Friday, July 29, 2016


Proverbs 27:1

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

An Appointment With Death

This sounds morbid, and I don’t mean for it to, but no one knows the day of their death. All we know for sure is that we’re all destined to die and then face the judgment (Heb. 9:27), so none of us can take our lives for granted and just rest, relax, eat, and be happy (Luke 12:19) because our very life might end tonight. What would you do differently if you knew you had only one day to live? I have been with some people who were on their deathbed and knocking on heaven’s door, and none had remorse over the lack of money they could have made, their desire to have finer things, or that they’d spent more time at work. Just the opposite is what I found to be true. They wished they had studied the Bible more to know God better, they wished they had spent more time with their family and told them more often how much they loved them, and they wished they would have been better witnesses to their lost friends and family members. I suggest you live like today is your last because you never know–it might be.

Don’t Boast About Tomorrow

How can we ever brag or boast about what we’ll do tomorrow when there is no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come (James 4:13-14)? Life is like a morning fog–it comes and then suddenly is gone. What would you do today if you knew it was your last? Would you go to that friend with whom you’ve been sharing the Gospel and tell them once more about how they might be saved (Acts 4:12)? Would you have one last great meal like they offer those on death row just before their execution? What would be your priority today if you knew it was your very last one? Should we not live like that every day?

Make Today a God’s-Will Day

James said that we shouldn’t brag about doing something tomorrow but rather seek to do God’s will today and tomorrow and say if it’s God’s will then I will do this or I will do that (James 4:15) because if you confidently boast about what you’ll do tomorrow, God sees that as evil (James 4:16). That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t plan things for tomorrow, but your plans should include seeking what God would want you to do. We should live today like there’s no tomorrow because there might not be a tomorrow for us on this earth. Would you be more generous today with your money, with your time, and with your prayers? I believe we should live every day like it could be our last for another reason: Christ could return at any given moment (1 Thess. 4:16-18). So live today like it’s your last on earth and like Christ will return today!

A Closing Prayer

God, You alone know the day of my death, so teach me to number each and every day (Psalm 90:12) like it might be my last because it could be. Let me die with no regrets or remorse if You were to send Your Son back to earth today for His church, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


Thursday, July 28, 2016


Someone may say, "But I live a good life. I try to be kind and considerate to others. I live by the Ten Commandments." But the truth of the matter is that the Ten Commandments, or the law, as they are called in the Bible, were not given to make us good but to show us how bad we are. The Bible tells us, "No one can ever be made right in God's sight by doing what the law commands. For the more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we aren't obeying it" (Romans 3:20). The purpose of the law is to make us realize how sinful we are. You might say that God's law was given to "shut our mouths" and show us that we desperately need his help and forgiveness for our terminal condition as sinners.
     Look at the passages below to get a better understanding of the nature and seriousness of sin.

1. We Have All Missed the Mark (see Romans 3:23). Romans 3:23 says, we have all sinned. For those that would claim to be the sole exception to this eternal truth, verse ten of this chapter plainly says, "no one is good--not even one (Romans 3:10). Another word for good is righteous. The word righteous means, "One who is as he or she ought to be." When the Bible says that no one is righteous, or good, it is not so much referring to behavior but to inner character.
     What exactly is "God's glorious standard" that Romans 3:23 says we have failed to meet? God's "glorious standard" is absolute perfection. Jesus said, "But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). In other words, anyone who is not as good as God is not acceptable to him.
     One definition of sin, derived from the Greek word hemartia, is to "miss the mark." As far as the mark of perfection goes, we miss it by a mile. Although our sinful nature makes it impossible for us to live up to God's standard, we cannot blame sin on our nature alone. Sin is also a deliberate act.

2. Sin Is a Deliberate Act (see Ephesians 2:1-3). Another word for sins in Ephesians 2:1 is transgressions or trespasses. The word speaks of a lapse or deviation from truth. In contrast to simply "missing the mark," this is a deliberate action. Because sin is a deliberate action, we cannot blame our sin on society or our environment or our mental or physical state. Everyone has chosen to do what is wrong. If we protest this point, "we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth" (1 John 1:8).

3. The Ultimate Penalty for Sin Is Death (see Romans 6:23). According to the Bible, we have offended a Holy God. We have not done this once or twice, but so many times that we are unable to keep count. Romans 6:23 says, "The wage of sin is death. . . . " Wages are something that you are paid for work rendered. In other words, you earn your wages. Because we all have repeatedly sinned, we have earned the penalty of death, which is eternal torment and punishment in a place called hell. 

Amid all this talk about sin and death, there is some good news. God has given us a way to escape the penalty of our sin. He has made it possible for us to have a relationship with him and enjoy the hope of eternal life without punishment.



The Bible clearly identifies our serious problem as sin. Sin is not just an act but the actual nature of our being. In other words, we are not sinners because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners! We are born with a nature to do wrong. King David, the Old Testament Israelite ruler, wrote, "For I was born a sinner--yes, from the moment my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5). Because we are born sinners, sinning comes to us all naturally. That is why it is futile to think that the answer to all life's problems comes from "within." According to the Bible, the problem is within! Scripture tells us, "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" (Jeremiah 17:9).
     We are not basically good--we are basically sinful. This sinfulness spills out into everything we do. Every problem we experience in our society today can be traced back to our refusal to live God's way. Clear back to the Garden of Eden, Adam made his choice, and he suffered the consequences of it, setting the pattern that all humanity would follow. The Bible explains, "When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. . . . Yes, Adam's one sin brought condemnation upon everyone" (Romans 5:12, 18).
     "That's not fair!" you may protest. Why should we suffer because of what someone else has done? Yet, given the opportunity, each one of us would have done the same thing as Adam. In fact, not a single day passes that we do not face the same test that was set before Adam. God has given us the freedom to choose between two separate paths: the path that leads to life and the path that leads to death. The Bible says, "Today, I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make, Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live!" (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Riches In Glory

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
God says you are worthy to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has prayed for you to receive the Comforter. Is it based on your merit? Of course not. You never have and never will live up to the expectations of a holy God. Jesus, who “ever liveth to make intercession,” prays confidently because He died in your stead (see Heb. 7:25 KJV).
Many have made the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit-filled life so difficult when actually it is quite simple. Many have taught that if you wait long enough, if you pray hard enough, if you lift your hands, sell out, hold on or hold out, then you will receive the Holy Spirit. While their intentions may be good, their approach is not scriptual.
We can conclude three things regarding receiving the Holy Spirit:
1. Jesus is praying for you to receive.
2. You must experience a Passover before you can receive.
3. If you have had a Passover, you’re a worthy candidate to receive the power of Pentecost.
If you have these three things working for you--the prayer of Jesus, the pleading of the blood in His Passover, and anticipation for the power of Pentecost--you are a worthy candidate.
T.D. Jakes

What area of your life requires courage today?

