Saturday, December 31, 2016

What obstacles do you need to surrender to Me today?

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Surrendering for Victory

For some reason I find it hard to surrender because I see that as defeat. But the way that the Bible teaches it, victory is only possible by surrendering–surrendering to God, that is. That means we must lay aside every weight we try to carry by ourselves so that we can run the race that’s ahead of us with endurance (Heb. 12:1b). No runner runs a race with weights on, but sometimes our weights can be mental ones; that is, we can carry baggage in our minds that slow us down and encumber our walk with Christ. Jesus tells us He wants to take that weight so we can find rest for our souls (Matt. 11:29) because Jesus’ yoke allows us to lighten our burden (Matt. 11:30). That’s so easy to say but so very hard to do.

The Obstacles of Our Faith

Are the obstacles of our faith those things we need every day like food, water, and shelter? Jesus tells us to not worry about these types of things (Matt. 6:25). God assures that even the birds of the air are taken care of and they don’t have anyplace to store up provisions for themselves (Matt. 6:26). Is worrying about what will happen tomorrow our obstacle? Jesus tells us not to worry about what comes tomorrow because today’s enough in itself (Matt. 6:34). If we are anxious about things, then these can become obstacles to our faith, and we must surrender them all to God. If you’re anxious about anything, just surrender it to Jesus, make your requests to God, and drop the worry (Phil. 4:6).

Possessions Can Own Us

I know a man who owns a lot of possessions, but I wonder if his possessions actually own him. Do you know what I mean? Jesus once shocked the rich rulers in Judea by telling them that they should sell all of their possessions and help the needy, thereby storing up treasures in heaven, where they’ll be safe from corruption or thievery (Luke 12:33). Jesus was saying that what we treasure shows where our heart really is (Luke 12:34). God desires to give us so much more than we can imagine, like the kingdom and all that goes with that (Luke 12:32). Besides, if we are seeking the King of the kingdom above everything else, God will assure that we’ll have all of our needs met, anyway (Matt. 6:33). So the question is what obstacles do we you to surrender to Jesus today? Is it worry about money, bills, family, your job? Surrender it all and you’ll discover the greatest riches of all, which are the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:8).

A Closing Prayer

Father, I am so sorry that I let the obstacles of worry and anxiety take the place of surrendering to You and trusting in You above all the issues in my life. I fall so far short in these things. Help me to thoroughly trust You and not things and problems so that I can surrender everything that interferes with a complete and total surrender to You, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


Be Careful and Discerning {Read Galatians 1:1-10}

There is nothing more that Satan more desires than that we should believe that he doesn't exist. ~Bishop Wordsworth~

You are following a different way that pretends to be the Good News but is not the Good News at all. You are being fooled by those who twist and change the truth concerning Christ {Gal. 1:6-7}.

     Centuries ago, Jesus warned His followers to be careful: "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are really vicious wolves" {Matt. 7:15}. This warning is as relevant today as it was all those years ago, because we still have those with us who manipulate the Scriptures or present us with a weak version of the gospel.
     They may succeed in presenting it in a very attractive and innocent way, but they are doing great harm by undermining the gospel and the church of Christ.
     There is no easy way to salvation, and anyone who shows no respect for Jesus' teachings must be regarded with suspicion. When Jesus called you to take up your cross and follow Him, He made it quite clear that He is the only Way. As you undoubtedly know, this means unreserved surrender to Christ and His commands.
     Anything else, no matter how acceptable it may seem, is not from God. To help you identify these false prophets, Jesus said, "Not everyone who calls out to Me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of My Father in heaven will enter" {Matt. 7:21}.

Lord Jesus, keep my feet on the right way - Your way. Amen.

If today was your last day on Earth, would you be doing what you are doing?

Second Timothy 4:6

For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near.

Fighting to the End

I don’t ever want to retire. I don’t want to burn out either. I want to go out in a great ball of fire! D.L. Moody, who tirelessly worked for the Lord, was once asked if he was tired, but he answered, “I’m not tired of the work. I’m tired in the work.” That’s a huge difference. If you knew that today would be your very last day on Earth, what would you do? Who would you talk to? Would you urgently be appealing to all of your family members, friends, and co-workers, even strangers on the street who were not saved that they needed to repent and trust in the Lord? I would think you’d have a greater sense of urgency in almost every aspect of your life, wouldn’t you? Why not live our lives like that every day?

