Thursday, October 20, 2016

Husband for Sale

"Husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife."  1 PETER 3:7

 Tom Brokaw of NBC News once reported a story about a Mrs. Louise Horner from Maryland, who put an ad in the local paper. It read,

     Husband for sale, Cheap! Comes equipped with hunting and fishing equipment, two shirts, boots, and black Labrador Retriever . . . but he's not home much from October to November. (That's hunting season.)

Mrs. Horner received sixty responses to her ad . . . and she was only joking!
     Maybe it's time for husbands to sit up and take notice of the amount of time they devote to recreation like hunting. While recreation is good and necessary, sometimes we husbands borrow time that really belongs to our wives and add it to our time in the woods.
     Maybe it's time to put the gun back in the truck and head on home.
~ Glenn Colley, Huntsville, Alabama

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