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.


I don’t personally know of anyone who has not struggled at one time or another with fears over their finances and needed the courage to trust God. God has promised in His word that no child of His will suffer from hunger or starve to death (Prov. 10:3), and those who fear God will lack nothing at all, even if they grow weak from hunger (Psalm 34:10). The fear of finances keeps so many people up at night that I lost track of counting them all. Is this an area where you require courage? I suggest you read some of the Proverbs and the Psalms because God promises to never forsake us by reminding us that His own children will not have to go out and beg for bread (Psalm 37:25). If God provides for the birds of the air that don’t even need a job, then why would He not do the same for us, whom He values infinitely more (Matt. 6:26)?


I have done door-to-door and street evangelism and even one-on-one witnessing, and I still tremble at times. My heart starts to pound, my brow grows sweaty, and my voice sometimes gets shaky, but real courage is not being afraid–it is doing what needs to be done despite the fear. Courage is not the elimination of fear; it is acting regardless of fear. Take comfort in the fact that it’s hard for everyone. Ask God to give you the courage to step out and risk for the sake of the kingdom. Ask others to pray for you about this. Great rewards come with great risks, and I can look back on times in my life where I was afraid to share the Gospel with someone but who later placed their trust in Christ. What if I hadn’t gone through with it? Paul frequently asked the church to pray for Him in witnessing boldly for Christ and specifically asked that he might declare it fearlessly, as he should (Eph. 6:19-20). The fear of man is a big obstacle that can trip us up, but trusting God always helps (Prov. 29:25) because if we trust in God, we have no reason to fear anything that man can do to us (Psalm 56:11).


Many of us have our own giants that we face. These might be a disease or illness, a troubled marriage, a dying spouse, unemployment, or whatever else seems to be impossible to you. David had his Goliath, but we have ours, too, and even though David faced a giant about ten times (or more) his size, David trusted in God. David told Goliath that he was certain that God was going to take him down that day (1 Sam. 17:44) because the Lord was going to give Goliath into David’s hands, for the battle is the Lord’s (1 Sam. 17:47). When Moses was near the end of his life, he told Joshua to have courage and be strong because he had no reason to be in fear or dread the future because the Lord promised to go before them in battle when they crossed over into the Promised Land because God was not going to forsake them (Deut. 31:6).

A Closing Prayer

Oh mighty God of the universe, please forgive me when I fall into fearful circumstances and don’t trust You enough, knowing that You will never leave me or forsake me and that You will take care of my every need. In Jesus’ name I pray.



What Is Missing in Our Lives?

Purpose, meaning, a reason for living--these are all things we desire and search for in life. Despite steps each one of us takes to find purpose and meaning in life, we still feel empty, unfulfilled. That is because there is a spiritual emptiness in each of our lives. We each have a hole in our heart, a spiritual vacuum deep within our soul--a "God-shaped blank." Possessions won't fill this hole, nor will success. Relationships alone cannot satisfy this emptiness, and morality, in and of itself, falls miserably short for occupying this space. In fact, even religion cannot fill the void in our heart.
There is only one way to effectively fill that void. This way will not only help us to have a life that is full and rich on this earth, but--more important--will give us the absolute hope of spending eternity in the presence of God. Before we can truly appreciate this good news though, we need to understand the bad news, which is a serious problem we all have.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).
Believers must understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit so they can carry out the will of God for their lives.
We aren’t alone when we lie down at night or go through the storms of life. When we go through a valley or through a trial, the Holy Spirit is there to defend us. God will never leave us nor forsake us (see Heb. 13:5). Jesus is with us to the end of this age (see Matt. 28:20). When we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we receive an eternal Friend. Jesus is praying that you have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Many friends stay with us until we mess up or until we disagree with them. They quickly leave as if they never knew us. But the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, stays with us forever.
The Holy Spirit does not come and go based upon the circumstances of our lives. He is there when we do well; He is there when we fail. When we are on top of things, He is there. When things are on top of us, He is there. No matter what the situation, the Holy Spirit is always there to help us.
In the same way that Jesus helped the disciples, the Holy Spirit now helps you.

El misterio del sufrimiento

Se le ha dado no sólo el privilegio de confiar en Cristo, sino también el privilegio de sufrir por Él (Fil. 1:29).

El pronunciamiento de Pablo en las Escrituras de hoy es una revelación distintiva. Se añade a esto, "Podemos regocijarnos, también, cuando nos encontramos con problemas y ensayos, ya que sabemos que nos ayudan a desarrollar la resistencia. Y la resistencia se desarrolla la fuerza de carácter, y el carácter fortalece nuestra esperanza segura de salvación. Y esta esperanza lo hará no conducir a la decepción Porque sabemos lo caro que Dios nos ama "(Rom. 5: 3-5).. Debido a que no hay desarrollo del carácter y sin sufrimiento, el sufrimiento es necesario para nuestro crecimiento espiritual hacia la madurez.
Dios no sólo quiere que vayamos al cielo, Él también quiere que las personas con carácter de servirle aquí en la tierra. Esto es imposible sin sufrimiento y las pruebas (ver Heb. 12: 5-11). Dolor, sufrimiento, y los ensayos son experimentados por el creyente, no para castigarnos, sino para fortalecer nuestra fe. Nos enseña cosas nuevas acerca de Dios todo el tiempo y nos permite vivir más cerca de él. El sufrimiento de Cristo fortalece su experiencia humana y la perfeccionó. Si nos negamos a sufrir y rechazamos la cruz, no vamos a ser de mucho valor para Dios.
Hay consuelo en el dolor, el juicio, y la tristeza. Dios nos da muchas bendiciones en nuestro sufrimiento. Nada de lo que Dios permite en la vida de su niño pasa por error. Siempre hay una, la razón santo más alto para la misma. Nuestra fe no se puede construir que no sea a través del dolor y el sufrimiento.
Santo Padre, estoy seguro de su amor, porque confía en mí con mi parte del sufrimiento. Amén.

The Mystery of Suffering

You have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him (Phil. 1:29).

Paul's pronouncement in today's Scripture is a distinctive revelation. He adds to this, "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us" (Rom. 5:3-5). Because there is no character development without suffering, suffering is necessary for our spiritual growth to maturity.