Today Could Be the day

Paul knew that his life was near the end (2 Tim. 4:6), and he could look back and see that he fought the good fight of faith (2 Tim. 4:6). He looked ahead to the crown of righteousness, which the Lord had waiting for him, but this crown wasn’t only for him but for all who had a deep, abiding longing for Jesus’ return (2 Tim. 4:8). He could reflect on his life with the satisfaction of knowing that he had given it everything he had and faithfully kept the faith until the very end (2 Tim. 4:7). What about us? Can we say that we are fighting the good fight of faith today and every day and living like today could be the last day of our lives? None of us knows when that day will come, but it is coming for us all (Heb. 9:27); of that we can be sure.

Poured Out Like an Offering

I love the wording of Paul’s last letter to Timothy as well as us.  He was ready to be poured out like a drink offering. In the Old Testament and in Judaism of his day, drink offerings were poured out as offerings to God, which is exactly what Paul did with his life. He left nothing in the cup–everything was poured out for the Lord’s glory. I wonder if I could do close to the same thing as Paul? Certainly not to the same extent, but I like the idea of pouring myself out every day so that God can fill me back up again. I want to live life every day like it could be my last, because it could. Not because I’m over 60; rather, because the Lord knows the day of my death and I don’t (Job 14:5; Psalm 139:16). So I’m going to strive to live it to the max because I won’t get a second chance. There’s no evangelism in heaven.

A Closing Prayer

God, I have no idea which day will be my last, but it will surely come and perhaps when I least expect it. So please create in me a heart for the lost so that I can use every ounce of my being to help reach the lost for as long as I have a breath in me. In Jesus’ most glorious name I pray.


Jesus Calling 12-31-16

AS THIS YEAR DRAWS TO A CLOSE, receive My Peace. This is still your deepest need, and I, your Prince of Peace, long to pour Myself into your neediness. My abundance and your emptiness are a perfect match. I designed you to have no sufficiency of your own. I created you as a jar of clay, set apart for sacred use. I want you to be filled with My very Being, permeated through and through with Peace.
     Thank Me for My peaceful Presence, regardless of your feelings. Whisper My Name in loving tenderness. My Peace, which lives continually in your spirit, will gradually work its way through your entire being.

ISAIAH 9:6; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:7; JOHN 14:26-27

Friday, December 30, 2016

More Precious than Gold {Read Psalm 19:1-14}

A man's heart is right when he wills what God wills. ~ Thomas Aquinas ~

The laws of the LORD are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb {Ps. 19:9-10}.

     We tend to think of gold as an exceptional source of wealth. In fact, it is very unpredictable as far as price goes. For many years its selling price was $35 an ounce. Then, in 1980 it shot up to more than $800 an ounce. In 2004, it was valued at about $260. In 2006, an expert predicted that it would exceed the $1000 mark! Material values are unpredictable, unreliable and deceptive. Yet, in spite of this, people spend their lives worrying and stressing about these material values.
     Our Scripture for the day was written 3,000 years ago. King David had deep insight into the course of world events, and also the value of things as compared to the truths and precepts of the Lord. He was a very prosperous man. He knew that in guiding humankind on how to live, God gave us something more precious than the finest gold. David obeyed God's precepts himself and did his utmost to use them as indicators for his faith and actions.
     Don't be like so many modern people who run down and despise the Lord's teachings. Jesus didn't do it. He said He had come to fulfill the law. He rated the law even higher by adding love to it. What we urgently need is to make the laws of God number one in our value system again, and to cherish them. We will be so much richer if we do this.

Help me, Father God, to place Your teachings at the top of my priority list. Amen.

Do you lean on excuses or lean on Me when time constraints limit your involvement in kingdom work?

Ephesians 5:16

Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Paul tells us that we must act wisely with those outside the church and to make the most of every opportunity (Col. 4:5), and I am guessing that he means we ought to use every opportunity, every moment to tell those outside the church about Christ and that today is their day of salvation (2 Cor. 6:2) because nobody knows whether tomorrow will even come (Prov. 27:1). That’s something they can’t put off, and those opportunities are things we shouldn’t waste. That’s the only way Paul’s comment in Colossians 4:5 seems to make sense.

Time–A Valuable Commodity

We don’t have a clue about the day of our death. Young people die of aneurysms. Some die in car accidents. Some I talk to think they’ll live to be 80, but we can’t take that for granted. When our schedules are so full of activities that we rarely have the time to study our Bible, pray, or go to church or Bible study, then we are too busy. We may not feel we have the time, so we must make the time. Doing an inventory of your day or week is a great way to assess just what you spend your time doing and what takes the bulk of your time away from things involving the kingdom. Time is precious. Not another minute can our money buy. I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a few people who were dying, either on their deathbed or in hospice, and no one I’ve ever spoken to in these circumstances felt like they should have spent more time watching TV or movies or surfing the Internet. On the contrary, many of these people told me that they wished they had redeemed the time in a way that reflects the priority of helping others, serving others, and witnessing to the lost. Those few seconds you’ve just spent reading this are gone forever, and you may never get a second chance to show someone the love of God.

