Wednesday, May 31, 2017


THE PEACE THAT I GIVE YOU transcends your intellect. When most of your mental energy goes into efforts to figure things out, you are unable to receive this glorious gift. I look into your mind and see thoughts spinning round and round: going nowhere, accomplishing nothing. All the while, My Peace hovers over you, searching for a place to land.
     Be still in My Presence, inviting Me to control your thoughts. Let My Light soak into your mind and heart until you are aglow with My very Being. This is the most effective way to receive My Peace.

2 THESSALONIANS 3:16;  JOB 22:21

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


TIME WITH ME cannot be rushed. When you are in a hurry, your mind flitters back and forth between Me and the tasks ahead of you. Push back the demands pressing in on you; create a safe space around you, a haven in which you can rest with Me. I also desire this time of focused attention, and I use it to bless you, strengthening and equipping you for the day ahead. Thus, spending time with Me is a wise investment.
     Bring Me the sacrifice of your precious time. This creates sacred space around you--space permeated with My Presence and My Peace.

PSALM 119:27; 2 CHRONICLES 16:9;

Monday, May 29, 2017


I AM WITH YOU, watching over you constantly. I am Immanuel (God with you); My Presence enfolds you in radiant Love. Nothing, including the brightest blessings and the darkest trials, can separate you from Me. Some of My children find Me more readily during dark times, when difficulties force them to depend on Me. Others feel closer to Me when their lives are filled with good things. They respond with thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to My Presence.
     I know precisely what you need to draw nearer to Me. Go through each day looking for what I have prepared for you. Accept every event as My hand-tailored provision for your needs.. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful. Do not reject any of My gifts; find Me in every situation.


Sunday, May 28, 2017


LET ME ANOINT YOU with My Presence. I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in unapproachable Light. When you draw near to Me, I respond by coming closer to you. As My Presence envelops you, you may feel overwhelmed by My Power and Glory. This is a form of worship: sensing your smallness in comparison to My Greatness.
     Man has tended to make himself the measure of all things. But man's measure is too tiny to comprehend My majestic vastness. That is why most people do not see Me at all, even though they live and move and have their being in Me.
     Enjoy the radiant beauty of My Presence. Declare My glorious Being to the world!

1 TIMOTHY 6:15-16; JAMES 4:8; 
ACTS 17:28; PSALM 145:3-6

Saturday, May 27, 2017


SEEK MY FACE at the beginning of your day. This practice enables you to "put Me on" and "wear Me" throughout the day. Most people put on clothes soon after rising from bed. Similarly, the sooner you "put Me on" by communicating with Me, the better prepared you are for whatever comes your way.
     To "wear Me" is essentially to have My mind: to think My thoughts. Ask the Holy Spirit to control your thinking; be transformed by this renewal within you. Thus you are well-equipped to face whatever people and situations I bring your way. Clothing your mind in Me is your best preparation for each day. This discipline brings Joy and Peace to you and those around you.

PSALM 27:8 NKJV;  ROMANS 13:14;

Friday, May 26, 2017


IN A WORLD of unrelenting changes, I am the One who never changes. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Find in Me the stability for which you have yearned.
     I created a beautifully ordered world: one that reflects My perfection. Now, however, the world is under the bondage of sin and evil. Every person on the planet faces gaping jaws of uncertainty. The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace.


Thursday, May 25, 2017


THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH YOU, My child. Your mind leaps from problem to problem to problem, tangling your thoughts in anxious knots. When you think like that, you leave Me out of your worldview and your mind becomes darkened. Though I yearn to help, I will not violate your freedom. I stand silently in the background of your mind, waiting for you to remember that I am with you.
     When you turn from your problems to My Presence, your load is immediately lighter. Circumstances may not have changed, but we carry your burdens together. Your compulsion to "fix" everything gives way to deep, satisfying connection with Me. Together we can handle whatever this day brings.

ISAIAH 41:10;  ZEPHANIAH 3:17;  PSALM 34:19

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


BRING ME YOUR MIND for rest and renewal. Let Me infuse My Presence into your thoughts. As your mind stops racing, your body relaxes and you regain awareness of Me. This awareness is vital to your spiritual well-being; it is your lifeline, spiritually speaking.
     There are actually more than four dimensions in this world where you live. In addition to the three dimensions of space and the one of time, there is the dimension of openness to My Presence. This dimension transcends the others, giving you glimpses of heaven while you still reside on earth. This was part of My original design for mankind. Adam and Eve used to walk with Me in the garden, before their expulsion from Eden. I want you to walk with Me in the garden of your heart, where I have taken up permanent residence.