God doesn't only want us to go to heaven, He also wants people with character to serve Him here on earth. This is impossible without suffering and trials (see Heb. 12:5-11). Sorrow, suffering, and trials are experienced by the believer, not to punish us but to strengthen our faith. It teaches us new things about God all the time and allows us to live closer to Him. Christ's suffering strengthened His human experience and perfected it. If we refuse to suffer and reject the cross, we won't be of much worth to God.

There is comfort in pain, trial, and sorrow. God gives us many blessings in our suffering. Nothing that God allows in His child's life happens by mistake. There is always a higher, holy reason for it. Our faith cannot be built other than through pain and suffering.

Holy Father, I am assured of Your love because You trust me with my portion of suffering. Amen.

Is there anything not possible if you rely on Me for your source of strength?

Matthew 19:26

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Doing Nothing Without God

We cannot really do anything substantial and of lasting value without God (John 15:5) and nothing does not mean a little something. If we think we can really do anything apart from God we are deceiving ourselves. If we even think we’re something without God we are really nothing, again we are deceiving ourselves (Gal 6:3). If we do what Jesus asks us to do then our prayers are more likely to be answered (John 15:15) so we can’t do much through our prayers until we do much for the One Who we pray too. We cannot even please God without faith (Heb 11:6) but even our faith is a gift from God and there is no way we can work for that or brag about it (Eph 2:8-9). Salvation is fully a work of God and what is humanly impossible is nothing to God. The only thing that we can possibly do well is to sin to the nth degree (Gen 11:6).

Doing All Things Through Christ

We have already read that we can’t do anything without God but the opposite is also true; we can do all things through Christ but only by His strengthening us (Phil 4:13). Even our daily struggles and the titanic battles we go through we don’t go through them alone because God is really the One Who fights for us (2 Chro 20:15). If we even try to help God in any way we’ll stumble because God doesn’t need our help and by God’s bringing us the victory, He is more glorified. One of the things God cannot do is lie (Heb 6:18) but that’s only because it’s against His very nature of being holy. We can move the proverbial mountains but it takes faith and again, this faith is not in us but is from God.

Our Source of Strength

As we have read, we have no strength apart from Christ do to anything of consequence. There were times during Paul’s many struggles and suffering that he felt he had no strength to go on (2 Cor 1:8) so we must trust God like he did as our source of strength when we are weak and faint-hearted (Isaiah 40:29). Paul acknowledged the fact that his strength came from God (1 Tim 1:12) and even when everyone had abandoned him, Jesus never did and strengthened Paul during the last few hours or days of his life (2 Tim 4:17). I can’t even serve or minister to the church without God’s giving me the strength to do so (1 Pet 4:11). Churches are much like people and sometimes grow weary and must be strengthened in their faith by God, particularly when membership grows rapidly (Acts 16:5). Is there anything really impossible if we rely on God and His strength?

A Closing Prayer

Glorious, Righteous Father, I can do nothing in my own strength but by Your strength alone can I do anything. Please help me rely on Your strength because mine is insufficient and in this way You’ll be glorified and in Jesus Mighty Name I pray.


Jesus te llama

La esperanza es un cordón de oro que conecta con el cielo. Este cable le ayudará a contener la cabeza en alto, aun cuando varios ensayos que se embestido. Nunca dejo su lado, y nunca dejar ir de la mano. Pero sin el cable de esperanza, su cabeza puede desplomarse y los pies puede barajar como cuesta arriba viaje conmigo. Esperanza levanta su punto de vista de los pies cansados a la gloriosa vista se puede ver desde la carretera. Se recuerda que el camino que estamos viajando juntos es en última instancia una carretera al cielo. Cuando se tiene en cuenta este destino radiante, la rugosidad o suavidad de la carretera se convierte en mucho menos significativa. Yo te estoy entrenando para mantener en su corazón un enfoque doble: Mi Presencia continua y la esperanza del cielo.

Romanos 12:12; 1 Tesalonicenses 5: 8; Hebreos 6: 18-19

Jesus Calling

HOPE is a golden cord connecting you to heaven. This cord helps you hold your head up high, even when multiple trials are buffeting you. I never leave your side, and I never let go of your hand. But without the cord of hope, your head may slump and your feet may shuffle as you journey uphill with Me. Hope lifts your perspective from your weary feet to the glorious view you can see from the high road. You are reminded that the road we're traveling together is ultimately a highway to heaven. When you consider this radiant destination, the roughness or smoothness of the road ahead becomes much less significant. I am training you to hold in your heart a dual focus: My continual Presence and the hope of heaven.
Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:8; Hebrews 6:18-19

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

¿Para quién realmente funcionan?

Colosenses 3:23
Hagan lo que hagan, hacedlo de corazón, como para el Señor y no para los hombres.
Para el que realmente funcionan
Podríamos pensar que trabajamos para un empleador, pero la verdad es que realmente trabaja por Dios, al igual que cuando servimos a la gente, que realmente estamos sirviendo a Dios (Ef. 6: 7). Hace muchos años, yo estaba trabajando como conserje y fregar el suelo del baño de hombres en un taller mecánico. No estaba en mis manos y rodillas, a veces raspando el suelo con una hoja de afeitar para eliminar lo que una fregona o un cepillo de limpieza no podía. Era un trabajo agotador, pero entonces recordó que era Dios para el que estaba trabajando. Dondequiera que puse mi mano, yo estaba decidido a hacer el mejor trabajo que pude porque, al final, fue Dios para quién trabajaba, así que le di todo lo que tenía (Ecl. 9:10). Todavía creo que. Mi mujer dijo una vez durante este tiempo difícil en mi vida que cualquier trabajo honesto es un trabajo honorable, y, por supuesto, ella tenía razón.

Hacer que el trabajo de su oferta
Creo que debemos dar gracias a Dios por nuestros puestos de trabajo debido a una gran cantidad de personas en todo el país y el mundo no tienen ni siquiera una. Podemos orar para que Dios establece la obra de nuestras manos (Salmo 90:17) y que ofrecerlo como un sacrificio a Dios. El fruto de nuestro trabajo son bendiciones de Dios (Salmo 128: 2), por lo que debemos dar nuestro agradecimiento a Él. Los que trabajan con diligencia recibirá todas sus disposiciones necesarias para sostenerlos (Prov. 12:11). Realmente no hay nada mejor que un buen día de (. Ecl 3:22), porque Dios nos ha colocado donde le agrada. Pero si aflojamos fuera, estamos robando nuestros empleadores, nosotros mismos, los demás (Prov. 18: 9), y realmente Dios, que nos dio nuestro trabajo en el primer lugar. Durante el ministerio terrenal de Jesús, tanto él como el Padre trabajó (Juan 5:17), y Jesús era carpintero durante muchos años. Un carpintero en aquel entonces consistía en trabajar con grandes piedras y la madera y no lo que pensamos del trabajo de un carpintero hoy (a pesar de eso, también, es un trabajo muy duro).

