Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pomp and Ceremony

Pomp and Ceremony  Read John 12:12-19 Saint James Assembly of God

Don't be afraid, people of Jerusalem. Look, your King is coming, riding on a donkey's colt (John 12:15).

When high society is involved in public pomp and ceremony, money is no object in making sure the most expensive vehicle is used to transport them. A large number of VIPs accompany them, and as protection for these prominent people, those in charge of security make sure that their presence is clearly visible. Then there is still the publicity and media to cover the event. The more prestigious the person, the greater the spectacle.
     When Jesus decided to enter Jerusalem, however, He chose a donkey's colt to ride on. Normally, when kings or emperors made a triumphal entrance, they used horses. It was a sign of nobility, authority and victory. A donkey, being a somewhat humble creature, was the symbol of peace. Later, when the disciples thought about this, they recalled verses in the Old Testament that predicted such an event.
     Jesus changed the normal manner of human conduct. He was not interested in prestige, publicity or pomp and ceremony. It wasn't necessary for Him to impress anybody.
     Think about the way you do things. Are you concerned with the impression you create in the minds of those who see you? If so, remember that the only One who really needs to know you and see what you do, is God. He sees deep into your inner being and is not impressed by show and publicity. Jesus did everything in a simple and humble manner. We would do well to take a leaf out of His book.

Christ's character was more wonderful than the greatest miracle.
~ Alfred Tennyson ~

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