GENESIS 3:8;  PSALM 89:15

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


APPROACH EACH NEW DAY with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles. Others are blessings that reveal My Presence: sunshine, flowers, birds, friendships, answered prayer. I have not abandoned this sin-wracked world; I am still richly present in it.
     Search for deep treasure as you go through this day. You will find Me all along the way.


Monday, May 22, 2017


Lord Jesus, I'm so grateful that I belong to you! To know you look out for me is a great comfort as I move along this path of life. I know I'm not a meaningless mote of dust in the wind. I am your beloved child-a lamb in your sheepfold. I matter to you. If I stray from the path, you call me back. If I become lost and call out to you, you rescue me. You are the one who provides what I need, tends to my wounds, speaks truth to me, and leads me all the days of my life.

We are Thine, do Thou befriend us,
be the guardian of our way;
Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us,
seek us when we go astray.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Hear, O hear us when we pray.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Hear, O hear us when we pray.
-Dorothy Ann Thrupp,


WHEN THINGS DON'T GO as you would like, accept the situation immediately. If you indulge in feelings of regret, they can easily spill over the line into resentment. Remember that I am sovereign over your circumstances, and humble yourself under My mighty hand. Rejoice in what I am doing in your life, even though it is beyond your understanding.
     I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In Me you have everything you need, both for this life and for the life yet to come. Don't let the impact of the world shatter your thinking or draw you away from focusing on Me. The ultimate challenge is to keep fixing your eyes on Me, no matter what is going on around you. When I am central in your thinking, you are able to view circumstances from My perspective.

1 PETER 5:6;  JOHN 14:6

Sunday, May 21, 2017


The writer of Hebrews asserted that without
faith it is impossible to please God. So we know
that God is well pleased with those who trust
him . . . and who keep on trusting him through 
all the ups and downs of life.

For this is God,
Our God forever and ever;
He will be our guide
Even to death.
-PSALM 48:14 NKJV 



I, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, am with you and for you. What more could you need? When you feel some lack, it is because you are not connecting with Me at a deep level. I offer abundant Life; your part is to trust Me, refusing to worry about anything.
     It is not so much adverse events that make you anxious as it is your thoughts about those events. Your mind engages in efforts to take control of a situation, to bring about the result you desire. Your thoughts close in on the problem like ravenous wolves. Determined to make things go your way, you forget that I am in charge of your life. The only remedy is to switch your focus from the problem to My Presence. Stop all your striving, and watch to see what I will do. I am the Lord!

ROMANS 8:31-32;  MICAH 7:7 

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Sometimes the lack of certainty about a situation we're facing is the guidance we need in the moment to cause us to pause and wait. God's direction in our lives is often as much about timing and waiting as it is about moving and doing.

Father, help me move forward and not be afraid to fail. Sometimes it's in the trying and failing that you teach us more than we ever could have learned from a string of successes. You're teaching me that you don't measure success and failure the way we humans do. To trust in ourselves in a way that causes us to forget you is the path to pride and spiritual failure. But to trust you is ultimate success in any situation. Help me fearlessly follow you and trust you whether it seems like I'm flying or faltering.


WHEN YOUR SINS WEIGH HEAVILY upon you, come to Me. Confess your wrongdoing, which I know all about before you say a word. Stay in the Light of My Presence, receiving forgiveness, cleansing, and healing. Remember that I have clothed you in My righteousness, so nothing can separate you from Me. Whenever you stumble or fall, I am there to help you up.
     Man's tendency is to hide from his sin, seeking refuge in the darkness. There he indulges in self-pity, denial, self-righteousness, blaming, and hatred. But I am the Light of the world, and My illumination decimates the darkness. Come close to Me and let My Light envelop you, driving out darkness and permeating you with Peace.

1 JOHN 1:7;  ISAIAH 61:10;  JOHN 8:12

Friday, May 19, 2017


The power of a word
Makes or breaks my freedom;
The power of a word
Can turn my world around
If I say it like it is:
No or yes, yes or no.
Truth in love,
The power of . . . a word.