Dios obra
Durante el ministerio terrenal de Jesús, tanto él como el Padre trabajó (Juan 5:17), y Dios, aunque Él nunca necesitó ningún descanso, descansó de su creación (Génesis 2: 2) como un ejemplo para nosotros seguir. Por lo tanto, debemos trabajar todos los días como si estuviéramos trabajando para Dios porque somos, y también nosotros debemos descansar como Dios en el séptimo día de la creación. Cuando fuimos creados, fuimos considerados parte de su obra (Isaías 64: 8). Pablo escribió que cuando trabajamos con nuestras manos, debemos dar porque esto es lo que enseñó Jesús (Hechos 20:35). Puesto que Dios trabaja, debemos trabajar con nuestras propias manos, porque nuestro trabajo no se realiza en vano; que es para un propósito para el cual Dios nos creó (1 Cor. 15:58), como Dios ordenó a Adán cultivar y guardar (trabajo) el jardín (Génesis 2:15). ¿Qué pasa si usted trabajó sabiendo que realmente estabas trabajando para Dios? Habría que cambiar la forma en que pensó sobre el trabajo?

Una Oración Final
Dios, mi Padre, Usted ha sido tan amable conmigo, y me da un trabajo con el fin de mantener a mi familia y para ayudar al trabajo que están haciendo en la tierra. Te agradezco, Señor, que por su generosidad, Has me permitió tener tantas bendiciones para que yo pudiera dar a los demás como dijo Jesús, y es en su santo nombre oro.Amén

What if you worked every day as if you were working for Me?

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

For Whom You Really Work

We might think we work for an employer, but the truth is that we really work for God, just as when we serve people, we’re really serving God (Eph. 6:7). Many years ago, I was working as a janitor and scrubbing the floor of the men’s bathroom at a machine shop. There I was on my hands and knees, sometimes scraping the floor with a razor blade to remove what a mop or a scrub brush couldn’t. It was grueling work, but then I remembered it was God for Whom I was working. Wherever I put my hand, I was determined to do the best job I could because, ultimately, it was God for Whom I worked, so I gave it everything I had (Eccl. 9:10). I still believe that. My wife once said during this difficult time in my life that any honest work is honorable work, and, of course, she was right.

Make Work Your Offering

I think we should thank God for our jobs because a lot of people around the nation and the world don’t even have one. We can pray that God establishes the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17) and that we offer it as a sacrifice to God. The fruit of our labors are blessings from God (Psalm 128:2), so we should give back our thanks to Him. Those who labor diligently will receive all their provisions needed to sustain them (Prov. 12:11). There really isn’t anything better than a good day’s work (Eccl. 3:22), for God has placed us where it pleases Him. But if we slack off, we are robbing our employer, ourselves, others (Prov. 18:9), and really God, Who gave us our jobs in the first place. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, both He and the Father worked (John 5:17), and Jesus was a carpenter for many years. A carpenter back then involved working with heavy stones and timber and not what we think of a carpenter’s job today (although that, too, is very hard work).

God Works

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, both He and the Father worked (John 5:17), and God, although He never needed any rest, rested from His creation (Gen. 2:2) as an example for us to follow. Therefore, we should work every day as if we were working for God because we are, and we also ought to rest as God did on the seventh day of creation. When we were created, we were considered part of His work (Isaiah 64:8). Paul wrote that when we work with our hands, we ought to give because this is what Jesus taught (Acts 20:35). Since God works, we should work with our own hands because our labor is not done in vain; it is for a purpose for which God created us (1 Cor. 15:58), even as God commanded Adam to tend and keep (work) the garden (Gen. 2:15). What if you worked knowing that you were really working for God? Would that change how you thought about work?

A Closing Prayer

God, my Father, You have been so kind to me, giving me a job in order to provide for my family and for helping the work You are doing on earth. I thank You, Lord, that by Your generosity, You have allowed me to have so many blessings so that I might give to others as Jesus said, and it is in His holy name I pray.


Muriendo de hambre

Se nos dice que un ave puede pasar 9 días sin comida, un perro de 20 días, una tortuga de 500 días, una serpiente de 800 días, un pez 1.000 días, y algunos insectos 12.000 días. Para el hombre, de 3-6 semanas es aproximadamente el límite. Tarde o temprano, el alimento es necesario para todas las criaturas de Dios.

¿Ha notado que no se nos pregunta a menudo a "leer" la Palabra de Dios? Más bien se nos insta a estudiar, meditar sobre ella, y comparar lo espiritual a lo espiritual. En otras palabras, Dios nos quiere poner en el esfuerzo consagrado, cuando nos acercamos a las Escrituras, porque de esta manera vamos a asimilar más fácilmente su dulce alimento y la buena doctrina.

Muchos están muriendo de hambre espiritual, no porque no existen alimentos sino simplemente porque no comerán de ella. Lo hogar no tiene una Biblia o la oportunidad de asistir al culto? Una Biblia en el estante es de más valor que la comida en el refrigerador.

¡Alimenta tu alma!

"Crecer en la gracia y en el conocimiento de nuestro Señor y Salvador." 2 Pedro 3:18


We are told that a bird can go 9 days without food, a dog 20 days, a turtle 500 days, a snake 800 days, a fish 1,000 days, and some insects 12,000 days. For man, 3-6 weeks is about the limit. Sooner or later nourishment is necessary for all God’s creatures.
Have you noticed that we are not often asked to “read” the Word of God? Rather we are urged to study it, meditate upon it, and compare spiritual things with spiritual. In other words, God wants us to put in consecrated effort when we approach the Scriptures, for in this way we will more readily assimilate its sweet nourishment and good doctrine.
Many are starving to death spiritually, not because food is unavailable but simply because they will not eat of it. What home does not have a Bible or opportunity to attend worship? A Bible on the shelf is of no more value than food in the refrigerator.
Feed your soul!
“Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.” 2 Peter 3:18

Lo Obvio

Para demostrar su amor por ella, nadó el río más profundo, cruzó el desierto más ancho, y subió a la montaña más alta. Ella se divorció de él. Él nunca estaba en casa.
Rose Sands

The Obvious

To prove his love for her, he swam the deepest river, crossed the widest desert, and climbed the highest mountain. She divorced him. He was never home.
Rose Sands

Before He's One

Before your child has come to seven, teach him well the way to heaven! Better still the truth will thrive, if he knows it when he’s five! Better yet, if at your knee, he learns it when he is only three! Best of all is when you have begun, to teach of Jesus before he’s one!

