Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How do you respond during a spiritual attack?

Ephesians 6:11

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

Armor Up

The enemy of God, Satan, and his minions are very clever. They look for cracks in the armor and try to send an arrow right through that small opening, just as King Ahab of Israel was slain by an arrow that passed between the sections of his armor (1 Kings 22:34). The question is not whether we will experience a spiritual attack but when and not if but how intense it will be.  Paul tries to equip the believers in Ephesus for these sure and certain spiritual attacks that had come and will come again. How do you respond? I ask for God’s shield to watch over me, and like God had put a hedge around Job, so I plead with Him to put one around me (John 1:10). When the enemy hits you with the fiery darts, I suggest you pray to God and put on the whole armor of God mentioned in Ephesians chapter six.

No Flesh and Blood Battle

It would be easier if it really were an actual flesh and blood battle, but it’s not because our enemy is invisible (Eph 6:12a), we battle the high powers in high positions, and the prince of the power of darkness has a lot of people working for him (Eph 6:12b). It’s harder to battle the enemy and his army when you can’t see them, but you can see the results of the damage they can do, like prayerlessness, apathy, feelings of condemnation, discouragement, and avoidance of the Word of God. Let me suggest you do what I do. After I pray, I take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Eph 6:16c). I want something that has the real power of God (Rom 1:16). This is how you can put on the belt of truth (Eph 6:14a), for His Word is truth. You can read about the source of the breastplate of righteousness (Eph 6:14b), which is in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). The Bible equips you with the shield of faith (Eph 6:16a), which doesn’t depend on your strength or any work you must do (Eph 2:8-9) so that you can put out the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph 6:16b). You have all you need to fight the enemy with prayer and the Word of God. So how do you respond during a spiritual attack?

He Fights for You

I think that we are wise to pray and then equip ourselves with the Word of God. But what’s next? Back to the Word of God and reading how God is really the One Who fights for us, for if it depended upon us, we are no match for Satan and his demons. When ancient Israel feared their enemies, God told them to not be afraid, for it was He Who would fight for them (Deut 3:22). He went before them, clearing a path (Deut 1:30), and even when the odds were against them (Deut 20:1), God was not only the One Who fought for them but assured them of the victory (Deut 20:4). Trust God and respond with prayer, the Word of God, and the knowledge that Satan and every demon under his sway are no match for the God we worship. Our mighty God fights for us. Who would dare bring any charge against God’s elect (Rom 8:33)?

A Closing Prayer

Father God, You are mighty and strong, and only You can do what I cannot, so I trust You and thank You for Your Word. I give You praise for giving me the victory that I could never achieve by myself, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


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