Tuesday, July 26, 2016


We are told that a bird can go 9 days without food, a dog 20 days, a turtle 500 days, a snake 800 days, a fish 1,000 days, and some insects 12,000 days. For man, 3-6 weeks is about the limit. Sooner or later nourishment is necessary for all God’s creatures.
Have you noticed that we are not often asked to “read” the Word of God? Rather we are urged to study it, meditate upon it, and compare spiritual things with spiritual. In other words, God wants us to put in consecrated effort when we approach the Scriptures, for in this way we will more readily assimilate its sweet nourishment and good doctrine.
Many are starving to death spiritually, not because food is unavailable but simply because they will not eat of it. What home does not have a Bible or opportunity to attend worship? A Bible on the shelf is of no more value than food in the refrigerator.
Feed your soul!
“Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.” 2 Peter 3:18

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