Excuse the Excuses

We can either admit we’ve wasted time doing things to please ourselves or try to make excuses, and believe me, I can make up a lot of them. I feel that I have squandered much of my life on my own self, which was wasted time. Time cannot be put into a bottle and saved. You cannot deposit time and save it for later. Once it is spent, it is gone forever with no second chance. I need to keep praying every morning, reading my Bible every morning, praying for divine appointments in my day, and doing all I can do to spread the Word of God to those who don’t know Christ. I feel a sense of shame for time spent on me, but I’ve never felt more joy than when I pour out my life for others. We are stewards of our time and will be held accountable someday for how we use or misuse it.

A Closing Prayer

Father, I have been so frivolous with my life. Please help me to squeeze every second out of every minute out of every hour out of every day for the things that bring You glory and not me pleasure. Forgive my wasting of what is a gift–my time–on myself. Help me to focus on others, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


Do you think God would give you a commandment and not the ability to fulfill it?

Hebrews 13:20-21

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

A New Command, A New Ability

Jesus gave the disciples a new command before He left, and it was to love one another just as He had loved them (John 13:34). He told them that this is how other people will know that they are His disciples, if they loved one another (John 13:35). They were commanded to love one another in the same way that Jesus loved them (John 15:2), but Jesus would have never commanded them to do something that He would not give them the ability to do. That would be like swearing in a police officer and commanding him or her to do their duty and then not giving them a gun or a car so that they could perform what they were commanded to do, which was to keep the peace. Surely we don’t think God would command us to do something and then not give us the ability to do it.

Loving Our Enemies

This sounds humanly impossible, but by God’s Spirit, we can love our enemies. Not only that, we can pray for our persecutors (Matt. 5:44). Jesus would have never commanded us to do this unless He understood that He could enable us do it. The difference is that we can’t do it in our own human strength. We need God’s Spirit, and in Christ we can do all things because Christ Himself will strengthen us (Phil. 4:13). Nowhere does He say we can do all things in our own strength. On the contrary, we can’t do anything without Him (John 15:5). Jesus commands us to do things but not without Him. He commands what He empowers.

Devotion to One Another

Once more we see something that is humanly impossible, which is to be devoted to one another (Rom. 12:10). This fulfills the Law (Rom. 13:8). If someone’s been born again, they can love others (1 John 4:7). If they’ve never been born again, they couldn’t possibly do this. We don’t have it in us outside of the power of God’s Spirit. The Spirit of God allows us, or really He empowers us, to esteem others better than ourselves (Phil. 2:3) and to submit to one another out of a holy reverence for Jesus Christ (Eph. 5:21). That’ won’t work with the human spirit alone because it’s not enough to enable us to do it. But the thing we must remember is that God will not ever give us a command that He won’t give us the ability to fulfill.

A Closing Prayer

Father, You and Your Spirit can help me to fulfill what You command; otherwise, it is impossible for me to love my brother and sister in the way that Jesus loved me. I need help in this because I know my own strength is insufficient, but You can empower me to obey what You command. I ask for this power in Jesus’ mighty name.


Jesus Calling 12-30-16

I AM LEADING YOU along a way that is uniquely right for you. The closer to Me you grow, the more fully you become your true self--the one I designed you to be. Because you are one of a kind, the path you are traveling with Me diverges increasingly from that of other people. However, in My mysterious wisdom and ways, I enable you to follow this solitary path while staying in close contact with others. In fact, the more completely you devote yourself to Me, the more freely you can love people.
     Marvel at the beauty of life intertwined with My Presence. Rejoice as we journey together in intimate communion. Enjoy the adventure of finding yourself through losing yourself in Me.

2 CORINTHIANS 5:17; EPHESIANS 2:10; 1 JOHN 4:7-8; JOHN 15:4

Thursday, December 29, 2016

God Is in Control {Read Jeremiah 36:21-26}

If you should be arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? ~Anonymous~

Then the king commanded his son Jerahmeel, Seraiah son of Azriel, and Shelemiah son of Abdeel, to arrest Baruch and Jeremiah. But the LORD had hidden them {Jer. 36:26}.

