Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Too Bad?

The people who wander into darkness often
have a sense of being "too bad" to ever be
accepted back into God's grace. When we assure
them of our unconditional love, while still
holding them to the truth, it can help them
glimpse God's own heart of love for them.


But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
I call out to the Lord,
and he answers me from his holy mountain.
--PSALM 3:3-4 NIV

Lord, losing a loved one to a destructive path is almost like a death! The person we love seems to disappear, and we struggle to find ways to show this person love without supporting the things that are destroying them. It's such a helpless feeling to watch a loved one self-destruct. I pray for the person on my mind right now who is going the wrong way. I ask you to intervene, to show me how to love them best even if they misunderstand that love, and to keep them safe as you work in their situation to draw them into your saving grace.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

1 Peter 5:10 NIV

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
- 1 PETER 5:10 NIV

I don't know how much longer you will grant me life, Father. Our journey here is just that-a journey with a beginning and an end. We don't get to see our beginning in the sense of remembering it. But sometimes we see our end as it approaches. Then those vague thoughts about what comes next come in sharp focus. We take stock of our journey-what has and hasn't been done, said, or accomplished. We prepare, we mourn, we say good-bye. There is one thing that doesn't change, though-one thing that is sweet and constant along the path of life: the assurance of your love and of the eternal home with you that you have prepared for those who love you. Help me, even in the valley of the shadow of death, to keep that reality in view with eyes of steadfast faith.

Even as the reality of death closes in, the bright reality of eternal life opens up wide before our hope, as faith turns its face fully heavenward. 

Monday, September 25, 2017


Our minds search for reasons, Father. They grasp and grope and grapple to discover why. Yet tragedy doesn't send a card with its condolences or a letter of explanation as to why we are the ones it has visited. It just comes and overshadows our lives, takes things from us, turns our reality upside down. Sometimes it strikes quickly, leaving us numbed and trembling, while other times it seems to hang on like a bulldog, inflicting pain upon pain. I just don't understand this. I know in time some answers may emerge. But right now I need you to shelter me from the anger, frustration, fear, and doubt that rise up within me. I know you are not afraid of my struggle. You understand and you care. But I am afraid of losing my faith in your goodness and love for me. Hold me close, Father.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Psalm 50:15

Call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.
-PSALM 50:15

Why is there evil in the world? Why do bad things happen to good people? I hate these horrible things that plague our existence! Why don't you stamp out the pain and sorrow once and for all, Lord? What are you waiting for? Ah, Lord! I know evil was introduced into the world through a willful act against your truth and love. And since then it just keeps going on and getting worse. I also know that you have a plan to put an end to it all, but that you are patient as you wait for people who are estranged from you to return. Help me be an ambassador of your truth and love, to carry your light everywhere at all times, even where darkness seems to be prevailing.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Psalm 4:1 NIV

Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
Father, you have said that those who wait for you will never be ashamed for having put their trust in you. So I call out to you in my distress, knowing that you hear me. As I pray and trust and wait for your merciful intervention--I know your timing is perfect but so often different than what I think it should be--to support me and hold me steady as you have so many times in the past.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Psalm 34:18 NIV

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
--PSALM 34:18 NIV

Will our pets be with us in heaven? The scriptures do not give a definitive answer about that. In fact, the writer of Ecclesiastes pondered whether the spirit of an animal ascends or not, and concluded that we simply don't know. Still, we have reason to hope that we'll see our favorite animal friends again.

How do I say good-bye to someone I've loved so much in this life, Father? To let them go, to live life with that empty spot where they once were feels so awkward and unnatural. It seems wrong to carry on without them. Something inside me shouts, "As if I could!" And yet I must, and I do, and it's so difficult. How do I find "normal" now in those places where we always stood together? Please help me. Carry me and grant me quiet healing that happens as grief takes its course. And please, even in this grief, let me find joy in the memories of our time together on this earth. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

We are not guaranteed tomorrow. What are you doing with today?

James 4:14

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

No Guarantees

We have no way of knowing when we will pass from this life to the next because we all have an appointment with death and then judgment (Heb. 9:27). So why not make every single day count? We are told to redeem the days and make the best use of our time (Eph. 5:16). I have gotten into the habit of saying “I will see you Sunday or Wednesday, if the Lord wills” because I cannot guarantee that I will do such and such the next week, not to mention tonight or tomorrow. I must submit to God, trust His will, and know that He is sovereign over my life and not me. That doesn’t mean I don’t plan or purpose to do things, but I ultimately know that God alone knows the future, and He always knows what’s best for me.

The Best-Laid Plans

We sometimes like to think that we are doing what we want and plan our own future, but the Word of God says that it is the Lord Who ultimately establishes our steps (Prov. 16:9). If we think along these lines, we can be more prepared when something different comes along and not be caught by surprise. That person you have been wanting to witness to might not even be here tomorrow, so we must tell others that today is their day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2) because tomorrow may never come, and we might not pass this way again and get a second chance to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

No Boasting About Tomorrow

Proverbs 27:1 tells us that we are not supposed to boast or brag about tomorrow because we cannot be sure “what a day may bring.” I can only do what I can do today, while it is still today, and live as much as I can in obedience to God. Pastor Charles Stanley often says, “Obey God and leave the consequences to Him.” I think that’s very wise advice. We can only control our obedience and allow God to work out our future for what is best for us because He can even use bad things that happen to us for our ultimate good (Rom. 8:28). God will make our footing sure if our ways please or delight Him (Psalm 37:23). I like to think that I am directing my own steps in life, but can anyone really understand their own way outside of the will of God (Prov. 19:21)?

A Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, please help me to trust You with tomorrow and to make the most of today because I don’t know the future like You do. I ask your patience when I run ahead of Your will, and please gently bring me back into Your will. In Christ’s precious name I pray.


Romans 8:31 NIV

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Father, you've created a wonderful gift to humanity on the earth by giving us the animal kingdom, and especially pets we adopt and nurture and come to love as family members. But when we lose one of them, it's more painful to say good-bye than we like to admit. After all, these are friends that have loved us unconditionally and have trusted us so fully to take care of them. Their vulnerability is moving, and when they leave us, we grieve. Before when we grieved, they comforted us. Now that they're gone, the sorrow is compounded in their absence. We're sometimes afraid to make too much of it to others who may not understand, but with you there is no such fear. You gave them to us, knowing we would love them but eventually lose them, and so we look to you as our source of comfort when we grieve their passing. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

You were created for God. Do you sometimes act as if God was created for you?

Isaiah 43:6b-7

Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.

Created for God’s Glory

If the heavens declare God’s glory (Psalm 19:1), surely we should do the same, right? Whoever was created was created for a purpose, too. For God and by God, everything was created to bring Him glory (Rom. 11:36), so that necessarily means us since we, too, were part of His creation. God created you for His glory but He created you for Himself, too! I ask myself, since God created everything for His glory and I was no accident but created for Him, too, why do I sometimes act like He was created for me? What I mean by that is why do I sometimes treat God as my “cosmic genie” who is supposed to answer all my wishes (in prayer) and is supposed to make me happy, no matter what. That is my nature. What about you? Am I alone in this? I realize that God was not a created being–I was–but sometimes in the way that I pray to Him or talk to Him, that’s the way it comes out. God, forgive me for such presumptuousness.

My Created God

I am His. He is not really mine, at least in the sense that I was created for Him to glorify Him and not for Him to satisfy my needs. Paul told the Greeks in Athens that it is in God that “we live and move and have our being” because “we are indeed his offspring” (Acts 17:28). My heart is an idol factory, and before I was saved, I had created a god in my own image and my own likeness, but that was not the One, True God. That was a god of my own imagination. I had created a god that was not real. Until the Spirit of God opened my eyes, I hadn’t really seen Who God was. I later came to realize, through God’s Spirit, that I was created for Him and His purpose, not the other way around. Some false cults have made their own gods, and, sadly, many are deceived. They teach about a Jesus but not the real Jesus, and unless you have the real Jesus, you don’t have the real Savior. Do you know what I mean?

Created in God’s Image

God created mankind in His own image and after His own likeness (Gen. 1:27), not the other way around. To be in His image and in His own likeness for the believer is to seek to be in the image of Christ and to be like Him. By this, others can be drawn to Him and seek to know Him. That’s why He is to be praised, because He is their Creator, too (Psalm 148:5). Just as He commands the earth to go where it is to go (Psalm 147:15) and to stay in its proper place (Psalm 33:9), so we too should go where He commands us to go (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8) and abide where He tells us to abide (John 15:4).

A Closing Prayer

Father, forgive me for creating my own god, which is really no god at all but one of my own making. Help me to never take Your greatness for granted. You created me for Your own glory, and I fail miserably at that so often. Thank You for Your patience with me, and I pray for Your Son’s name to be glorified. In His great name I pray.


Does God owe you an explanation?

Isaiah 45:9

Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’?

Moses’ Who Am I?

When God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people go, Moses said, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh and to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt” (Ex. 3:11)? Did God really owe Moses an explanation? Did Moses believe that God would work everything out according to His plan? Apparently not, but I cannot judge Moses, for I would have likely said the very same thing. Moses even questioned his own speaking ability (Ex. 6:12), as have I. But as I’ve heard said before, God doesn’t call the equipped,;He equips the called. God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called. If He only called the equipped, then I would have never been called into the pastoral ministry, believe me, because I “kicked against the goads,” or resisted it, for a long time. I should have trusted God to be able to equip me. Apparently, I didn’t trust myself or God.

Gideon’s Who Am I?

Gideon was a lot like Moses at the time that God called him. Gideon was basically hiding in an old winepress threshing wheat because Israel’s enemies had been ransacking their crops year after year. When God called Gideon “oh mighty man of valor” (Judges 6:12), he must have looked over his shoulder and thought, “Who me?” Gideon asked for a fleece test, once to have dew upon the fleece but not on the ground and then next time dew on the ground but not on the fleece (Judges 6:39-40). It was as if Gideon was asking God to prove Himself that He was going to do what He said He would do. Gideon may not have trusted God enough to work things out according to His plan. Instead of judging Gideon and saying “how can he be like that,” I should say “how am I like Gideon.”

David’s Who Am I?

