Thursday, September 21, 2017

Romans 8:31 NIV

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Father, you've created a wonderful gift to humanity on the earth by giving us the animal kingdom, and especially pets we adopt and nurture and come to love as family members. But when we lose one of them, it's more painful to say good-bye than we like to admit. After all, these are friends that have loved us unconditionally and have trusted us so fully to take care of them. Their vulnerability is moving, and when they leave us, we grieve. Before when we grieved, they comforted us. Now that they're gone, the sorrow is compounded in their absence. We're sometimes afraid to make too much of it to others who may not understand, but with you there is no such fear. You gave them to us, knowing we would love them but eventually lose them, and so we look to you as our source of comfort when we grieve their passing. 

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