     We sometimes hear how God rescues people from a specific situation like a war, earthquake or other natural disaster. People survive an accident and know that if the hand of God had not protected them, they would certainly have died.
     When Baruch took Jeremiah's message to the royal court, insiders warned him of the danger that awaited him and Jeremiah. They decided to hide until the danger had passed. They saw God's hand in everything and they surely thanked Him for their survival.
     It is good for Christians to hear this story. God can intervene in situations where people are in danger because of their faith, and because they stand by what they know to be the truth.
     In some countries, tyrants are still in positions where they have sole power. Millions of people suffer tremendous injustice. Some brave Christians have courageously started speaking out against the unrighteousness and the persecution of Christians.
     God doesn't guarantee their safety for taking this courageous stance. But He is there in the whirlpool of conflict, and in many cases He intervenes on their behalf. God is never conquered by dictators. In the end, He is in control, whatever the outcome of the conflict might be.

Almighty God, protect those who are in danger because they remain true to You. Amen.

Jesus Calling 12-29-16

TRUST ME with every fiber of your being! What I can accomplish in and through you is proportional to how much you depend on Me. One aspect of this is the degree to which you trust Me in a crisis or major decision. Some people fail miserably here, while others are at their best in tough times. Another aspect is even more telling: the constancy of your trust in Me. People who rely on Me in the midst of adversity may forget about Me when life is flowing smoothly. Difficult times can jolt you into awareness of your need for Me, whereas smooth sailing can lull you into the stupor of self-sufficiency.
     I care as much about your tiny trust-steps through daily life as about your dramatic leaps of faith. You may think that no one notices, but the One who is beside you sees everything--and rejoices. Consistently trusting in Me is vital to flourishing in My Presence.

PSALM 40:4; PSALM 56:3-4; PSALM 62:8; ISAIAH 26:3-4

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

You fear death but not the sunset? Don’t you trust equally that both have a new beginning?

Acts 20:24

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

Not the End but the Beginning

Once we depart this life, people will say we’re dead, but in actuality we’ll be more alive than ever! Paul knew that as long as he was on the Earth, he wouldn’t’ be with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:6). He preferred to be absent from his body here on Earth so that he could be present with the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8), and I can’t blame him because so do I. In this life we have suffering, groans, and pains and long to be clothed in an eternal body (2 Cor. 5:2). How about you? Is that what you long for? The older I get, the more I want that. Even though I trust in the Lord as my Savior, I still have some concerns about death. I also know that a sunset and the death of a soul are not the real end but, in fact, only the beginning of something that we can’t even imagine in this life. We won’t even be able to compare this life with the life to come (Rom. 8:18).

Trust in God

I am often reminded of Paul’s desires that he was torn between two places: One was to be here on the Earth to do the Lord’s work, and the other was to be with the Lord Himself because He knew what was far better (Phil. 1:23). Imagine that you’re on a long trip and you look forward to your destination. The journey’s not too bad, but compared to the destination point, won’t the ending be amazing!? That is what life is like for the believer. We know that when we see the sun set, it will rise again, but we shouldn’t fear death too much because we ought to realize that we, too, will rise again and be with the Lord forevermore!

As in Adam, so Also in Christ

First Corinthians 15:22 reminds us that, just as in Adam, we are all destined to die; however, in Christ, all will be made alive. Christ is the archetype or first-fruit in this sense, but when He comes again, we, too, will have both body and spirit reunited for all eternity (1 Cor. 15:23). What went into the ground to decay will come up at Christ’s return as immortal (1 Cor. 15:42), and like a seed that’s sown naturally, it will burst forth from the ground supernaturally (1 Cor. 15:44), never to die again. I suggest you read more about this in 1 Corinthians 15 because it will encourage you to see that just as the sunset is not the end of the sun, our death is not the end of our life. Shouldn’t we equally trust that both will have a new beginning?

A Closing Prayer

Father God, You are so good, and all Your promises are sure (and amen).  I know I can trust Your Word and not my own fears and doubts in this life. Help me to trust You more each and every day, and please forgive my lack of trusting in You, the true Author of life. In Jesus’ name I pray.


The Unstoppable Word {Read Jeremiah 36:21-26}

The gospel is not speculation but fact. It is the truth, because it is a record of a Person who is the Truth. ~ Alexander MacLaren ~
Each time Jehudi finished reading three or four columns, the king took a knife and cut off that section of the scroll. He then threw it into the fire, section by section, until the whole scroll was burned up {Jer. 36:23}.
In the past, people have tried to prevent the message of God’s truth from reaching those it was meant for. For close on seven decades of communist rule in Russia, the Bible was banned and Christians persecuted. Finally, communism was rejected. During the past decade, 20% of the population converted from atheism to the Christian faith and Bibles are freely available again.
In ancient Israel, Jeremiah persuaded his friend Baruch to bring the message of God to the king, and his people. It told about God’s judgment over both the king and the people, and at last it was read to the king. He had it cut up and burnt. Jeremiah immediately wrote everything down again and it has been preserved for all time in the book of Jeremiah. Long after the king tried to destroy the Word of God, we are able to read and hear the exact words the king tried to destroy.
Tyrants may ban or burn the Bible, but they cannot stop the message from spreading. The truth (about God) will become known. Your task as a Christian is not only to read and hear the gospel, but to encourage its spread, both in the world outside and in your immediate surroundings. If you live in a country where the Bible is banned, keep it safe, cherish it, use it and make it known to others as far as you possibly can.
God of the Word, make the work of those who spread Your Word prosper. Amen.