When David was made king over all of Israel, he made a huge shift from being a simple shepherd boy to being king over all the sheep in Israel. Even so, he still thought of himself as insignificant, as he told God, “Who am I, Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far” (2 Sam. 7:18)? Paul considered himself the least of all saints (Eph. 3:8) and even the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15), even though he was the greatest missionary the church may have ever known. Some consider him, arguably, the greatest of the apostles, though he said he was the least of the apostles (1 Cor. 15:9). Who are we to argue with God and demand an explanation from Him (Rom. 9:20-21)? What right has the clay to ask for a reason from the Potter (Jer. 18:6)? I ask you, and I ask myself, “Does God always owe you and me an explanation? Don’t you and I believe everything works out to God’s plan?” All I know is I need to work on this.

A Closing Prayer

Righteous, heavenly Father, please help me to trust You and Your plans and not to question where You send me and when You ask me to do something. Please give me the grace to accept what You say and trust that You can always work out Your plans without my help, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


God's Help in Tough Times

The wisdom of this world points to a home, job, a retirement, insurance benefits, and such as the source of security, Father. But I've been reflecting on this value system and realizing how precariously perched are people who put their trust in such things. I know there is nothing wrong with any of these, and they are blessings. But Lord, you are my source of security. All of the things that money can buy in this world can be swept away in a moment, and if my faith is in those things to keep me safe or to make me secure, I am going to find myself at a loss. But you never fail, you are rock solid, you are my safety and security in this life and my certainty for life beyond this one. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Lord, when physical limitations begin to press in, I don't want to be defined by any loss of health I'm experiencing, whether it's a temporary impairment or something more permanent. I realize that this body won't last forever--that it is indeed wearing out.  And while I hope to be as whole as possible for as long as possible, you gave me this body, and so I will be grateful for every day of life you give me in it. When there is pain, give me grace to endure it. When there is frustration, carry me in your patience. When there is sorrow, comfort me with reminders of my future with you. And with every physical loss, let there be a spiritual gain that outweighs it and makes it seem small in comparison.

Monday, September 18, 2017

God's Help in Tough Times

Even though sorrow may linger through a long, dark night, the sun will eventually return, and joy will eventually rise again in the heart.

Heavenly Father, if you weren't here for me, I don't know what would have become of me during my most difficult times. I know that more difficulty may lie ahead, but like the psalmist said, "I will fear no evil, for you are with me." It's not that I don't feel the pain or grief--you know I do--but it doesn't destroy me. Thank you for the times you've held me through the darkness and given me comfort and strength to go on. Thank you, too, for the hope that remains with me, leads me forward, and helps me heal.

Sunday, September 17, 2017


Faith is more than a passive idea; it is a principle that motivates our day-to-day decisions and actions. Would the farmer plant if he did not expect to harvest? Would the student read and study if she did not believe it would improve the quality of her life? Would we work hard each day if we did not hope that by doing so we might accomplish something worthwhile? We act daily upon things we believe in, though we cannot yet see the end result. This is the faith we live by, whether we identify it as such or not.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Finding an Everyday Faith

Lord, give me hope,
Give me patience to cope
And a reason to keep on trying.
Take my trembling hand
Give me power to stand
And a faith that is strong and undying.

Friday, September 15, 2017

If you learn from your mistakes, why are you so afraid to make one?

Psalm 37:24

Though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.

Sins or Mistakes?

How many times have we heard a public figure say they made a mistake when it was clearly sin? Far too many times to count I am sure. When a politician gets caught for embezzling funds or a Hollywood actor is found to be committing adultery, they often call it a mistake. But isn’t it really a sin and not a mistake? I make mistakes that are not sins; however, when I sin, it is never a mistake. It is what it is, and I call it sin and not a mistake. If someone tries to cover their sin, they will never prosper, but if they confess it and forsake it, only then will they find mercy (Prov. 28:13). I have learned so much from my many mistakes. In fact, I have learned a lot more from my mistakes than when I did things well. The older I get, the more I am willing to take risks and make mistakes–not sins but mistakes. Some of my greatest mistakes were not of commission but mistakes of omission, when I should have done something and didn’t and it turned out to be a big mistake. What about you? Since you learn from your mistakes, too, why would you be so afraid to make one?

Living With Mistakes

If we really understood that we don’t have to fear our mistakes, then we might be willing to make more of them. I don’t mean that we intentionally set out to make mistakes but to take risks for God that we might regret if we took no risks at all. Great rewards come from great risks, and sometimes these risks produce mistakes, but that’s okay. If they’re mistakes done in genuine sincerity, that’s fine because we can trust God to never forsake us, mistakes and all, because He’ll be there to pick us back up and uphold us in His righteous hand (Isaiah 41:10). We can make honest mistakes and be sincere. We can be sincerely wrong, but if we do hurt someone by mistake, we can confess it, just like our sins, and we’ll get forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

Falling and Getting Back Up

The good thing about God’s love is that His love and mercy never fail (Psalm 136:1-3), and He is never going to forsake us or leave us just because we make mistakes (Heb. 13:5). We can fall seven times in a row, but there is God each and every time ready to pick us back up again (Prov. 24:16). Even when we fall headfirst, God’s going to help us up and dust us off (Psalm 37:24). God won’t condemn us if we’ve received Christ as Savior (Rom. 8:1). Paul never looked back but kept pressing ahead (Phil. 3:14), and that’s what we need to do when we make mistakes. So I close with this question: If you learn from your mistakes, as we all do, why are you so afraid of making one or two…or three?

A Closing Prayer

Great Father God, You know I am but dust, frail and feeble, and will make many mistakes. Please help me take a risk for Your sake and be willing to make an honest mistake or two because I know you are there to pick me back up again, and in the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray.



Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Faith and fear cannot coexist. One always gives way
to the other. It is necessary for us to be constantly
building up our faith to overcome the numerous
sources of destructive disbelief all around us. We need
to be continually working at rekindling the gift of
God that is in us, which is our faith in him and in his
promises. We must be dedicated to developing a spirit
of love and power and discipline within ourselves.
Studying the words of the scriptures, meditating on
them, keeping God's commandments, and praying,
daily are some of the ways we can keep our faith strong
day by day. By focusing on these things, we shut out
fear and cultivate faith. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Is worship an enjoyment to you, or a chore?

Psalm 84:2

My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

The Joy of Worship

I had a church member who recently just shouted for joy to the Lord. Some gave him a strange look, but I know the guy well enough and knew it was spontaneous. He was doing what the Scriptures teach and shouting out to the Lord for joy. There are many places where the Psalms tell us to make a joyful noise and to do it loudly in rejoicing and in singing (Psalm 98:4). Haven’t you ever felt like shouting for joy because of what the Lord has done for you? There should definitely be shouting for joy in the Lord in giving Him praise (Psalm 100:1) because the joy of the Lord is our strength (Psalm 28:7; Neh. 8:10). Too often people complain that they didn’t get anything out of worship, but we should think about what we should put into worshiping God and not what we get out of it because we’re there to worship God and not satisfy ourselves.

God Is Listening

God loves to hear the praises of His people, and Scripture actually says that He inhabits or dwells in the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). I love the thought of that. Those who praise Him are close to His heart (Psalm 148:14). Don’t you desire to be close to Him and be in His heart? I would think so. Let us, therefore, praise our Great God, for He is an awesome and holy God (Psalm 99:3). Praise Him loudly for all He has done for us and all of His wonderful works (Deut. 10:21). Even in our worship music, we should sing to God as being our joy and our delight (Psalm 43:4).

The Sacrifice or Offering of Praise

Did you know that God accepts as an offering our praises as a sacrifice given to Him (Heb. 13:15)? Giving Him thanks in voice or song is an offering that He gladly accepts from us (Psalm 50:14), and an offering of thanksgiving was one of the sacrifices offered by the Levitical Priesthood (Lev. 7:12). Even our bodies are to be presented to God as a living sacrifice that is pleasing to Him (Rom. 12:1) and a sacrifice of thanksgiving that He accepts (Heb. 12:28). As part of the spiritual house or temple of God, our sacrifices are given to God through Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 2:5), Who is our High Priest today and forever. Whoever offers God praise in worship glorifies God (Psalm 50:23), and God always seeks to be glorified, so let us praise our Great God with words (Psalm 149:6), songs, and a glad heart (Psalm 69:30). If you feel like shouting praises to the Lord and someone looks at you funny, just tell them you’re being biblical (Psalm 71:23). Worshiping God should be an enjoyment and not a chore because we have so much to praise Him and thank Him for.

A Closing Prayer

Oh Great God, Creator of heaven and earth, You are worthy of all praise and thanks for all You have done for me and are worthy to be worshiped. Please forgive me for the times I have failed to give You thanks and for feeling inhibited in worshiping and praising You in word and song. In the name of the One Whom we worship and praise, Jesus Christ, I pray.


Why do you not trust timing to God, Who knows the future?

Isaiah 46:9-10a

Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done.

Divine Timing

Have you heard people use the phrase “divine timing”? Well I truly believe there is such a thing. Some of my experiences in life and those I’ve heard of many other believers make me certain that God is the God of time, place, people, and circumstances. There really is a time for every purpose and activity under heaven (Eccl. 3:1), and God determines when that time will be. Even the day of our death is already known before it even happens, and if God wanted to, He could show us the length of our days here on earth (Psalm 39:4). In fact, every day of our life was recorded in God’s book before we were even born (Psalm 139:16), and every word we’d say was already known before it was even on our lips (Psalm 139:1-6). So why can’t we trust God, Who knows with absolute certainty our future? This foreknowledge includes the day of those who pass from this life to the judgment, both for all the saved and all those who have never trusted in Christ (Heb. 9:27).

No Man or Woman Knows the Future

James knew that it was evil to even think about the future outside of the will of God (James 4:13-14). There is no reason to try and boast about what we’ll do tomorrow, for it may never even come (Prov. 27:1). Only God knows the future, and we must trust His divine timing in every aspect of our lives. Humans have always had the desire to know the future and propensity to try and predict it because God has put eternity in our hearts (Eccl. 3:11). However, we can’t trust our instincts but only God, Who is both the beginning and the end of all things (Rev. 21:6). Since not one of us can tell the future, why even try (Eccl. 8:7)? God alone knows those things that are not yet even in existence and has known them from ancient times (Isaiah 46:10). Just relax and trust God and His timing.

Praying in Trust

When we pray for things that don’t come quickly, how easy it is to grow discouraged. We cannot rush the mighty hand of God, and that’s a good thing because God’s timing is perfect; ours, not so much. God has complete, overall knowledge about what is truly best for us. When we pray, in God’s wisdom, He sometimes says “no, not yet” and sometimes “wait, I have something better for you.” If we really understood how God ran the universe, we’d thank God for unanswered prayer. Many years ago I prayed about one woman who I thought would make the best wife, but she just didn’t love me. It crushed me, and I was lonely for so long.  But God had someone who was far superior for me, and she ended up being the best wife a husband could ever have. Oh, if God had answered my earlier prayer, how differently would my life have turned out! Thank you, God. I trust You and Your timing since You alone know the future.

