Thursday, February 11, 2016

The God Who Sees Me {PASSAGE: Genesis 16; 21:8-20}

Author: Mary Foxwell Loeks
During the construction of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., a visitor stopped to watch an elderly stone carver working painstakingly at his craft. The visitor noted that when this particular piece of carving was put in place, it would be next to the wall, where no one could see it.
“Why are you working so hard on something no one will ever see?” asked the amazed onlooker.
“God will see it,” replied the carver.
Sometimes it is a little unsettling to realize that ours is a God who is all-seeing! We’d rather put our mistakes and blemishes in the shadows, in a corner, against a wall-anything to get them out of sight. At times we succeed in hiding that which we wish to hide from other people, but we can never hide it from God’s penetrating, purifying gaze: “The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good” (Proverbs 15:3).
But there are other times, when, like Hagar, we marvel with gratitude at the God who sees. The problems we encounter that no one else seems to understand- God sees. The pain we feel-God sees. The tasks we perform for which no one thanks us or pats us on the back-God sees.
ADDITIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS: Psalm 46; Psalm 139:5-16; Isaiah 43:2

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