Jesus Calling 12-28-16

I AM YOUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH, an ever-present Help in trouble. Therefore, you don't need to be afraid of anything--not even cataclysmic circumstances. The media are increasingly devoted to fear-inducing subject matter: terrorism, serial killers, environmental catastrophes. If you focus on such dangers and forget that I am your Refuge in all circumstances, you will become increasingly fearful. Every day I manifest My grace in countless places and situations, but the media take no notice. I shower not only blessings but also outright miracles on your planet.
      As you grow closer to Me, I open your eyes to see more and more of My Presence all around you. Things that most people hardly notice, like shifting shades of sunlight, fill you with heart-bursting Joy. You have eyes that see and ears that hear, so proclaim My abiding Presence in the world.

PSALM 46:1-3; PSALM 89:15

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Don’t Act in Haste {Read Proverbs 20:22-30}

When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future. ~ Bernard Meltzer ~
Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.” Wait for the LORD to handle the matter {Prov. 20:22}.
In any difference of opinion or hostility between people, there is always the tendency to get even. Hurt feelings, wounded pride, or a sense of injustice always bring out the worst in people. Then we tend to take matters in our own hands - and this has the ability to worsen an already unfortunate situation.
If feelings of disapproval and dislike are not stopped, they smolder until, as in the case of a fire, they grow and spread to such an extent that the situation becomes hard to control. These feelings can cause untold misery by affecting not only emotions, but also our entire viewpoint of the lives of other people - especially those close to us.
If you feel you have been treated or judged unfairly, remember that it is expected of you as a Christian to forgive. To succeed in overcoming the natural human reaction to seek revenge, hand yourself and everyone involved over to God, and allow Him to deal with the matter in His own time and way. Follow Jesus’ example and ask for His grace to help you rise above your human tendencies and to reveal God’s forgiving love. Then you will experience a feeling of peace that will heal your pain and feelings of being wronged.
Heavenly Father, even if I feel the pain caused by others, help me to forgive like You forgive me. Amen.

Religious Language {Read Psalm 19:1-15}

Praising God is one of the highest and purest acts in religion. In prayer we act like people; in praise we act like angels. ~ Thomas Watson ~
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer {Ps. 19:14}.
Exclamations of religious ecstasy are totally pointless unless they are the embodiment of insight. When David, who wrote this psalm, praised God, he did it for a specific reason and not by force of habit.
He praised God for His goodness, for saving him from his enemies, for His protection and guidance. When you say, “Praise the Lord!” it must be followed by the question, “What for?” Shouting “Praise the Lord!” or “Hallelujah!” in frenzied excitement is not good enough. These exclamations demand insight into why exactly they are used.
Religious cliches impede our spiritual growth if they are used without a second thought. They create a fixed pattern in our mind and dull our spiritual sensitivity so that we are not receptive to greater truths than we already know. The testimony of many Christians is so stereotyped and repetitive that it is ineffective because it lacks conviction. The Master warns against the use of empty phrases in our prayer life.
Make every effort to express your faith in modern terminology. Reveal your love for your Master in simple words that are easy to understand. It will not only refresh your faith, but also make the Living Christ real to the people around you.
Loving Master, grant me the wisdom to make my faith relevant by using modern and meaningful language. Amen.

Are you living for the things you are praying for?

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Living and Praying for the Same Thing?

Jesus said that if we seek Him and the kingdom above all things, He will provide for all our needs (Matt. 6:33). Are you living for and praying for the same thing? That is, is what you pray for what you are living for? In other words, if we are living for a nice home, job, plenty of money as our chief goal, do you think God will hear and answer that prayer? If we are seeking to glorify God and live for His glory so that others will see Him in us, is that what you pray for? I try every day to pray for divine appointments where I would meet someone or someone would cross my path so that I can share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what I live for, and that is what I pray for. How about you? Are you living for the same things that you’re praying for? There’s nothing wrong with asking God to bless you, but what is the true purpose of being blessed? Is it to bless others?