Father, when there is a big decision for me to make and everyone around me is telling me what they think I should do - but something within me is giving me pause - help me not to give in to the majority opinion just because it seems like nine out of ten friends can't possibly be wrong. Instead, when the pressure's on and my soul is not at peace, help me have the courage to wait for your Spirit to bring the clarity I need to move forward with confidence.


I WANT YOU TO KNOW how safe and secure you are in My Presence. That is a fact, totally independent of your feelings. You are on your way to heaven; nothing can prevent you from reaching that destination. There you will see Me face-to-Face, and your Joy will be off the charts by any earthly standards. Even now, you are never separated from Me, though you must see Me through eyes of faith. I will walk with you till the end of time and onward into eternity.
     Although My Presence is a guaranteed promise, that does not necessarily change your feelings. When you forget I am with you, you may experience loneliness or fear. It is through awareness of My Presence that Peace displaces negative feelings. Practice the discipline of walking consciously with Me through each day.

1 CORINTHIANS 13:12;  PSALM 29:11

Thursday, May 18, 2017


COME TO ME with your plans held in abeyance. Worship Me in spirit and in truth, allowing My Glory to permeate your entire being. Trust Me enough to let Me guide you through this day, accomplishing My purposes in My timing. Subordinate your myriad plans to My Master Plan. I am sovereign over every aspect of your life!
     The challenge continually before you is to trust Me and search for My way through each day. Do not blindly follow your habitual route, or you will miss what I have prepared for you. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

JOHN 4:24;  ISAIAH 55:8-9 NKJV

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Following your guidance can be a lot like flying an airplane on a dark cloudy night with only the instrument panel to rely on. There are times when I can't see the ground beneath me, I can't see the horizon in front of me, I can't see the stars or the moon above me--there's nothing familiar by which to navigate. With all my normal reference points out of sight, I'm left to trust in the promptings of your Spirit, which remind me of the truth of your Word. These are the very instruments I need to keep flying straight, and they never fail.


AS YOU SIT QUIETLY in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance. I will never run out of resources; My capacity to bless you is unlimited. You live in a world of supply and demand, where necessary things are often scarce. Even if you personally have enough, you see poverty in the world around you. It is impossible for you to comprehend the lavishness of My provisions: the fullness of My glorious riches.
     Through spending time in My Presence, you gain glimpses of My overflowing vastness. These glimpses are tiny foretastes of what you will experience eternally in heaven. Even now you have access to as much of Me as you have faith to receive. Rejoice in My abundance--living by faith, not by sight.


Tuesday, May 16, 2017


When we're forced to "fly" by faith and not by sight, we're learning to trust in new ways that defy what our mistaken instincts or misguided feelings are shouting to us. It's a powerful trust-building experience.

Lord, when I wake, the first two things I realize are that you are with me and a new day is before me. Help me be mindful, then, that you have given me a fresh opportunity to live well . . . maybe to make some changes and certainly to follow you more closely. I'm grateful for these new beginnings and for the wisdom and direction that you so willingly supply to guide me into what is right and true and good. 

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
-PSALM 118:24  


If I had to choose a slogan to sum up how following your guidance has worked out for me, I think the T-shirt or bumper sticker I'd be touting would say, "No regrets." I think back on the times I have chosen to take the faith route and trust that your direction was right, despite hoe foreign it seemed to my natural inclination, and I just want to shout, YES! It has always been the right choice, always the best decision, to follow your lead. And the more I choose that path of trusting you, the easier it becomes to choose it the next time. Thank you for being so faithful in teaching me your paths of truth and love. They have saved me from many pitfalls and prisons of my own making. They have led me down regret-free roads.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
-PSALM 119:11 NIV 


I AM YOUR LORD! Seek Me as Friend and Lover of your soul, but remember that I am also King of kings--sovereign over all. You can make some plans as you gaze into the day that stretches out before you. But you need to hold those plans tentatively, anticipating that I may have other ideas. The most important thing to determine is what to do right now. Instead of scanning the horizon of your life, looking for things that need to be done, concentrate on the task before you and the One who never leaves your side. Let everything else fade into the background. This will unclutter your mind, allowing Me to occupy more and more of your consciousness.
     Trust Me to show you what to do when you have finished what you are doing now. I will guide you step by step as you bend your will to Mine. Thus you stay close to Me on the path of Peace.