A Closing Prayer

Father God, You are sovereign over time, places, people, and circumstances.  Please forgive me when I have not trusted You enough and have grown impatient in waiting for answered prayer without realizing that my “no’s” to prayer were the best thing that could have ever happened to me, for the timing was all wrong, but you already knew that. In Jesus’ precious name I thank You and pray.


Is your confidence in going to heaven one of the greatest joys?

First Corinthians 2:9

But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.

We Can Only Imagine

Perhaps God never gave us a complete or more vivid description of heaven because we’d all be in too big of a hurry to get there. We know it must be off-the-charts beautifully glorious. Shouldn’t the joy of being a Christian consist in knowing that our citizenship is already reserved for us (Phil. 3:20) and part of that joy will be shedding this frail, feeble body for one that is similar to Jesus’ glorious body right now (Phil. 3:21)? If we could only catch a glimpse of the New Jerusalem that will descend out of heaven someday, we might want to skip the rest of our life and go directly there (Rev. 21:1-2). The best part I believe is that we will be with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who is the King of that kingdom (Rev. 21:3). No wonder Paul said that it would be far better to be with the Lord than anything that he could still do on earth (Phil. 1:23), even though he knew he still had work here to do for Christ(Phil. 1:24).

Tears Today, Joy Tomorrow

A precious part of the kingdom of heaven will be that God will wipe away every tear, and gone forever will be all sorrows, all pain, all mourning. Even death itself will finally disappear (Rev. 21:4). Just trying to describe the glorious beauty of heaven took the Apostle John several verses (Rev. 21:9-26), and even that falls far short of what the reality must be. We might shed tears today in this sinful world, but we will rejoice in the kingdom when all evil will vanish forever (Rev. 22:4). Is the confidence of knowing you’re going to heaven one of your greatest joys? Do you think about it much? Paul said that no matter how bad it gets here, nothing can compare with what is to come on that day (Rom. 8:18). That’s why Paul wrote that nothing in the human imagination could even comprehend what is coming for those who love God (1 Cor. 2:9).

The Ancient Desire for Heaven

King David must have dwelt on the kingdom of heaven, for he had a deep desire to dwell in the Lord’s house forever (Psalm 27:4). God has placed eternity in the hearts of men and women (Eccl. 3:11), so whether we live until tomorrow or die, we should encourage one another with the hope we have in Christ (1 Thess. 5:10-11). Jesus promised the disciples that He was going to the Father to prepare a place for them and that He would come again to bring them to where he was (John 14:2-3).  So imagine how glorious this place must be since He’s had such a long time to prepare a place for us as well. Our inheritance cannot be touched by corruption or decay, nor can it fade away or be defiled (1 Pet. 1:4). Shouldn’t this hope and sure confidence of our destination in the kingdom of heaven be one of the greatest joys we have? With that hope, we should live today with the end in mind.

A Closing Prayer

Father God in heaven, thank You for the hope we have in the eternal home and eternal life with You that is coming someday. Please remind me that this joy is something that no one can ever take away, and in the hopes of praising in person the very King of the kingdom, I pray in His righteous name.


How can you change someone else’s life for the better today?

Matthew 25:35-36

For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.

Changing the World One Person at a Time

Many believe they can’t change the world because there is so much wrong with it. We see so much to do that we won’t do anything, but we can at least change one person’s life today. Perhaps like a ripple in a pond, the effects can keep extending outward when this person who is changed for the better helps to change someone else’s life–it goes on and on. It’s like paying it forward. It is a change that keeps on giving change to others. Jesus said that we can make a difference. When you see someone hungry, provide them with something to eat; when you see someone is thirsty, give them a drink; and when you see someone who is a stranger, make them feel welcome (Matt. 25:35). When someone’s underdressed, give them some of your own clothing; when someone’s sick in the hospital, go and visit them; and when someone’s in prison, go see them, or at least write them a letter (Matt. 25:36). You can’t change everything, but don’t settle for nothing.

Starting a One-Person Ministry

Have you ever thought of helping one person at a time? We have a nursing home ministry, which has touched so many but one precious lady in particular. This woman has family that lives far away. She doesn’t have any friends in the city, and she receives no visitors, so our visits mean a lot to her. I believe it helped me more than it has helped her. Our church elder sees those who are in nursing homes the same as those who are in prison. They’re not there for a crime, but they are imprisoned by their own physical limitations.  They cannot come and go as they like, so they are, in effect, prisoners of their age or disability. I think Jesus would see what our church is doing for the beautiful souls in the nursing home as doing it for Him (Matt. 25:40). What do you think?

Being Part of the Body of Christ

All believers have a ministry. Even though we might not be a pastor, we are all ministers of God, sent by Him to be part of the Body of Christ. In this way, even one person can make a huge difference in the world. The church is called the Body of Christ for a very good reason: We can be His hands that touch lives (Matt. 19:13-14; John 13:13-17), we can be His ears that hear the cries for help (Matt. 20:29-34), we can be His eyes to look for the crushed in spirit (Matt. 9:35-38), we can be His voice to tell people they must repent and believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15), and we can be His feet, bringing the good news to our own area of the world (Luke 10:1-6; Rom. 10:13-15). If we truly have the mind of Christ, we will esteem others better than ourselves and we will treat them as such (Phil. 2:2-8). Why not change someone’s life for the better today? Start one person at a time.

