Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Handling Crisis with Prayer

When Daniel heard of the decree of the king in Babylon that any petitions that do not go through the king will be cast into the lion’s den, he saw a crisis (Dan 6:6-9). All he could do was petition God through prayer. So what did Daniel do in such a crisis as this? He went upstairs, opened his window, and prayed three times a day to God, giving Him thanks, as he always did (Dan 6:10), so nothing really changed for Daniel. He kept doing what he was supposed to be doing, and that was to pray to God. I have had my fair share of crises, and the best way to handle a crisis, in my opinion, is to pray to the sovereign God, Who can shut the lion’s mouth (Dan 6:21). Daniel could have prayed in private, but he did what he always did, bringing everything to God in prayer. That’s the best way to handle any crisis–give it over to a God Who can make everything work out for our best (Rom 8:28).

He Is with You in the Storm

God never forsakes or leaves His people at any time (Matt 28:2), and in Christ we can get through that which looks impossible (Phil 4:13). We should do what seems the hardest when we’re in a crisis, and that is give thanks to God for all circumstances (1 Thess 5:17), knowing that everything that happens is allowed by God (1 Thess 5:18). For those who have been saved and have peace with God (Rom 5:1), we can have the peace of God in whatever we go through, and God’s peace can guard our hearts and our minds (Phil 4:7). There was one time Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and go to the other side toward Bethsaida, and He knew full well that He was sending them into a storm (Mark 6:45). Right after this, interestingly, Jesus went up to a private area on a mountain to pray (Mark 6:46). Then He came to the disciples walking on the water during a very strong wind storm, and when He got into the boat, the winds and the sea instantly became calm (Mark 6:51). Has it ever occurred to you that nothing has ever occurred to God? God is never surprised by anything that happens, which means He knows what’s around the corner for us, and we can trust Him, for He’ll get into our boat at just the right time.

Rest, Read, and Reflect

When Elijah had just called down fire from heaven and the Lord consumed the offering and then had 850 false prophets killed (1 Kings 18:36-40), he must have had great confidence, as it was written that “the Lord had His hand on Elijah” (1 Kings 18:46). But right after this, Jezebel threatened to kill him, and he ran for his life (1 Kings 19:1-3). Elijah wanted to give up and end his life right there (1 Kings 19:4). So what did God tell Elijah to do? He had him rest, eat, and then eat some more and rest some more (1 Kings 19:5-8). There are times when we must sit and rest, or, that is, trust in God and rest in Him. Reading the Word of God can put our life’s crisis into perspective (Rom 8:28). We can reflect on the security we have in Him, even though everything around us is falling apart (Rom 8:31-39). Trust God, reflect on His promises, read His Word, and rest in that.

A Closing Prayer

Dear Father, I know that I am not alone when going through a crisis. Everyone has gone through them, is getting ready to go through them, or is in one now. Help me to rest in You, to trust in You, to seek You in prayer, for just as You are sovereign over the storm, so are You sovereign over every crisis of mine. In Jesus’ name I thank you and pray.


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