Friday, September 22, 2017

Psalm 34:18 NIV

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
--PSALM 34:18 NIV

Will our pets be with us in heaven? The scriptures do not give a definitive answer about that. In fact, the writer of Ecclesiastes pondered whether the spirit of an animal ascends or not, and concluded that we simply don't know. Still, we have reason to hope that we'll see our favorite animal friends again.

How do I say good-bye to someone I've loved so much in this life, Father? To let them go, to live life with that empty spot where they once were feels so awkward and unnatural. It seems wrong to carry on without them. Something inside me shouts, "As if I could!" And yet I must, and I do, and it's so difficult. How do I find "normal" now in those places where we always stood together? Please help me. Carry me and grant me quiet healing that happens as grief takes its course. And please, even in this grief, let me find joy in the memories of our time together on this earth. 

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