Monday, August 8, 2016

Is Bible reading a priority or something you just do when you have some extra time?

Joshua 1:8

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Light for the Day

God’s Word is described as a lamp which lights our path in life (Psalm 119:105). I sometimes get up while it’s still dark and first pray, then read my Bible. Think of the Word of God as a night light that allows us to see in a darkened world. It sheds light for my feet so that I don’t stumble. If there is no light, then my shinbone will surely find the corner of the table. I need the light of God’s Word each and every day. Whether I feel like reading it or not isn’t the point. I know I need it, so I make it a priority. No prayer, no coffee…no Bible, no breakfast–that is my schedule. Like the Lord told Joshua, we must meditate on the Word day and night. To meditate on it means to read it, then reflect on it, then dwell on it, then contemplate on it and let it soak in. God says if we are careful to do that, then we’ll be successful and prosperous in our day and our life (Joshua 1:8).

Seeking God in His Word

I just had someone ask me whether or not something was the will of God, but they will never know God’s hidden will until they obey His revealed will, as mentioned in Romans 12:1-2, 1 Peter 3:17, and even Isaiah 53:10 where it was the will of the Father to crush His Son on our behalf. If you are not making God’s Word your priority, then you are saying that your own life is your priority. His will is that we are conformed to the image of God and to His will (Eph. 1:11). Isn’t that what you want? If you make God’s Word your priority, you will clearly see that God’s will is to avoid sexual immorality (1 Thess. 4:3-5) and to give thanks to God for everything (1 Thess. 5:18) because only those who do God’s will abide forever (1 John 2:17). My point is that if you make God’s Word your priority, you’ll find His will, at least those things He has revealed to us and our children (Deut. 19:29).

Have No Time? Then Make Time

Some tell me that they are going through great difficulties and can’t seem to find a solution to their problems. I then ask them how much time they spend in prayer and in the Word of God. Often these two are the pulse of the life of the believer. If there’s a low pulse in prayer and Bible reading, then the Christian is on life support. They say they don’t have time, so I suggested keeping a journal for one day and writing down everything they do on that day. They came back to me and admitted that they spent 2-1/2 hours watching TV, two hours on the Internet and other things, which left little or no time for prayer or Bible study. I said that by this, you are telling God that He is not as important as your own pleasure. If you have no time, then make time; don’t just find some extra time. Honor God by giving Him the first portion of your day, and you’ll be surprised by how much better your day goes. I battle this, too, so I am not judging anyone because I meet my own worst enemy every day in the mirror. Make God your first priority, and He’ll make you His.

A Closing Prayer

Oh Father God, I am not living in obedience when I seek my own pleasures first and choose the world over you. Please forgive me when I don’t put You first, and putting You first means putting Your Word first in my day. So please help me in this weak area of my life, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


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