Thursday, October 6, 2016

Are you in Love with God, or just the things He gives you?

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Seeking the King First

If we are really Christ’s, then He is going to be most precious to us. What “things” can compare to the riches in Christ Jesus? This is what the unsaved run after (Matt. 6:32). If we are running after these things, then we are not seeking the kingdom first, and seeking the kingdom first means seeking the King of that kingdom ahead of everything else. The psalmist knew that he would lack nothing with His Shepherd being his own (Psalm 23:1).

Supplies All of Our Needs

We should be pursing Christ and not things. The question is, are we really in love with God or just the things that God has provided for us? The first time I was in love with a girl in elementary, I spent money on her for things that I knew she would love. I didn’t care if I had to break the piggy bank and spend every last penny I had on her. She was, at least I thought at the time, the most precious thing in my life, and my money meant nothing compared to her. In similar fashion, Jesus must be most precious to us or we have our hearts still set on the things of this world. We already have God’s promise of His meeting every one of our needs, but it is according to the true treasure house of riches in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19).

Prospering in All Good Things

God is not against people who are rich or those who are trying to make a living, but the only riches that won’t burn up on the Day of Judgment will be those things done for Christ. The Apostle John said he wanted all things to go well for the church and for them to prosper (3 John 2-3), but there is a danger in riches in that we might tend to forget God (Prov. 30:8). When we seem to have everything we need, we tend to forget God, just like ancient Israel did so many times (Deut. 8:10-14). Make no mistake about it, God is obviously able to provide us with every blessing we will ever need (2 Cor. 9:8), but He wants us to pursue Jesus Christ and His righteousness because when we do, He will supply everything we will ever need in this life (Matt. 6:33).

A Closing Prayer

Father God, I tend to rely on my own pocketbook more than I do in pursuing You. Please forgive me when I fail to seek You above all things because at Your return, those will be the only things that really matter, and in the precious name of Christ I pray.


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