Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Where are your greatest investments placed? Here on Earth or in Heaven?

Matthew 6:20

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

Secured Treasure

Several years ago when I worked for the federal government, I diversified my investments in different areas. Some went to high-risk stocks. Some went to bonds and mutual funds, others to conservative money market funds, but there was always a risk of the stock market crashing. Even though these investments were scattered in many different areas, there was no guarantee that they would be safe at all times. Just before the stock market crashed some years ago, I took out much of it and paid off our house. Then “boom!” the market took a steep dive, and I would have lost about 40% of my portfolio. Since I had used it to pay debt, I didn’t suffer loss like many others did. Even more sure than this is to invest in the kingdom work where not even moth, rust, thieves (Matthew 6:20), and I might add fire could never destroy. I have learned to give to certain ministries and the church, and this money is as good as sent to heaven and will be awaiting me someday in the form of rewards. You can’t take it with you, but you can send it ahead!

What will Remain?

If we invest in helping others and in doing good for them and are generous with what we have, we’ll be storing up the treasures of a rock-solid foundation for the future (1 Timothy 6:18-19). If we spend it all on ourselves, then at the time when our rewards will be received, we’ll lose everything we had because we didn’t share what we had. We need to be careful where we build our foundation for the future (1 Corinthians 3:10) because all our work will have to pass through the fire to see what work of ours will remain (1 Corinthians 3:13). If we’re only doing things that are for self, it’ll all burn up like wood, hay, or stubble even though the person will be saved (1 Corinthians 3:15). Only precious jewels, gold, and silver can pass through the fire and survive (1 Corinthians 3:12). So all that you do for the Lord and His glory will survive the fire that’s coming someday–the fire will reveal what we did for ourselves and what we did for His glory.

Where’s Your Heart?

Jesus said He’ll know where our heart really is. We can say we love the Lord. We can be in church every Sunday. We can sing every church hymn and attend every Sunday school class. But Jesus said that your heart really is where your treasure is (Matthew 6:21). What you treasure is where your heart will be. Where is your heart? Where is mine? If it’s money and things, that’s where your heart really is. If it’s in helping others for Christ, that’s where your heart really is. One old pastor once said that if you really want to know where someone’s heart is, look at their checkbook ledger; see where they spend most of their money. That’ll reveal where their heart truly is.

A Closing Prayer

Father, my own human nature is selfish, only desiring to gratify my flesh. Help me to see that the greatest investments are not here on Earth but in heaven because those things are safe and will remain. Everything else of mine here on Earth will be gone, and in Jesus’ precious name I pray.


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