Monday, July 25, 2016

¿Está mi discípulo?

Lucas 14:33
Así pues, cualquiera de vosotros que no significa renunciar a todo lo que posee, no puede ser mi discípulo.
Jesús buscó y eligió a los doce discípulos, y no al revés (Juan 15:16). A continuación, les dijo "sígueme" y que los haría "pescadores de hombres" (Marcos 1:17). El punto es que no éramos los que eligieron a Cristo; Él nos eligió antes que la tierra existiera (Ef 1; Rom. 8: 29-30.). Después se nos llama, le dice a todos a seguirle, pero si de verdad queremos ser sus discípulos, significa que debemos negarnos a nosotros mismos y tomar nuestra cruz (. Mt 16:24). La palabra griega para el discípulo es "mathetes", que significa "un aprendiz, un alumno" y es donde obtenemos la palabra "disciplina". Un curso académico en la escuela o un campo en particular en la educación a veces se llama una "disciplina", porque eso es lo que seguimos y convertirse en un estudiante de. El hecho es que somos un discípulo de quien sea o lo que sea que seguimos. En cuanto a mí, quiero seguirle y ser alumno o estudiante de toda la vida de Su, y el libro de texto para ser su discípulo es la Biblia. Ser discípulo de Cristo, debe estudiar sus libros de texto de la Biblia.negarse a sí mismo
Somos los últimos de la tierra que normalmente quieren negar. A menudo no queremos negar nuestra carne, nuestros deseos o nuestras pasiones, pero hay que renunciar a todo por su causa, si realmente queremos ser un discípulo de Su. Al ser su discípulo significa que debemos negar lo que queremos y llevar nuestra cruz de Cristo, porque si no lo hacemos, no podemos ni siquiera derecho a ser su discípulo (Lucas 14:27). Incluso aquellos que ayudan a un compañero cristiano o un discípulo no perderán su recompensa (. Mateo 10:42). Por lo tanto, ser un discípulo significa que ayudamos a otros que son sus discípulos, y para ser un discípulo significa que debe ser una bendición para otros discípulos de Su porque lo hace por el menor de los hermanos y hermanas en Cristo es lo mismo que hacer por Jesús (Mat. 25:40).

Odiando el mundo, Amar a Dios
Una de las cosas más difíciles acerca de ser salvo era que mi familia no lo era. No les gustaba cuando estaba cambiado. Tenía que tomar una decisión. Iba a arriesgarse a ofender a mi familia y perder mi relación personal con ellos por tener uno con Cristo? Sí, estaba claro que tenía que amar a Cristo más que a todos los demás. Jesús dijo que en amándolo, debe verse como odio en contraste con lo que sentimos por nuestra familia (Lucas 14:26). Jesús no está diciendo que debemos odiar a nuestra familia, pero si usted comparó cómo hemos de amarle al lado de nuestra familia, que se vería como él. Lo interesante es que muchos de mi familia en realidad me odie ahora, al menos se ve de esa manera, pero que en realidad aquel en el cual creo que odian y no realmente de mí.

Una Oración Final
Gran Dios, mi Padre, no soy digno de ser discípulo de Jesús, pero de todos modos me buscó. Por favor, dame la fuerza para negar a mí mismo, para que no amen al mundo ni a otros más que usted, y seguir a dondequiera que me llevarías, y en el precioso nombre de nuestro Salvador, Jesucristo, yo oro.Amén

Are you a disciple of Mine? What does this mean to you?

Luke 14:33

So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Follow Me

Jesus sought out and chose the twelve disciples, not the other way around (John 15:16).  He then told them to “follow me” and that He would make them “fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). The point is that we weren’t the ones who chose Christ; He chose us before the earth even existed (Eph. 1; Rom. 8:29-30). After we are called, He tells all of us to follow Him, but if we truly want to be His disciples, it means that we must deny ourselves and take up our cross (Matt. 16:24). The Greek word for disciple is “mathētēs,” which means “a learner, a pupil” and is where we get the word “discipline.” An academic course in school or a particular field in education is sometimes called a “discipline” because that is what we follow and become a student of. The fact is, we are a disciple of whomever or whatever it is we follow. As for me, I want to follow Him and be a lifelong pupil or student of His, and the textbook for being His disciple is the Bible. To be a disciple of Christ, you must study His textbook–the Bible.

Deny Yourself

We are the last ones on earth that we typically want to deny. We often don’t want to deny our flesh, our desires, or our passions, but we must give it all up for His sake if we really want to be a disciple of His. Being His disciple means that we must deny what we want and carry our cross for Christ because if we don’t, we can’t even claim to be His disciple (Luke 14:27). Even those who help a fellow Christian or a disciple will not lose their reward (Matt. 10:42). Therefore, being a disciple means we help others who are His disciples, and to be a disciple means that you must be a blessing to other disciples of His because doing it for the least of the brothers and sisters in Christ is the same thing as doing it for Jesus (Matt. 25:40).

Hating the World, Loving God

One of the hardest things about being saved was that my family was not. They didn’t like it when I was changed. I had a decision to make. Would I risk offending my family and losing my personal relationship with them for having one with Christ? Yes, it was clear that I had to love Christ more than all others. Jesus said that in loving Him, it must look like hate in contrast to how we feel about our family (Luke 14:26). Jesus is not saying that we are to hate our family, but if you compared how we are to love Him next to our family, it would look like it. The interesting thing is that many in my family actually do hate me now, at least it looks like that, but they really hate Him in Whom I believe and not really me.

A Closing Prayer

Great God, my Father, I am unworthy to be Jesus’ disciple, but You sought me anyway. Please give me the strength to deny myself, to not love the world or others more than You, and to follow You wherever You would take me, and in the precious name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray.


Is there a Bible character you connect with? What can you learn from their story?

Hebrews 11:39-40

And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.