PROVERBS 19:21;  LUKE 1:79

Monday, May 15, 2017


SPENDING TIME alone with Me is essential for your well-being. It is not a luxury or an option; it is a necessity. Therefore, do not feel guilty about taking time to be with Me. Remember that Satan is the accuser of believers. He delights in heaping guilt feelings upon you, especially when you are enjoying My Presence. When you feel Satan's arrows of accusation, you are probably on the right track. Use your shield of faith to protect yourself from him. Talk with Me about what you are experiencing, and ask Me to show you the way forward. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near Me, and I will come near to you.



Your Word is my guidebook, Lord. From within its pages you show me when my thoughts and intentions are straying off the path, and you also assure me when I am doing right, helping me stay on course. I've heard some folks say they've already read the Bible, like it's under their belt, so to speak. I wonder about that. I guess I'm a student who requires a lot of review, because I always feel a need to be reminded of your ways and refreshed in your truth. Thank you for the access I have to the scriptures. I know it hasn't always been so for previous generations. I feel humbled and blessed to be able to open up those amazing pages and read at will.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
-PSALM 119:105 NIV 

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Father, I'm grateful that you cannot be taken off guard--that you see my life from the beginning to the end, and every step in between. Things may take me by surprise or disappoint me, but at the end of the day, I can quiet my soul and entrust myself to you, because you knew what I needed all along. You have a plan in place to see me through. Thank you for always walking beside me, showing me the way to navigate each valley, each mountain, each obstacle, and each juncture.
     I'll never stop looking to you to show me the way.

My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, All I have to do is follow. Strength for the day is mine all the way And all that I need for tomorrow. My Lord knows the way through the wilderness, All I have to do is follow.
--Sidney E. Cox


I AM A MIGHTY GOD. Nothing is too difficult for Me. I have chosen to use weak ones like you to accomplish My purposes. Your weakness is designed to open you up to My Power. Therefore, do not fear your limitations or measure the day's demands against your strength. What I require of you is to stay connected to Me, living in trusting dependence on My limitless resources. When you face unexpected demands, there is no need to panic. Remember that I am with you. Talk with Me, and listen while I talk you through each challenging situation.
     I am not a careless God. When I allow difficulties to come into your life, I equip you fully to handle them. Relax in My Presence, trusting in My Strength.

LUKE 1:37;  2 CORINTHIANS 12:9

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Human Nature

It's such a good thing to know that your guidance is something I can pass along to friends who ask me for advice. Each person is so different, each journey is unique, but your Word offers principles that translate universally across time and culture, personality and situation. It's not that a specific I did will work for someone else; instead it's the general approach to things--honesty, integrity, forgiveness, kindness, patience, etc.--that works no matter what, where, or when.

Human nature and human needs have not changed one iota over the centuries, and since God's understanding of these things is complete, his guidance will always be apt--simply timeless.

Receiving God's Daily Guidance

Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.


Friday, May 12, 2017


LEARN TO RELATE to others through My Love rather than yours. Your human love is ever so limited, full of flaws and manipulation. My loving Presence, which always enfolds you, is available to bless others as well as you. Instead of trying harder to help people through your own paltry supplies, become aware of My unlimited supply, which is accessible to you continually. Let My Love envelop your outreach to other people.
     Many of My precious children have fallen prey to burnout. A better description of their condition might be "drainout." Countless interactions with needy people have drained them, without their conscious awareness. You are among these weary ones, who are like wounded soldiers needing R&R. Take time to rest in the Love-Light of My Presence. I will gradually restore to you the energy that you have lost over the years. Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and you will find rest for your souls.

EXODUS 33:14;  MATTHEW 11:28-29

Thursday, May 11, 2017


THANK ME FOR YOUR PROBLEMS. As soon as your mind gets snagged on a difficulty, bring it to Me with thanksgiving. Then ask Me to show you My way to handle the situation. The very act of thanking Me releases your mind from its negative focus. As you turn your attention to Me, the problem fades in significance and loses its power to trip you up. Together we can deal with the situation, either facing it head-on or putting it aside for later consideration.
     Most of the situations that entangle your mind are not today's concerns; you have borrowed them from tomorrow. In this case, I lift the problem out of today and deposit it in the future, where it is veiled from your eyes. In its place I give you My Peace, which flows freely from My Presence.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017


