Monday, August 21, 2017

Finding an Everyday Faith

"To them that have, more shall be given." I am certain this was about faith, and about how those who have faith are given more in life. There is a door leading to miracles, but the key to that door is faith, along with the belief that the world is a friendly place and that we are loved and cared for by a God who wants the best for us. Without faith, we cannot enter the kingdom that is beyond that door; with faith, we cannot only enter the kingdom but also partake of all the blessings and wonders within its walls.

Though we do not know what lies beyond
an open door, faith allows us to walk through
it anyway and experience the miracles
that exist only when we overcome fear and
doubt and "just go for it."

Looking back on all those times when I was younger, when I thought things would never get better or I was in the midst of heartbreak over the loss of a love or job or a dream, I remember always having a sense of something pulling at me to keep on going. No matter how hard the road ahead seemed, I felt something tugging me forward, even if I had no idea where I was going to end up. I realize now that it was faith urging me forward, faith calling me to believe that things would improve. And the funny thing is, they did.

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