A Closing Prayer

God, my Father, I know You want me to be Jesus’ hands, ears, eyes, voice, and feet and that I need to have the mind of Christ. Please point me to where You would have me go to change lives starting today with one person, and in Christ’s holy name I pray.


What is your biggest distraction from God? Have you thought about giving it up to see how your life might change?

Luke 14:33

So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

Competing With God

What things in this world distract us from God? What are you willing to give up to see just how much your life would change? Jesus said that we must forsake everything for Him if we are to be His disciple (Luke 14:33). For me, when I became a Christian, many of the things that I used to love weren’t things that I enjoyed anymore. It’s as if my desires or passions for things changed dramatically. I believe that this happens when we become new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). The things that I used to love I began to hate, and the things that I used to hate I began to love. Not that I can even undo Moses’ sandal straps, but like Him I started forsaking the ways of the world for those things that pleased God. Moses forsook the riches and passing pleasures of Egypt to serve God (Heb. 11:26). Almost everything else seemed like a loss compared to the riches found in Christ (Phil. 3:7). What about you? What competes with God in your life? What distracts you from being more devoted to Him?

Hating the World, Loving God

The Apostle John was clear when He wrote that if we love the world, we cannot possibly love God (1 John 2:15). If we are conformed to the world, there will be no true renewal of our mind (Rom. 12:2). If we are close friends with the world and those of the world, then that makes us enemies of God (James 4:4). Whatever it is in this world that distracts you from God is robbing you of the opportunity for real change in your life. If we’re not seeking the King of the kingdom first, then we might even struggle with the necessities of this life (Matt. 6:33), and we can’t call Him Lord if we don’t do what He tells us to do (Luke 6:46). God cannot be mocked because what we sow is what we’ll reap (Gal. 6:7), and if we sow into the flesh, we’ll reap the wind (or empty, useless things).

Naming the Distraction

Can you name what distracts you from God? Can you identify what it is that keeps you from fully serving God? Name it and then ask God to change the desires of your heart. The world has a very strong pull on our flesh.  I know–I get constant pulls of the flesh to go back into the ways of the world. Are your distractions sports, a job, friends, family, your social status, or something altogether different? Whatever it is, it is in competition with God. God is a jealous God (Ex. 34:14; Deut. 4:24), and we are to put Him first (Luke 10:27). I think every one of us, even those of us who’ve been a believer for a long time, have distractions. These distractions can keep us from significantly changing our life for the better and for the purpose of being more mightily used by God.

A Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father God, my heart is an idol factory. Please help me to love You more and more each day so that pleasing You and serving You will squeeze out of my life the desires to please myself and that You can use me in a much more powerful way. In Jesus’ name I pray.


What are you holding onto today that you need to let go to God?

Philippians 3:13-14

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Give It to God

Have you heard the expression “let go and let God”? Well, that is partially true. If we keep holding onto things too tightly, we cannot have open hands that can receive, so its better to let go of it today and give it to God. Isaiah gives us some great advice to stop remembering the former things in our life or thinking about all the old things we used to do or are still doing but to give it up to God (Isaiah 43:18-19). We can’t put our hand to the plow and then take it back again (Luke 9:62). Remember Lot’s wife? She looked back, and that did not end well for her (Gen. 19:26). What are you holding onto today that you need to let go of and give to God?

Holding Onto Something?

Let me admit something to you. When I was very young, a friend of mine took my car without permission and totaled it. He never paid me back for that. I could have had him thrown in jail, but I didn’t. He promised to pay me back if I didn’t turn him in, but he never did. I was so mad. For many, many years I kept holding onto this grudge, and even after I was saved, it kept coming up time after time. Since God has forgiven me so much more, how could I place the same value over something that doesn’t really matter after all? People are always more important than things. For one thing, this friend of mine is not saved. I have tried to tell him about Christ, but he keeps shutting me down. I finally went up to him and asked him if he remembered the car of mine that he stole, and he just gave me a blank look. I think he did, but I told him, “I forgive you.” Again, he was speechless. I told him that God has forgiven me so much more than anyone could ever do to me in a lifetime. But again, just a blank stare was all I got. That’s okay. I would have loved to have an apology, but I forgave him anyway. I just had to let go of this and give it to God. Now I pray for my friend to be saved. That is the most important thing, not that car of mine so many years ago.

What Is It You’re Holding?

Maybe you have something that is hard to let go of. What is it? Is it an old grudge? Is it something that you can’t forgive and forget? Is it an old flame who broke your heart many years ago and you’re still angry at them? Is it your money that you can’t be generous with? Maybe it’s your favorite football team that you still devote way too much time to and causes you to miss church some days. I don’t know what that is for you, but you do! What are you holding onto today that you, like I, need to let God have it? Maybe today’s the day to finally release your grip, empty your hands, and give it up to God.

A Closing Prayer

Righteous Father, You are such a good God, forgiving me when I didn’t deserve it, being patient with me for all these years with my clenched fists that refused to let go.  Thank You for waiting for me to give it up to You.  Now I pray someone else reading this will let go of what they’ve been holding onto so very tight for so many years, and I pray this in the strong name of Jesus Christ.


