Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to Hurt Your Spouse

Saint James Assembly of Faith

A woman came into the preacher's office full of anger and spite toward her husband. "I don't want to just leave him; I want to make him pay. Before I divorce him, I want to make him suffer as much as he made me suffer."
     The preacher came up with a brilliant plan. "Before you leave him, build him up. Act like you really love him. Tell him how important he is to you and how much he means to you. Shower him with praises. Be as nice and considerate as you can. Make him believe that you truly love him. After you convince him that you love him and can't live without him, then tell him you are getting a divorce. That will really sting."
     With revenge in her heart, she smiled and said, "Wonderful! That will show him."
     She threw herself into this with vigor. For two months she showed him love, kindness, and affection. She listened, gave of her time, and shared her heart. After a couple of months, the preacher called to check how things were going. "Are you ready to go through with the divorce?"
     "Divorce?" she asked. "Never! I found out that I really do love him."
     Her actions had changed her feelings. Love is established not just by promise and feeling but often be repeated actions.

"Thy wife shall be as fruitful vine by the sides of thine house; thy children like olive plants round about thy table."   Psalm 128:3

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