Monday, August 22, 2016

Strength Through Faith

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

"I will pray with the understanding" means that as we pray by the unction and leadership of the Holy Spirit, we pray a prayer that will have meaning as the same Holy Spirit interprets to us the things that we have spoken.
     The Old Testament high priest knew there was only one place where he could experience a manifestation of God's glory and that was in the holy of holies. That's where God promised to show Himself and commune with His people (see Exod. 25:17-22).
     In these last days, satan and all his cohorts are waging a final onslaught against the Church. We must know God in a way in which we have never known Him before. Within some of you are miracles, unborn babies, ministries, and gifts. Many of you have callings on your life.
     Because of circumstances--perhaps something beyond your control; perhaps because of your faults, failures, or your past life--satan has told you that your baby, your gift, or your ministry must be aborted. But satan is a liar. Scripture tells us "the gifts and callings of God are without repentance" (Rom.11:29 KJV).
     You need to get to where you can see the raw, undiluted presence of God and His anointing.

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