Clothing, Food, and Shelter

What do we live for? Is it for the same reason that the universe was created (Psalm 19:1), which is for the glory of God? Worrying doesn’t do us any good at all, as you probably already know (Matt. 6:27). We’re not to worry about the necessities of life, anyway (Matt. 6:28), and what we’ll eat, drink, or wear (Matt. 6:31). Today that might be more like how we’ll make our car payment, the rent or house payment, the electric bill payment, and so on and not what we’ll eat, drink, or wear. Most of us have enough to eat and plenty of clothing to wear, but in Jesus’ day those were the things they worried about. If we are living only for those things–and there’s nothing wrong with being concerned about having enough to pay our bills–then our focus might be on the wrong things. I sometimes get preoccupied (worried?) about making ends meet. But am I praying about it more than worrying about it?

Prayer Versus Anxiety

If there were contests between prayer and anxiety, I’d lose many of these battles because I let anxiety win out over praying about the necessities of life. Sadly, I don’t always take to heart Paul’s advice in Philippians 4:6. I have this verse end read as “be anxious about everything…and nothing by prayer and supplication and with no thanksgiving I don’t let my requests made known to God.” Is that like you sometimes? I would imagine I’m not alone. That’s why I need to be reading the Word daily because greater faith can come by hearing and reading of the Word (Rom. 10:17). So instead of asking you this question, I will ask myself: Am I living for the things I am praying for? Probably not like I should. What about you?

A Closing Prayer

Oh Creator God, my Father, I am so weak in faith at times and don’t commit things in my life to prayer like I should. Help my weak faith and give me more confidence and reassurance to trust in You and in what Your Word says, and in the strong name of Jesus I pray.


Jesus Calling 12-27-16

I AM PREPARING YOU for what is on the road ahead, just around the bend. Take time to be still in My Presence so that I can strengthen you. The busier you become, the more you need this time apart with Me. So many people think that time spent with Me is a luxury they cannot afford. As a result, they live and work in their own strength--until that becomes depleted. Then they either cry out for Me for help or turn away in bitterness.
     How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and trusting Me in every situation. If you live in this way, you will do less but accomplish far more. Your unhurried pace of living will stand out in this rush-crazed age. Some people may deem you lazy, but many more will be blessed by your peacefulness. Walk in the Light with Me, and you will reflect Me to the watching world.

ISAIAH 64:4; JOHN 15:5; PSALM 36:9

Monday, December 26, 2016

Before It's Too Late {Read Proverbs 17:1-14}

Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before a dispute breaks out {Prov. 17:14}.
Some of the greatest rifts in human relationships are caused by only a few sharp and badly chosen words. It is shocking that people will even resort to violence after the wrong interpretation of a seemingly innocent remark. Families and friends can be driven apart for years about something fairly insignificant.
An argument can only take place between two or more people. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can prevent it from getting out of hand by defusing the situation. Avoid the argument by refusing to get involved if it seems that tempers are starting to flare, or when the issue shows signs of reaching crises proportions.
When things have cooled off and everyone calmed down, you will find that no harm was done because you said nothing to fan the flames.
If you follow Jesus’ example, you will know how to make level-headedness triumph over anger and pride, and you will be able to withdraw from the argument, your dignity intact. Then you and all those involved will be thankful that peace has been restored because the heat of the moment has passed.
Holy Jesus, grant that I am never too hotheaded to stop before it’s too late. Amen.

No Christian Spectators {Read Acts 8:1-13}

Saul was one of the witnesses, and he agreed completely with the killing of Stephen {Acts 8:1}.

     There are people who believe they can play a passive role in life's issues and still remain true to the principles of Christ's teachings. They try to keep the faith, no matter how weak it may be. They think the fact that they don't want to become involved in something safeguards them from the responsibility of identifying themselves with Jesus' statement, "Whoever is not for Me, is against Me."
     We read in Acts that Stephen was stoned to death because of his faith in Jesus Christ. Saul was a spectator - looking after the clothes of Stephen's murderers. Specifically through this act of not getting involved, Saul sided with the group that was stoning Stephen.
     As a Christian you will often find yourself in situations where you are called on to identify with, or distance yourself from, a given set of circumstances. No one who is a sincere ans true disciple of the Living Christ can be a spectator and keep himself from making a stand for Christ.
     When that which is right is at stake, you must stand up and be counted for Christ, otherwise you are denying Him. Give yourself to God under all circumstances and the power of His Holy Spirit will enable you and give you the courage to live up to your Christian convictions.

Savior and Lord, grant that I will never lack the courage to make a stand for that which is right and for the glory of Your name. Amen.

You Can't Please Everyone {Read Matthew 11:1-19}

"To what can I compare this generation? It is like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, 'We played wedding songs, and you didn't dance, so we played funeral songs, and you didn't mourn"' {Matt. 11:16}.