DO NOT RESIST OR RUN from the difficulties in your life. These problems are not random mistakes; they are hand-tailored blessings designed for your benefit and growth. Embrace all the circumstances that I allow in your life, trusting Me to bring good out of them. View problems as opportunities to rely more fully on Me.
     When you start to feel stressed, let those feelings alert you to your need for Me. Thus, your needs become doorways to deep dependence on Me and increasing intimacy between us. Although self-sufficiency is acclaimed in the world, reliance on Me produces abundant living in My kingdom. Thank Me for the difficulties in your life since they provide protection from the idolatry of self-reliance.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017


DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design.
     Because you are human, you will continue to make mistakes. Thinking that you should live an error-free life is symptomatic of pride. Your failures can be a source of blessing, humbling you and giving you empathy for other people in their weaknesses. Best of all, failure highlights your dependence on Me. I am able to bring beauty out of the morass of your mistakes. Trust Me, and watch to see what I will do.

ROMANS 8:28;  MICAH 7:7

Monday, May 8, 2017


DO NOT LONG for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal since in this world you will have trouble. You have an eternity of problem free living reserved for you in heaven. Rejoice in that inheritance, which no one can take away from you, but do not seek your heaven on earth.
     Begin each day anticipating problems, asking Me to equip you for whatever difficulties you will encounter. The best equipping is My living Presence, My hand that never lets go of yours. Discuss everything with Me. Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I am on your side, and I have overcome the world.

JOHN 16:33;  ISAIAH 41:13;  PHILIPPIANS 4:13 

Sunday, May 7, 2017


  IF YOU LEARN TO TRUST ME - really trust Me - with your whole being, then nothing can separate you from My Peace. Everything you endure can be put to good use by allowing it to train you in trusting Me. This is how you foil the works of evil, growing in grace through the adversity that was meant to harm you. Joseph was a prime example of this divine reversal, declaring to his brothers: "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good."
     Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter.

GENESIS 50:20 NASB;  PSALM 23:4 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Forward on Our Knees {Read Colossians 4:1-6}

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart (Col. 4:2).

     Must a person present their needs and wishes to God and then leave it to Him to answer in His own good time without constantly reminding Him? Or must you keep on asking? This has been a debatable point among the praying followers of Jesus throughout the ages.
     The fact of the matter is that both arguments may be correct. Sincere prayer is not regulated by a rigid set of rules. God's Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts and lives of His children. "True prayer is a state of mind that creates a channel between the Almighty God and the insignificant human being. Just human sin can block this channel" (George Allan). It is amazing how the Holy Spirit adapts to the life, background and personality of the person and guides him into the godly presence by way of one of many roads.
The way of prayer, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, doesn't always follow the most well-known route, but often takes the path that God chooses according to your personal needs. The result is always surprising and encouraging. Whatever prayer route you take, it is essential to travel it with faith and be aware of His holy and loving presence.
In the training school of the Holy Spirit, you will quickly learn to handle prayer positively. Prayer is not a panic button you press in times of crisis. In time, you will recognize answered prayers and thankfully praise the way in which God brings His works to fulfillment in your life.


DO NOT SEARCH FOR SECURITY in the world you inhabit. You tend to make mental checklists of things you need to do in order to gain control of your life. If only you could check everything off your list, you could relax and be at peace. But the more you work to accomplish that goal, the more things crop up on your list. The harder you try, the more frustrated you become.
     There is a better way to find security in this life. Instead of scrutinizing your checklist, focus your attention on My Presence with you. This continual contact with Me will keep you in My Peace. Moreover, I will help you sort out what is important and what is not, what needs to be done now and what does not. Fix your eyes not on what is seen (your circumstances), but on what is unseen (My Presence).


Friday, May 5, 2017

Blessed Assurance {Read Romans 8:1-17}

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God (Rom. 8:14).

     The Holy Spirit always leads us to the core truths of the gospel: Fatherhood and childhood; salvation; certainty of faith; and heirship. These are great and glorious salvation truths. Praise the Lord.
     It is unacceptable to claim that the human being is "nothing." Admittedly, Scripture does often remind us of the insignificance and brevity of the human life. But the re-creative theme of the New Testament is that God loved people so much that He sent His Son to the world to reconcile us to Him and to renew us so that we may become what God intended us to be.
     We are so unspeakably valuable to God that He invites us to call Him Father. The Spirit leads us to rejoice in humble gratitude about the truth that Christ delivered us from our sin and made us children of God. As we stand in awe of this wonderful truth, we are also told to forget our sinful past and to concentrate on being a child of the King.
     An unfailing certainty of God's Fatherhood does not presume smugness, complacency or pride. It is the practical and concrete result of an ongoing relationship with the Living Christ. No longer a slave, but a child and an heir: An indescribable miracle of God's love and grace.