How do you treat your friends? Are you the kind of friend that you would want as a friend?

Proverbs 18:24

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Brothers and Sisters by Blood or in Christ?

When a person has been born again, they have been adopted into the family of God (Eph. 1:5), and these brothers and sisters in Christ are typically closer than our own brothers and sisters by birth. Consider David and Jonathan. They were not natural brothers, but their friendship was extremely close. These two reaffirmed their love as friends where Jonathan said he loved David as he loved himself (1 Sam. 20:17), and their friendship was sworn before one another in the name of the Lord (1 Sam. 20:42). Would you consider yourself that kind of friend? Is that the way you treat your friend? Are you the kind of friend that you would want as a friend? Do you have that one special friend who is like no other? I believe each brother and sister in Christ needs at least one very close, very special friend in their life. Would you be such a friend? I believe to be a friend like that, you must act like that to a friend.

A Brother Loves at all Times

Jesus calls us His friend if we do what He asks (John 15:14). Don’t you think Jonathan would have done anything for David? That’s why Solomon said that a friend loves us at all times, both good and bad, in prosperity and poverty, and in sickness and perfect health. A true brother is born for times of adversity (Prov. 17:17). Are you that kind of friend? Do you have a friend like that? If not, make friends and be a friend like that. The older I get, the more I see the value in friendship. True friends don’t forsake their friends just because of hard times (Prov. 27:10); therefore, don’t ever forsake your friend because you’re going to need them someday.

A Friend Dying for a Friend?

Even though Jesus is God, He called the disciples His friends because He let them know what was going on (John 15:15). There is really no greater friend than one who would be willing to lay down their life for their friend (John 15:13), and that is just what Jesus did. David would have been willing to die for Jonathan, just as Jonathan would have died for David if necessary. It’s extremely rare for someone to die for a righteous person (Rom. 5:7), but Christ died for us while we were still wicked sinners (Rom. 5:10) and enemies of God (Rom. 5:8). Isn’t that the greatest love of all? Would you die for a friend? How do you treat your friends? Are you the kind of friend that would die for your friend? Are you the type of friend to someone that you would want as a friend?

A Closing Prayer

Father God, oh Glorious One, thank You for dying for me, Your natural enemy who deserved Your wrath. But Your love was displayed on the cross (John 3:16), and I thank You and praise You. In the precious name of the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ, I pray.


John 14:12 NIV

[Jesus said,] "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me . . . will do even greater things."
-- JOHN 14:12 NIV

Each prayer is a message of faith in God. We are saying, "I trust you; lead me. I believe in you; guide me. I need you; show me." When we offer ourselves openly, he will always answer. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What is Faith

Faith is for that which lies on the other side of reason. Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys.

Ephesians 3:12 NIV

In [Christ] and through faith in [Christ] we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Lord, give me the faith to take the next step, even when I don't know what lies ahead. Give me the assurance that even if I stumble and fall, you'll pick me up and put me back on the path. And give me the confidence that, even if I lose faith, you will never lose me. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Proverbs 3:3 NIV

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind
them around your neck, write them on the tablet
of your heart.

Father, there are many events over which we have no control. We do have a choice, however, to endure trying times or to give up.The secret of survival is remembering that our hope is in your fairness, goodness, and justice. When we put our trust in you, we can remain faithful. Our trust and faithfulness produce the endurance that sees us through the tough times we face. Please help us remember that. Amen. 

Galatians 3:9 NIV

Lord, you have always blessed me with a strong will and a good sense of humor. These two things have gotten me far in life, especially when dealing with my friends, children, and colleagues. But the greatest gift of all, Lord, has been your faith in me, which has instilled in me an equal faith in you. Faith is what I rely on when my strength wavers and my humor is nowhere to be found. Faith is my go-to power to get through each day and night, and then do it all over again. Faith is my up-and-at-'em when I feel more down-and-out. I thank you, Lord, for the amazing grace of your presence in my life and for this unshakable faith of mine! Amen.

Faith is what keeps you smiling through the pain, laughing through the fear, and dancing through the rainstorms of life.

Those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.


Faith is the glue that keeps relationships together, even when they are difficult and we cannot see their worth. Everyone in our lives is important to our growth in some way. We just need to have faith that one day that importance will be revealed.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Romans 12:12 NIV

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
--ROMANS 12:12 NIV

Some of our biggest challenges come in the form of other people. They frustrate us, upset us, anger us, and sometimes make us crazy. Often we lose our patience and even our love for them. This is where faith comes in. When we trust that every person we meet is doing the best they can with what they have, and that there is a reason for all of them to be in our lives, including those who most push our buttons, we realize that all we need to do is treat them with kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. We just need to have faith that everyone we know counts, even the ones we wish we'd never met! 

Faith. Hope. Courage.

I pray for three things today: a faith that never falters, a hope that never fails, and a courage that never weakens. Material blessings are wonderful, but with these three things I truly feel that I have the kingdom of heaven at my feet, with all it contains. Faith, hope, and courage are like food, water, and air and bring me sustenance and vitality, especially on those days when I feel weak and hopeless and not up to the challenge of anything. I pray today for just these three things, God, knowing that you will always supply my every need. Faith, hope, and courage--the most important blessings of all. Amen.

