Tuesday, September 19, 2017


For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Lord, when physical limitations begin to press in, I don't want to be defined by any loss of health I'm experiencing, whether it's a temporary impairment or something more permanent. I realize that this body won't last forever--that it is indeed wearing out.  And while I hope to be as whole as possible for as long as possible, you gave me this body, and so I will be grateful for every day of life you give me in it. When there is pain, give me grace to endure it. When there is frustration, carry me in your patience. When there is sorrow, comfort me with reminders of my future with you. And with every physical loss, let there be a spiritual gain that outweighs it and makes it seem small in comparison.

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