From Denial to Trial

Peter is one of my favorite characters in the Bible because I am a lot like him. I have denied Christ before others in my failure to speak up for what is right or when given the chance to be Jesus’ witness. Peter denied Jesus only three times (Mark 14:66-72), but I have denied Him countless times. Even though Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus forgave him and restored him. In fact, he became one of the greatest witnesses for Christ in the New Testament. His powerful sermon on the Day of Pentecost convicted all who listened that day (Acts 2:14-39), and they were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37). As a result, God added many to the church that day (Acts 2:47), and about three thousand were saved (Acts 2:41). Church history indicates that Peter felt so unworthy to be crucified in the manner in which Jesus was that he insisted on being crucified upside down. I’ve learned that none of us are worthy, and that’s exactly the point!

From Hiding to Hero

Gideon is one of my favorite characters in the Bible, too, and I can relate to him. When God first started moving in my life, I thought there was no way that a man of disaster could ever be a pastor. I still think of myself and often identify myself as the “pastor of disaster,” and even though I’m still sort of a train wreck, God typically sets all of us on the right track. Gideon was basically hiding and considered himself the runt of the litter in his family. He was from the least of the tribes of Israel (Judges 6:15), yet He was called “a mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:12). Perhaps that’s why God used him so mightily. God tends to use those who are small in their own eyes. God loves to use weak, small bands of men and women who the world has little regard for, yet Gideon’s small force of 300 took on a force of 135,000 Midianites, who were trained, skilled, and experienced warriors. But when God’s on your side, who can prevail against you (Rom. 8:31)?

I Give Up

Elijah was perhaps one the greatest men of God mentioned in the Bible, but there were times when he felt like giving up, just lying down to die. Right after his great victory over 850 false prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18), he ran for his life after Jezebel threatened him (1 Kings 19:3). He thought, “I’m finished, Lord, just kill me” (1 Kings 19:4). He felt that he was the only one who was actually serving God (1 Kings 19:10, 14), when there were actually over 7000 Israelites who had not yet bent the knee to Baal (1 Kings 19:18). Have you ever felt alone as a believer? Like the only one in your neighborhood, at work, or in your family? Elijah also felt this way. Truly, you and I are not alone, even though at times we feel like it and feel like, “Okay, Lord, I’m done.”

A Closing Prayer

Great God in Heaven, You alone know my future. Thank You for these examples in the Bible that give all of us hope (Heb. 11). I have a lot in common with them; I am unworthy, I am nothing of myself, and at times I feel so alone and like giving up. Please give me hope of enduring for Your glory, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


Which of God’s promises do you cherish most?

Second Peter 1:4

by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

The Promise of Eternal Life

Is there any promise greater than being forgiven and then justified by the blood of the Lamb of God (John 3:16)? The promise of having eternal life at the expense of Jesus’ own life is just too much to comprehend. We have been born again (John 3:3), and whoever will or has believed in Jesus Christ has eternal life (John 3:36a). Is there any promise more precious than this? I can’t think of anything that compares with the glory that is going to be revealed someday (Rom. 8:18). Through Jesus’ perfection, we can be made perfect (2 Cor. 5:21).

The Removal of Wrath

Before any of us were saved, we had the wrath of God resting on us (John 3:36b), but once we were born again, God made peace with us (Rom. 5:1), and the condemnation that was previously on us was removed (Rom. 8:1). Our past of being an enemy of God (Rom. 5:10) as wicked sinners (Rom. 5:8) doesn’t matter anymore. Stop and think about that for a moment. Imagine that our forces had captured an enemy who had been killing and destroying our troops. Then that same person who was our natural enemy was forgiven, even though they were not innocent. After this, they were made part of the forces that they once were trying to kill. We were much like this natural enemy in every way. The promise of God’s wrath being removed means that our hell debt was paid in full by Christ.

The Death of Death

When Jesus was raised to life, this meant that we could also be raised to eternal life in Christ. Jesus defeated death at its own game. This ensured our victory over death. Jesus swallowed up death (1 Cor. 15:54), took the sting out of death (1 Cor. 15:55), and brought us from mortality to secure our immortality (1 Cor. 15:53-54). Even though we were born in Adam and headed for death, in Christ we will be made alive at His return (1 Cor. 15:22). So God’s greatest promise, in my opinion, is that we can be forgiven and granted eternal life in Christ. Next is Jesus taking upon Himself the wrath that we deserved. Finally, since He conquered the grave, the grave can no longer hold us. These truly are exceedingly great and precious promises (2 Pet. 1:4).

A Closing Prayer

Holy, righteous Father, thank You for allowing me to be forgiven through Your Son and His death so that the wrath I deserved would be removed from me and that the grave cannot keep me any longer because of Jesus’ victory over death. In His precious name I pray.


Does the society you live in affect your acting in gentleness towards others?

Romans 12:2

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

In the World, Not of the World

It is so easy to have the world rub off on us, isn’t it? I mean that we can grow just as cynical as the world and respond to the world in the way that they treat us. Today, Christian bashing is a popular thing on television comedies, on the news media, and even at the water cooler at work. How do we respond to living in the world and still not being like the world (1 John 2:15)? If we were part of the world, the world would love us, but since we’re not, let’s face it: they’re going to hate us (John 15:19). But that’s okay because they hated Jesus, too. It could be that our Christian lifestyle convicts their conscience. We must respond with gentleness because if not for the grace of God, we would be treating Christians the same way that they treat us. Knowing this, we are in no way superior to them; we just have a superior God Who saved us. That’s the only difference between us and the world.

Conformed to His Image

I recently spoke with a very hostile nonbeliever, who was very antagonistic toward Christianity, who said that she cannot believe in God. She kept criticizing Christians over various issues, and she was right on some of the things, but I told her that none of us are perfect. We’ve only been forgiven by a perfect God and made perfect in His sight because of Christ (2 Cor. 5:21), and that’s all that matters. I told her that what a person believes doesn’t change what is true. Hundreds of years ago, most people believed that the world was flat, and to the naked eye, it sure looked like it, but their belief didn’t change the world from being spherical to flat. Truth is never affected by what someone believes. Even so, I responded with a rational explanation for a Creator but did so out of gentleness and respect, as we are commanded to do (1 Pet. 3:15). That’s all we can do and pray that God would grant them repentance (2 Tim. 2:25).