     If you try to please everyone, you will eventually realize that you please no one. There comes a time when you cannot be a people pleaser all the time, on account of the fact that your principles differ from those of others.
     Petty and immature people see differences as disagreement and this always causes resistance. If you don't agree with them and support their viewpoints you cannot really be their friend. If you are true to your principles, there will always be differences.
     A sensible person understands two very important things: The principles you made your own through Bible study, meditation and prayer, and the right of other people to feel strongly about their personal point of view. You have no right to force your views onto others, and trying to do so only creates a spirit of hostility where there should be love and understanding.
     The fact that you don't agree with everybody shouldn't affect your relationship with others. As a Christian disciple, with Christ's love in your heart and mind, you must find it possible to love, even if there are differences of opinion and faith. It is impossible to agree with everybody, but don't let this keep you from loving those around you.

Lord and Master, Your wisdom helps me to respect and love people I don't agree with. Amen.

New Wine {Read Mark 2:18-22}

"No one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins" {Mark 2:22}.

     When something we use often begins wearing away, we start looking for a new one. When a car is old, one part after the other starts giving in. The trouble of getting the car repaired every few weeks becomes too much for the owner. The expense rises and the inconvenience increases. Before long, he buys himself a new car. The seats are more comfortable, there are no scratches on the body, the brakes work well, the car runs like a dream - even the smell of the new car is breathtaking. The driver feels like a new person.
     Jesus Christ was completely new. In many respects the old religion had lapsed into a sad state of obeying countless petty rules and regulations. There was no joy, no peace, no personal strength. And because it was difficult obeying so many laws, many people were saddled with a heavy burden of guilt there was no getting away from.
     Jesus wasn't there to simply patch up the old way of doing things. He proclaimed a new religion, a new concept of God and a new way of life. He breathed renewal.
     In those days, there weren't any glass bottles; wine was stored in leather wineskins. As the wine fermented, the skins stretched and couldn't be used more than once. New wine would cause the skins to tear. The real question is: Have you tasted the new wine of Christ's empowering love yet?

Heavenly Father, renew everything in me through Jesus. Amen.

Jesus Calling

December 26, 2016

I AM THE GIFT that continuously gives--bounteously, with no strings attached. Unconditional Love is such a radical concept that even My most devoted followers fail to grasp it fully. Absolutely nothing in heaven or on earth can cause Me to stop loving you. You may feel more loved when you are performing according to your expectations. But My Love for you is perfect; therefore it is not subject to variation. What does vary is your awareness of My loving Presence.

     When you are dissatisfied with your behavior, you tend to feel unworthy of My Love. You may unconsciously punish yourself by withdrawing from Me and attributing the distance between us to My displeasure. Instead of returning to Me and receiving My Love, you attempt to earn My approval by trying harder. All the while, I am aching to hold you in My everlasting arms, to enfold you in My Love. When you are feeling unworthy or unloved, come to Me. Then ask for receptivity to My unfailing Love.

1 JOHN 4:15-18; DEUTERONOMY 33:27; PSALM 13:5

Sunday, December 25, 2016

An Absent God {Read Mark 2:18-22}

“Someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast” {Mark 2:20}.
Time and time again when disaster strikes or murders are committed, we hear the question, “Where was God when this happened?” Perhaps you have experienced this kind of situation yourself and said, “If only God was there it wouldn’t have happened.”
When Jesus died, was raised, and ascended to heaven, the disciples were left on their own. This was not because God had let them down. By physically withdrawing from them, Jesus was saying to them, “Now you can’t find refuge in My presence any longer. You’re on your own. Go ahead with the instructions I gave you. From now on I’m with you in a different form. Now it depends on you.” This is what Jesus meant when He said He would be taken away from them.
There are periods of deep spiritual darkness: The stark tragedy of a specific situation; the overwhelming awareness of evil in a person’s own life, or in the world in general; or simply just feeling spiritually forsaken. We are driven to despair, and fear that God will not ever reveal Himself to us. This is how Jesus felt on the cross when He called out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
It is on occasions such as these that genuine faith draws from deep waters and says, “It is now as dark as midnight, but God will see to the break of day.”
Ever-present God, visit those who endure the darkness until the day breaks again. Amen.

Jesus Calling

December 25, 2016

AS YOU AWAIT attentively in My Presence, the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines upon you. This radiant knowledge transcends all understanding. It transforms every fiber of your being: renewing your mind, cleansing your heart, invigorating your body. Open yourself fully to My Presence; be awed by My glorious Being.
Try to imagine what I gave up when I came into your world as a baby. I set aside My Glory so that I could identify with mankind. I accepted the limitations of infancy under the most appalling conditions--a filthy stable. That was a dark night for Me, even though angels lit up the sky proclaiming, "Glory!" to awestruck shepherds.
When you sit quietly with Me, the process I went through is reversed in your experience. As you identify with Me, heaven's vistas open up before you--granting you glimpses of My Glory. I became poor so that you might become rich. Sing hallelujahs to My holy Name!


