Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Who Is God?

Thousands of years ago, Pharaoh, the Egyptian ruler, posed a question people are still asking today: "Who is the Lord that I should listen to him?" That's a good question, but is is not an easy subject to tackle. It is difficult for our limited minds to grasp the limitless, eternal God. It has been said, "If God were small enough for your minds, he wouldn't be big enough for your needs." For that reason, don't be exasperated if you can't fully understand who God is or why he does certain things. One day, Scripture promises, everything about God and his character will be made perfectly clear to us ( 1 Corinthians 13:12). But until then, we will find everything we need to know about him in his Word. Look up the following notes and passages to find out who God is.

1. God is All-Knowing, Ever Present, and All-Powerful. The Creator of the Universe knows every intimate detail of his creation (see Matthew 10:29-31).
2. God Is Holy. God's incomparable holiness merits our worship (see Revelation 15:2-4).
3. God Is Loving and Just. God's justice is tempered by his love (see 2 Peter 3:3-9).
4. God Is Personal. This characteristic of God sets him apart from so-called "gods" of other religions (see Acts 17:22-31).
5. God Is in Control. It is important to remember that God is till in control, even if things around us seem to be in chaos (see Romans 11:33-36).
6. The God of the Bible Is the One True God. While some insist on the existence of many gods, only the God of the Bible is the true, living God, worthy of our devotion (see 1 Corinthians 8:4-6).

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