Pursuing His Righteousness

It is a constant battle between our old man or woman and our being new creatures in Christ. Paul struggled with this even after conversion (Rom. 7:15). No matter how the world treats us, we must continue to seek godliness and respond with love and gentleness, even while fleeing the sinful pulls of the flesh (1 Tim. 6:11). Remember that God’s wrath was upon us at one time (John 3:36b), but He treated us with gentleness (Psalm 18:35), knowing that we had not yet been changed into new people in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), so we ought to treat the nonbelieving world with the same gentleness that we ourselves were treated by God. Does the world affect the way we act in gentleness or the lack thereof? If most of us were honest, I believe we’d have to say yes, but if we have perspective, maybe it’ll make us respond in a much different way.

A Closing Prayer

Great, righteous God in heaven, You are so kind to me and didn’t give me what I deserved but instead sent Your Spirit to make me a new man in Christ. So help me gain perspective so that I can treat others with gentleness and respect and not treat them as they so often treat me, and in Jesus Christ’s holy name I pray.


Thursday, July 21, 2016


Apocalipsis 2: 4
Pero tengo contra ti, que has abandonado el amor que tenías al principio.
Primer amor
Recuerdo el primer beso en mi vida. Fue con una chica compañeros de tercer grado en el callejón detrás de su casa. Nunca olvidaré ese primer beso. Yo pensé que estaba en el amor, pero en realidad era enamoramiento más que el amor. Aun así, la primera vez que me enamoré en la escuela fue un momento memorable. Mis pies se sentían luz, mis brazos se sentían pesados, y mi cabeza le daba vueltas. Ese tipo de describe cómo se sentía el momento después de ser salvo; Estaba tan ardiendo por el Señor. Me dijeron que me lavaron el cerebro por mi familia, pero me dije: "Eso está bien porque mi cerebro estaba sucia!" Me dijeron que me fui por la borda. Cogerían mi oración a Dios tumbado en el suelo en la cara. Yo prefiero que el método de hoy, pero todavía tengo ese primer amor? Si no es así, ¿por qué no? ¿Tengo una tendencia a crecer tibia? Creo que todos hacemos después de que hemos sido salvados por un tiempo. Pero, vaya, a los que veo que acaban de ser salvado ... Son absolutamente en fuego por Dios y tener un verdadero celo por el Señor. ¿Lo recuerdas? ¿No quieres que esa sensación de nuevo?

más Urgencia
Creo que Pablo, al igual que muchos creyentes desde ese momento, sintió que el regreso de Jesús estaba cerca, y le dijo a la iglesia en Roma con urgencia para despertar, que el tiempo es corto y la salvación está más cerca ahora que nunca antes (Rom 13.: 11). No hay nada malo en absoluto con la observación para su regreso, porque Jesús dijo que es exactamente lo que debemos hacer (Marcos 13:37), e incluso James, el medio hermano de Jesús, que se cree que el regreso del Señor estaba cerca (Santiago 5: 8 ). Creo que en la sabiduría de Dios, Él sabía mejor que nos dio una fecha porque, conociendo la naturaleza humana, nos gustaría probablemente tomarlo con calma y relajarse hasta el momento de su regreso se acercaba. Pero debido a que no sabemos, creo que Dios quiere que vivamos con una esperanza de urgencia que podría volver en cualquier momento! Eso nos obliga a ser más en el fuego para el Señor, al menos creo que debería.

Reprendiendo a los tibios
Jesús reprendió a la iglesia tibia de Laodicea en Apocalipsis 3:16 porque no eran lo que pensaban que eran. Ellos pensaban que eran ricos y prósperos y necesitaban nada, pero en realidad no eran ciegos, desnudo, pobre y horrible (Rev. 3:17). Necesitaban una llamada de atención porque Jesús estaba diciendo, en el griego, que estaban haciéndole mal del estómago (Rev. 3:16). Que la Escritura realmente me habla. ¿Estoy tibio? No recuerdo mi primer amor, que es la gracia me sentí solo después de ser salvado? ¿He dejado mi primer amor (Apocalipsis 2: 4)? Trate de recordar los momentos después de ser salvo. ¿Cómo fue? ¿Lo recuerdas? ¿Ha cambiado algo? Elementos de reflexión para los dos de nosotros, ¿no es así?

Una Oración Final
Oh Dios poderoso que me salvó, por favor perdona los momentos en los que dan por sentado el enorme costo que pagó su Hijo, que tuvo que morir por mí, un ser despreciable, y que yo era tan poco mérito. Por favor, encender de nuevo el fuego y la pasión que sentía cuando la gracia fue dado por primera vez para mí, y en el Santo Nombre de Jesús oro.Amén


Revelation 2:4

But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.

First Love

I remember the very first kiss in my life. It was with a fellow third-grade girl in the alley behind her home. I shall never forget that first kiss. I thought I was in love, but it was really infatuation more than love. Even so, the first time I fell in love in school was a memorable moment. My feet felt light, my arms felt heavy, and my head swam. That sort of describes what it felt like the moment after I was saved; I was so on fire for the Lord. I was told that I was brainwashed by my family, but I said, “That’s okay because my brain was dirty!” They told me that I went overboard. They would catch me praying to God lying flat on the ground on my face. I still prefer that method today, but do I still have that first love? If not, why not? Do I have a tendency to grow lukewarm? I believe we all do after we’ve been saved for a while. But, wow, those whom I see who have just been saved… They are absolutely on fire for God and have a real zeal for the Lord. Do you remember that? Don’t you want that feeling back again?

More Urgency

I believe Paul, like many believers since that time, felt that Jesus’ return was near, and he told the church at Rome with urgency to wake up, that time is short and our salvation is closer now than ever before (Rom. 13:11). There’s nothing wrong at all with watching for His return because Jesus said that is exactly what we should be doing (Mark 13:37), and even James, Jesus’ half-brother, believed that the Lord’s return was close (James 5:8). I think in God’s wisdom, He knew better than to give us a date because, knowing human nature, we’d likely take it easy and relax until the time of His return grew closer. But because we don’t know, I think God wants us to live with an urgent expectancy that He could return at any second! That should compel us to be more on fire for the Lord, at least I think it should.

Rebuking the Lukewarm

Jesus rebuked the lukewarm church in Laodicea in Revelation 3:16 because they weren’t what they thought they were. They thought that they were rich and prosperous and needed nothing, but in reality they were blind, naked, poor, and wretched (Rev. 3:17). They needed a wake-up call because Jesus was saying, in the Greek, that they were making Him sick to His stomach (Rev. 3:16). That Scripture really speaks to me. Am I lukewarm? Do I recall my first love, which is the grace I felt just after being saved? Have I left my first love (Rev. 2:4)? Try to recall the moments after you were saved. What was it like? Do you remember it? Has anything changed? Food for thought for the both of us, isn’t it?

