Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Consuming Fire

So Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, "If I am a man of God, then let fire come down from Heaven and consume you and your fifty men." And fire came down from Heaven and consumed him and his fifty (2 Kings 1:10).

The fire of God consumed this messenger and his fifty men, then another captain with his fifty.

     We need to have the same spirit as Elijah. When tempted to align ourselves with the world, we must tell the devil, "I cannot and will not come down!" All too often people are so close to the devil that they are not intimidating his kingdom at all. But when the Kingdom of Light stands in unity, the kingdom of darkness comes down.
     God is definitely speaking to His people. The question is: Can we hear Him? The Holy Spirit is speaking right now. He is speaking words of truth and guidance. He speaks what He hears in Heaven.
     Whenever the Holy Spirit speaks, He testifies that He has been in the boardroom of Heaven. Hearing from Him causes us to lift our head. Just when satan thought he had you, to his amazement you begin to shout. He doesn't know it, but you heard a Word.

God can and will send His fire from Heaven to consume the kingdom of darkness. To those in the light of His presence, He will give peace.

~ T.D. Jakes ~ 

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