Sunday, September 10, 2017

Isaiah 7:9

If you do not stand firm in faith,
you shall not stand at all.
--ISAIAH 7:9

Dear Lord, I could use your presence today. I have so much to deal with, and I'm not sure whether I'm up to the task. I pray that you stand beside me, urging me to keep the faith and stay focused, and inspiring me to do my best even when I am afraid or in doubt. I ask that you be like a blanket of comfort should my day go worse than planned, and that your guidance keeps me on the right path when I am tempted to stray and give in to anger and impatience. Allow me the faith to move through my day knowing that I am not alone, and that no matter what comes at me, I can handle it.

 We may not always feel like we are up to the task, but our faith will make certain we rise to the occasion when we have to.

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