A Closing Prayer

Oh Mighty God Who saved me, please forgive the times when I take for granted the enormous cost that Your Son paid, Who had to die for me, a wretch, and that I was so undeserving. Please reignite the fire and passion that I felt when grace was first given to me, and in Jesus’ Holy Name I pray.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nunca te dejaré ni te abandonaré.

Hebreos 13: 5
Nunca te dejaré ni te abandonaré.
Piezas rotasA veces, nuestros sueños pueden ser como un jarrón chino que se deja caer en el suelo y se rompió en mil pedazos diferentes, lo que hace imposible que alguna vez poner de nuevo juntos de nuevo, pero Dios puede tomar un sueño roto de la nuestra y ensamblar las piezas en una gran parte diferente y mucho mejor manera. ¿Alguna vez has tenido un sueño hecho añicos ante sus ojos? ¿No es difícil confiar en Dios cuando eso sucede? A veces la parte más difícil de confiar en Dios es cuando nuestros sueños se hacen añicos, porque lo que pensamos que era parte de nuestro futuro repente puede ser quitado. ¿Qué haces cuando tus sueños se han hecho añicos? ¿Trata y recoger los pedazos ti mismo y tratar de pegar de nuevo juntos para comenzar de nuevo? Tal vez lo que renunciar a soñar por completo, pero no lo hace.los quebrantados de corazónLa ironía es que Dios no puede arreglar lo primero que no está roto. En otras palabras, hasta que una persona ve su estado pecaminoso y luego corre a la cruz de Cristo, Dios no puede ayudarles. Dios está cerca de los quebrantados de corazón y promete salvar a todos los que están aplastados en espíritu (Salmo 34:18). De hecho, Dios nos asegura que Él nunca despreciará cualquier persona que está roto y tiene un corazón contrito (Salmo 51:17). La palabra hebrea para "contrito" es "Dakah" y significa "ser aplastado, que está roto," así que para aquellos de nosotros que hemos tenido nuestros sueños aplastados, Dios promete no nos desprecian por esto. Él es bueno con los pobres de espíritu (el humilde) y llega a los necesitados (Salmo 109: 16). Entonces, ¿qué podemos hacer cuando se han roto nuestros sueños? Podemos hacer mucho.

Recogiendo las piezasCuando nuestros sueños se han roto, tenemos que confiar en Dios lo suficiente como para darse cuenta de Él sabe lo que está haciendo. Si se rompe un sueño, entonces Él probablemente tiene algo diferente, probablemente algo mejor, para nosotros. Si uno se toma, entonces él puede sustituirla por otra que es mejor para nosotros. No podemos ver a la vuelta de la esquina de tiempo como Dios, así que quizás los sueños que de mucha demanda que no tendría que al final nos hace más daño que bien. Dios siempre sabe lo que es mejor para nosotros, mejor de lo que nosotros sabemos. Confío en él, incluso en las tormentas porque Él es soberano sobre las tormentas. Una tormenta nos podría poner en el mejor puerto de todo y mejor que la que habíamos solicitado originalmente. Nuestros fracasos no son definitivas. Sin fallo, nunca sabríamos éxito. Confiar en Dios, obedecerle, y dejar las consecuencias de todo a él, el único que tiene nuestro futuro. Yo prefiero confiar en un Dios que no puedo ver que la confianza en mí mismo con los ojos que lo hacen.

Una Oración FinalGran Dios en el cielo, usted solo sabe lo que es mejor para mi. Ayúdame a confiar en usted y no lo que cree que es mejor para mi vida. Usted sabe mucho mejor qué es lo mejor para mí, así que por favor me ayude a poner todas las piezas de mis sueños rotos en tus manos, para que pueda hacer algo mejor. En el Rey de reyes y Señor de señores nombre, Jesucristo, yo oro.Amén

When you feel too busy, do you still make prayer or reading the Bible a priority?

John 15:7

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Too Busy for the Word?

I had a bad habit years ago of rushing out of bed at the last possible moment to have just enough time to shower, shave, grab a bite to eat and then try to squeeze in some Bible reading just before I went to work. Being a bi-vocational pastor is hard enough, but to try and short myself in the Word of God was the height of folly. Instead of believing I didn’t have enough time to read my Bible or more of my Bible, I didn’t have enough time in my day not to! In other words, the very fact that my day is jam-packed is the very reason I need to start my day off with reading my Bible. I now get up earlier, and next to praying, the very first thing I do is read my Bible. It has made a huge difference in my day. Not only is my day not as hectic, I have the Word of God in my heart and mind when I start my day. Was I really too busy for God? Yes, for a very long time, but not anymore!

Too Busy for the Talk?

What if our boss came up to us and asked a question? Can you conceive of telling him or her that you’re too busy to talk to them? But that’s exactly what we are telling God if we leave no time for prayer. I started a new thing at the same time I started getting up earlier in the morning to allow time for me to read my Bible. I set the alarm clock a bit earlier, and in that time before I get up, I pray. The first thing I do is pray, followed by reading the Bible. I say, “No prayer, no coffee, no Bible, no breakfast,” and I am sticking to that, as tempting as it is to cut corners, but if I cut out these vital things in my day, my day ends up typically much worse than if I started my day off with prayer and with the Word of God. If I am too busy to pray, then I am too busy! That means that I have to start cutting things out of my day that are not as important as prayer and Bible reading. We don’t treat our friends or our boss that way, do we? By shorting them when they want to talk to us? But that’s exactly what we do when God is speaking to us in His Word and when we are speaking to God in prayer but have no time for these. Jesus ties our time spent in abiding in Him with answered prayer (John 15:7).

Prioritizing the Day

If you wrote down and kept a journal of everything you did in a week’s time, from the time you got up until the time you went to bed, what would your journal look like? Where is the most time devoted to? Of course, work, family, or school may well take the vast majority of the day because Jesus said that He worked (John 5:17), so there’s nothing wrong with that, but, of course, Jesus’ work and ours are a lot different. He worked solely for the Father, and even though we do, too, we must work a secular job to support ourselves and our family. If you had the list before you right now and started ranking these items, which would you put as #1, then as #2, and so on? Something to think about, isn’t it?

A Closing Prayer

Great Creator God, thank You for giving me Your Word to grow by, and thank You for lending me Your ear to listen to me in prayer. Please help me to learn to prioritize my life so that I can never be too busy for You, and forgive me when I have so often done just that. In Jesus Christ’ Holy Name I pray.