COME TO ME for all that you need. Come into My Presence with thanksgiving, for thankfulness opens the door to My treasures. When you are thankful, you affirm the central truth that I am Good. I am Light, in whom there is no darkness at all. The assurance that I am entirely Good meets your basic need for security. Your life is not subject to the whims of a sin-stained deity.
     Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy. Come to Me with confident expectation. There is nothing you need that I cannot provide. 

PSALM 95:2;  1 JOHN 1:5

Thursday, May 4, 2017

A Spirit of Love {Read Romans 5:1-11}

We know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love (Rom. 5:5).

The certainty that God loves you can bring about a mighty turnaround in your spiritual life. It inspires your thinking, broadens your views, gives you new confidence, creates enthusiasm and makes your daily existence meaningful. All of this is the work of the Holy Spirit who continuously reminds you of the strong bond between you and the Source of true love.
     The stronger this love between you and God is anchored to the foundation of faith and reality, the more strength and inspiration you draw from it. This is confirmed by the ripple effect of your love for your fellow humans. To say that you love Christ and yet refuse to lighten the load of an underprivileged person is a blatant denial of that love. If you truly love God, it brings you to a clear and sometimes painful awareness of the needs of others, and creates in you the urgency to do something about it.
     If you claim to have the love of God in your heart, it will find expression in your words and deeds. In this the Holy Spirit is your sympathetic Teacher. This love enables you to desire the best for those you meet. It includes heart and mind, as well as the will and emotions. It is the conscious effort to seek nothing else than the very best for others with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Source of this love is God Himself, as revealed in Jesus Christ and cultivated in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.  


MEET ME IN MORNING STILLNESS, while the earth is fresh with the dew of My Presence, Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Sing love songs to My holy Name. As you give yourself to Me, My Spirit swells within you till you are flooded with divine Presence.
     The world's way of pursuing riches is grasping and hoarding. You attain My riches by letting go and giving. The more you give yourself to Me and My ways, the more I fill you with inexpressible, heavenly Joy.

PSALM 29:2 NKJV; 1 PETER 1:8 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Faith Lamp {Read Matthew 25:1-13}

Go to a shop and buy some for yourselves (Matt. 25:9).

There are many things in life other people can do for you. An architect can design a house for you; a building contractor can build it for you; the service station can service or repair your car; a medical doctor can treat your illness. One thing, however, you must do for yourself - believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. There is no way that your faith lamp will burn with someone else's oil.
     For some people, all their lives they are part of the wedding procession of the Lamb, but their hearts are never completely involved. Then, panic-stricken in their crisis hour, in terror of dying, they call for help. Then they cling to mother or father; to husband or wife; to church or preacher. "Give us some oil - it's getting dark around us." It is of no consequence if these people want to help them. What matters here is what they cannot do. Salvation cannot be divided. A parent can't believe for their child, a friend cannot be converted on behalf of a friend. Each of us must perform our own act of faith. You get this oil only if you go anf buy it for yourself.
     Thus we are cast back on to God - the only One we can receive faith oil from. He charges us nothing - the price has already been paid  (see Isa. 55:1). We cannot borrow this oil, steal or beg for it. We must have our own personal certainty of faith.
     We may have beautiful lamps - all the outward forms of religion - but if we don't have faith oil, our lamps will go out and we remain unsaved. Only God can keep us from that disaster if we come to Him in time.  


YOU CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS. If I am truly your Master, you will desire to please Me above all others. If pleasing people is your goal, you will be enslaved to them. People can be harsh taskmasters when you give them this power over you.
     If I am the Master of your life, I will also be your First Love. Your serving Me is rooted and grounded in My vast, unconditional Love for you. The lower you bow down before Me, the higher I lift you up into intimate relationship with Me. The Joy of living in My Presence outshines all other pleasures. I want you to reflect My joyous Light by living in increasing intimacy with Me.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Spiritual Maturity {Read Colossians 2:6-15}

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him and you will overflow with thankfulness (Col. 2:6-7).