Money can buy us so many wonderful things, but it cannot buy us the best things, for those are free to us and in constant supply when we put our faith in God.

Ephesians 3:16-17 NIV

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
With faith as our weapon, we can face down any monster that fear puts in our path and move forward with boldness and confidence.

Romans 10:17 KJV

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
--ROMANS 10:17

People will let me down and disappoint me, the car won't always start, and the check won't always arrive on time, but my faith in you, God, never fails me. Like a steadfast and eternal flame, faith burns brightly within, helping me overcome the disappointments of daily life and finding peace when it would be so much easier to just give up and give in. I know, God, that I can always rely on you to be there, and that when others fail to come through, you never turn your back on me. Without faith, life would be a scary place. But with faith, I can face each fear as it comes my way, with trust and confidence that you are bigger than all of my fears. Thank you, God. 

Isaiah 7:9

If you do not stand firm in faith,
you shall not stand at all.
--ISAIAH 7:9

Dear Lord, I could use your presence today. I have so much to deal with, and I'm not sure whether I'm up to the task. I pray that you stand beside me, urging me to keep the faith and stay focused, and inspiring me to do my best even when I am afraid or in doubt. I ask that you be like a blanket of comfort should my day go worse than planned, and that your guidance keeps me on the right path when I am tempted to stray and give in to anger and impatience. Allow me the faith to move through my day knowing that I am not alone, and that no matter what comes at me, I can handle it.

 We may not always feel like we are up to the task, but our faith will make certain we rise to the occasion when we have to.

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Nature is filled with examples of faith in action. Go out on a cloudy and cold day. Behind those clouds is a vast expanse of blue sky and a sun that warms the soul. Look up at the moon hanging in the night sky. That moon rises and falls like clockwork. The bird knows where to fly, and the flowers bloom right on schedule. The animals live, the trees grow tall, the insects hum and buzz, and not one of them worries about tomorrow. The sun does not fret with anxiety about whether it is rising correctly. The horse does not get insecure when it gallops. Everything in nature runs on the faith that all is well and perfect just the way it is.

Only people lack faith in the natural order of creation. Worry not, for God's plan is always at work and always working perfectly.


I don't pray for God to take my problems away,
I pray only for God to give me the strength
to go through them.


2 Corinthians 5:6-7

We are always confident . . . for we walk by faith, not by sight.
When all else fails, have faith! It costs nothing more than the willingness to surrender control and give up the need to be Master of the Universe. Let God run the ship. Your job is to enjoy the ride.


One of the hardest roles a woman plays is that of a mother. Mothers are expected to handle any obstacle, weather any storm, and navigate any conflict and do it with patience, love, and grace. As a mother, I know how hard this can be and how much it requires sheer faith that my best will always have to be good enough. Without faith in God and in my own abilities, I would never be able to care for others and for myself without falling apart! Faith is a mother's best friend and constant ally. We moms may not always be able to fix every boo-boo, but with faith we know we can, at the very least, ease the pain.


"You gotta have faith," goes the famous pop song, and I am blessed, dear God, with plenty of faith in your presence and power in my life. I am also blessed with friends and family I can rely on, as well as my own good company. My faith is strong and true, for it has never ceased to provide me with the courage, wisdom, and guidance I need to be patient and at peace even when things around me are a mess. Thank you, God, for building in me a foundation of trust and faith that everything happens for a reason and that I am always loved, cared for, and protected, even when it appears to the contrary. For I know now that faith speaks of a power far greater than appearances and far stronger than effects. Faith knows no boundaries. Amen.


Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in the faith.
When there seems to be no way out, faith provides a way in. When all doors have been closed, faith opens up a window. When our challenges threaten to drown us, faith offers a lifeboat and guides us back to shore. The walls of life can sometimes close in on us, leaving us feeling small, weak, and powerless, but faith takes us by the hand and walks with us until we feel big and strong and powerful again.

Psalm 37:28 NIV

For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones.
-- PSALM 37:28 NIV

Faith is the "yes" to every "no" and the "can" to every "cannot." Faith gives us the power to stand against anything and prevail, even when we don't know how we will do so. Faith requires no knowledge of how it works, just the acceptance that it does work. 

Finding an Everyday Faith

Lord, let my faith be a light to guide my way today. Whether skies are sunny or stormy, let me move according to my faith, secure in the knowledge that it will lead me to the path that is right and true. Let me leave all control to you, Lord, and follow the beacon of light that is my faith in you, the way the ships at sea follow the lighthouse beacon to the safety of shore. Let me stand in faith today, no matter how hard the winds blow. Let my faith take root like those of a redwood tree, strong and firm.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Faith is to the mind as love is to the heart. Faith eases a mind overwhelmed by the hows and the whys of a situation. Faith brings peace to the chaotic thoughts, worries, and anxieties. Faith is a soothing balm to the racing mind filled with fear. Faith is a comforting blanket to the mind gone cold with doubt and negativity. Faith empowers a weak mind that does not believe it can overcome a challenge and emboldens a meek mind that is afraid to step out of its comfort zone. Faith is a friend and an ally and a warrior for the mind that knows that sometimes the answers to life's questions lay beyond the limitations of reason.

When thought and action alone are not enough to face an obstacle or overcome a challenge, call upon the warrior known as faith. For only faith can go where the rational mind cannot and see what the reasoning mind fails to see.