Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Blessings and the Lessons

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.

Lord, as I lay down to sleep tonight, I let go of the events of the day, knowing that I did the best I could, learned what I needed to learn, and reacted from the highest place possible. If I made mistakes, I accept that and ask for the strength and wisdom to do better tomorrow. If I hurt someone I ask for forgiveness, for it was not my intention. If I didn't think before I spoke, or spoke out of turn, I ask for more patience the next time around. I let go of it all, knowing that each new day is a new opportunity to take what I've learned the day before and start fresh. I can and will do better tomorrow, Lord. Amen. 

The sun sets, yet also rises, and each time it does we can start over, smarter and wiser than before. Time is the greatest of teachers.  

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