Tuesday, May 16, 2017


If I had to choose a slogan to sum up how following your guidance has worked out for me, I think the T-shirt or bumper sticker I'd be touting would say, "No regrets." I think back on the times I have chosen to take the faith route and trust that your direction was right, despite hoe foreign it seemed to my natural inclination, and I just want to shout, YES! It has always been the right choice, always the best decision, to follow your lead. And the more I choose that path of trusting you, the easier it becomes to choose it the next time. Thank you for being so faithful in teaching me your paths of truth and love. They have saved me from many pitfalls and prisons of my own making. They have led me down regret-free roads.

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
-PSALM 119:11 NIV 

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