One of the dark clouds hovering over the Church of Christ is the large number of immature disciples - people who claim to love Jesus, but because their love lacks substance, their witnessing is ineffective. They need to be fed milk because they are still babies in the faith, though they should have already have been on solid food long ago.
     These people gave their lives to Jesus with great sincerity, but there was no spiritual development. The Word tells us to evaluate our spiritual progress in all honesty. The point of departure for spiritual growth is primarily a personal meeting with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. God leads us to the Word incarnate through His Word. We dare not stop short at this meeting, but allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to deeper knowledge of the Living Christ.
     In doing so, we gradually reach spiritual willingness to discipline and feed our thoughts from the sources God has made available to us: His Word, prayer, meditation, worship and spiritual conversations. This leads to increasing obedience to His will as the Spirit reveals it in our hearts. Without us being aware of it, the image of Christ is revealed more and more in our lives as we grow toward spiritual maturity. Our faith blooms to the enrichment and adornment of that part of earth we occupy in His name. 


LIVING IN DEPENDENCE ON ME is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times because they amplify your awareness of My Presence. Tasks that you used to dread are becoming rich opportunities to enjoy My closeness. When you feel tired, you remember that I am your Strength; you take pleasure in leaning on Me. I am pleased by your tendency to turn to Me more and more frequently, especially when you are alone.
     When you are with other people, you often lose sight of My Presence. Your fear of displeasing people puts you in bondage to them, and they become your primary focus. When you realize this has happened, whisper My Name; this tiny act of trust brings Me to the forefront of your consciousness, where I belong. As you bask in the blessing of My nearness, My life can flow through you to others. This is abundant life!

PROVERBS 29:25;  JOHN 10:10

Monday, May 1, 2017

Shallow Spiritual Water {Read Luke 5:1-11}

When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish" (Luke 5:4).

Jesus gave the above instruction to His despondent disciples. They had been fishing all night, without success. Despite physical fatigue, disappointment and the fact that they knew Jesus was not a fisherman, they obeyed Him.
     Christ gave us His Spirit in our hearts to make us holy. He calls on His followers to venture bravely into deeper spiritual waters, and not flounder in shallow muddy water. Too many of His children waste their spiritual strength on the surface, without ever reaching for the abundant depths.
     Like the early church of Laodicea, we are neither nor cold. Because we are lukewarm, we cannot reach, or make use of, the full depths of the life that Christ has in mind for us through His Spirit.
     If this is happening in your spiritual life at the moment, make a decisive and honest effort to do something about it. Be as serious in your approach to your spiritual growth as the situation deserves. Ask the Spirit to let you take to heart the challenge in John 15:4-5: "Remain in Me ... you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me." Don't settle for second best. If His Spirit leads you to the full depths of your relationship with your Savior, you will be rich and strong, surging forward to where Christ wants to take you and use you. 


YOU ARE ON THE PATH of My choosing. There is no randomness about your life. Here and Now comprise the coordinates of your daily life. Most people let their moments slip through their fingers, half-lived. They avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time and place. They forget that they are creatures who are subject to the limitations of time and space. They forget their Creator, who walks with them only in the present.
     Every moment is alive with My glorious Presence, to those whose hearts are intimately connected with Mine. As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me, you will find that you simply have no time for worry. Thus, you are freed to let My Spirit direct your steps, enabling you to walk along the path of Peace.

LUKE 12:25-26; LUKE 1:79 

Prayer for May 2017

Holy God, we worship You as the Giver of new life. Blow through our lives, O Spirit. Cleanse us of all contamination and impure thoughts; of lack of love, selfishness and intolerance. Give new life to our entire being. Blow through the hearts of all who are distressed. You are the Comforter that the Savior promised to the sad. Raise them up who snap under the burden of their sorrows and give them new courage for life. Blow through Your church, O Spirit, and bring a God-willed revival. Transform communities that work out of love for You and make Sundays of everyday life. Blow, O Spirit, through our country, its leaders and all its people. Work in a powerful way for reconciliation, tolerance and peace. Let the Father's name be glorified, Christ's attitude live in us, and let Your fruit, O Spirit, become visible in our lives. Be, O Spirit of God, to all of us, the breath of a truly Christian life. In the name of our Risen Savior, Jesus the Living Christ.
