Thursday, June 16, 2016


Psalm 90:12

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Our Days Are Numbered

God declares that He saw us in our mother’s womb, still an unformed substance. Not only that, every one of our days were recorded in His book (Psalm 139:16). Each day of our life has apparently already been determined by God, and we cannot exceed them by one bit (Job 14:5). Apparently, this was common knowledge in the Old Testament, but we don’t think much about it today. Indeed, God knows that we have only a certain number of days in our life, so we are urged to make each one of them count to the max. We should count or number every day and consider each as a gift from God.

What If You Knew?

What if you knew when your life would end? Would you look at life a lot differently? I would say yes, you most likely would. I have had family that ended up with cancer. Even though they might not have known the exact number of days they had left, they knew the end was coming in a relatively short time, and the closer they got to the end of their life, the more it changed the way in which they looked at life. They valued the birds singing in the morning, they tried to spend as much time with their children and grandchildren as they could, and they highly valued and esteemed each and every day as if it were their last because it could have been. God has told us in His Word that we all have an appointment with death and then we’ll be judged (Heb 9:27). That alone should make all of us value each and every day we have on this earth because, as far as we know, it could be our last.

Make Each Day Count

I am not suggesting that we count each and every day and mark them off our calendar. But each day we grow closer to eternity, so we shouldn’t boast about what we’ll do tomorrow (Prov 27:1) because our life is like a vapor. It comes and goes so quickly, and then suddenly it’s gone (James 4:13-14). Our days are in the hands of God (Psalm 31:15), and each of us had a time to be born, just as we’ll also have a time to die (Eccl 3:2), so we should make each day matter. I had the great privilege of leading an elderly man to the Lord just three days before he died. I had no idea that his time was that short, but he put his trust in Christ at the very end of his life, so I tried to make my time with him count and told him how he might inherit eternal life in Christ. God knew this man’s allotted time was nearly spent and coming to an end (Job 21:21), but I didn’t, so I didn’t want to have any regrets and not tell him about Christ. If you knew you had only days to live, how would you live your life differently? I suggest you live each day to the uttermost.

A Closing Prayer

Lord God, none of us knows when you’ll call us home. Please help me to make each and every day count as a precious gift to not take for granted. Help me to know that I may never get a second chance to tell my loved ones how I feel or to tell my friend that eternity is waiting for him or her and that if they step out of this life without Christ, they’ll have an eternity of regret. In Jesus’ name I pray.


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