Sunday, July 10, 2016

Have I not fully provided for you in the past? Why would this crisis and the next be any different?

Luke 12:24

Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!

The Past

God is so faithful, isn’t He? Can you recall the number of times that He has come through for you? The psalmist wrote that the fathers of old cried out to God. They trusted Him, and God delivered them (Psalm 22:4). In their trust, they were not put to shame (Psalm 22:5). The psalmist never trusted in his own resources or strength but in God alone (Psalm 44:6). Jesus told the disciples that if the ravens of the air never had to sow or reap or had barns to store their provisions in, how could they not trust in God (Luke 12:24)? This verse looks backwards because the ravens were still around when Jesus spoke this, and they never perished because of any famine that would hit. God has provided for us in the past as He did for the ravens, and, oh, how much more of value we are to God than they. You see how God has been so faithful in your life in past crises. So, why not trust Him again if you’re in one today?

The Present

Since God has been so faithful in providing for us in the past, we can trust Him with our present conditions, too (Psalm 4:5). The psalmist trusted in God first thing in the morning to know which way he should go during the day (Psalm 143:8). That daily trusts brings not only peace of mind but a blessing (Prov. 16:20), but it’s so foolish to trust our own minds (Prov. 28:26). This keeps us in perfect peace, not because of what our eyes see but because we believe in a God we can’t see (Isaiah 26:3). The only thing that’s not good to put our trust in during the present time is ourselves, especially if it’s in our own inherent righteousness (Luke 18:9) because our righteousness comes from Christ alone (2 Cor. 5:21). If you’re in a crisis right now, look to the past faithfulness of God and trust your present situation with Him.

The Future

If a person commits their way to the Lord, meaning that this is a forward thinking and trust, then God promises He will act on their behalf and that their trust in Him is not in vain (Psalm 37:5). Paul’s trust looked toward the future (Phil. 2:24). To trust God with our future, like the author of Hebrews did, is to look forward in faith and trust in God and for all who put their trust in Him (Heb. 2:13). To trust God for any future crisis that may come is to receive a blessing by God (Jer. 17:7) because it means you believe Him. I understand that God was speaking to ancient Israel about their having a hope for the future, but for those who are God’s children, would He say nothing less (Jer. 29:11)? We might think about what we’ll do in our own future, but it is truly God who will establish our steps (Prov. 16:9). Since God has been so faithful in the past, promises to take care of us today, and knows our future plans are for our best welfare, why should the next crisis be any different?

A Closing Prayer

Great God, I need Your help to trust You more today and tomorrow and to know that You have proven over time that You can be trusted. So, when the next crisis hits, please allow me to trust You even in the storms, for even in these, You can rebuke the winds and the waves (Mark 4:39). I thank You for all You have done, are doing, and will do. In Jesus’ name I pray.


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