provider. It all fits. That is what motivates God—the delight in being a great father to His children on earth! What a joy to God’s heart when we respond as Jesus did when he was in Gethsemane. It was as if He said, “I know it’s going to hurt, but You are my Father and I know You will be everything that I need. I will trust You.”
     In my own family the greatest times with my children have been crazy times that only a family could enjoy. Times when we just go outdoors and tumble through the leaves with each other. Times when my son Johnny and I have played the whole evening away with some small creative object. Times when my sons and I just grab each other and hang on each other’s necks. Teachers and pupils do not do that; neither do sergeants and privates. There have been times when my little Ann, who is now nine, and I have gone on dates together. We come home with hearts so full of love for each other and so full of laughter that the joy of the Lord is our strength for days afterward. There have been times when we as a family sing at the top of our lungs. Only fathers take time for such activities.
     God made us to enjoy Him. . . . God is our Father, and we are to enjoy Him forever. The family concept in heaven will be perfect in every way. Heaven on earth is the ability

to bring that concept to our own hearts, friends, and churches. (Is your church characterized by a sense of family, or is it an army or a classroom?) What a comfort to enjoy God like that! I can act as a child and treat Him as a father. I am free to fail, free to speak what is a concern to me, free to be myself, free from fear, free from guilt. (From The God You Can Know by Dan DeHaan)

APPLICATION: Have you been wronged or harmed and responded, “I’m going to get even if it’s the last thing I do!” Each time you remember the hurt, consciously turn to God for his justice and comfort. When resentment enters your mind today, say a quick silent prayer. “Not a chance! God, you are my Father. Take over; I’ll follow.”

EXPLORATION: Revenge—Judges 15;  2 Samuel 3:26-29;  Matthew 5:38-45;  Romans 12:17-21;  1 Peter 3:9

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