Everyone was created in My image. How would your life be different if you saw Me in everyone you encountered?

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

In God’s Image

I think we’d look at people differently and maybe even look at ourselves differently if we remembered that God created us in His image. I don’t mean that we are like God Himself because God is Spirit and doesn’t have hands, feet, or other physical human attributes (John 4:24). What I mean is that God has attributes of justice, equity, fairness, and other natures that we share with Him. If we remembered this fact, would we look at people differently? Every person ever born was made in the image or likeness of God. That’s why I believe abortion is so wrong because they are taking a life that was created in God’s image and treating it like a mass of tissue instead of what they really are: a human made in the image and likeness of God.

Seeing People as God Sees Them

I believe we do people injustice when we see them in any way less than being created in God’s image. Every human being that’s ever been born was created in God’s image and deserves respect and to be treated with dignity. I don’t care if someone believes in God or not; that’s not the point. The point is that we must see them as someone whom God wants to save because He doesn’t want to see anyone perish but that they’d all come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9). He doesn’t delight in someone’s destruction, even if they’re wicked (Ezek. 18:23, 32), so neither should we. This is all the more reason to be witnesses for Christ. Since God doesn’t wish anyone to be lost, neither should we!

What If…

My wife and I take walks nearly every day (weather permitting). When I walk, I try to see people through God’s eyes. No, I’m not perfect, and, sadly, sometimes I judge them by sight. But then I think, how am I looking at them? Do I see them as God sees them, or do I see them through the eyes of a human? I would rather look at people as someone whom God’s created for His purpose and for His glory and try not to judge them by sight. How would I feel if others judged me by sight? And they probably do in many cases. I must try to think about looking at people as God sees them. What if we all looked at each other as people who were created in God’s image? How would our life be different if we saw God in everyone we encountered?

A Closing Prayer

Father, please forgive me when I judge by sight and not by seeing them as You see them. I need to look at people as being created in Your image and not in the way that I tend to see them, and in this I need Your Spirit’s help. In Your Great Son’s name, Jesus, I pray.


The most faithful people in the Bible still had so many problems and sins. Why do you feel you can’t be as faithful?

Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Imperfect Examples

The Bible is full of men and women who made grievous mistakes. Yet God extended His forgiveness and mercy to them. We can see the murder and adultery of King David. We can see the Apostle Paul, who formerly persecuted the church so severely. We can see Moses, who murdered an Egyptian and yet became one of the greatest men in the history of Israel. Why then can’t we seem to forgive ourselves when we sin and make huge mistakes? Can we ever out-sin the work of Christ on the cross? Is there ever too much sin that the blood of the Lamb cannot cover? Some of the most faithful people in the Bible made terrible mistakes and committed horrible sins, yet many of them ended up in what is called the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11. Why do you feel you can’t be faithful when so many other heroes and heroines of the faith failed and yet were called faithful at the end of their lives? I think that’s why God included all these examples of imperfect men and women–so that we’d have hope of forgiveness and being used by God.

The Woman at the Well

When Jesus met the woman at the well in John chapter 4, she tried to change the subject when Jesus revealed that He knew she was living with a man who was not her husband (John 4:19-20). The reason she had come to draw water at the well at high noon was probably because she wouldn’t have to face the other women of her Samaritan village. She came during the heat of the day when no one else would be there. She likely had a terrible reputation, and everyone in that small village knew about her. When she realized to Whom she was talking, she went back and told the entire village about Jesus, and they all came out to see for themselves Who Jesus was (John 4:28-30). Because of this woman of ill repute’s testimony, many in that village believed in Christ (John 4:38), showing that God can use anyone, regardless of their background–and that includes you and me.

Forgiving Yourself

Perhaps it is easier to forgive others than to forgive ourselves. It seems that we hold ourselves to a higher standard of forgiveness than even God does. When a person repents and puts their trust in the Savior, God cleanses them completely (2 Cor. 5:21), but we often don’t forgive ourselves as easily as God does. Some people whom I speak with find that the hardest person to forgive is the person they see in the mirror. But if we realize that some of the most faithful people in the Bible had serious problems and sins yet were still forgiven and used by God, maybe we can grasp the fact that God can use us, too. So my question is this: Why do we feel we can’t be just as faithful? The answer is we can be!

A Closing Prayer

Righteous Father, please help me to understand that if You’ve forgiven me, I must learn to forgive myself, for there is no sin you will not forgive. Help me to not trust my feelings but to trust what Your Word says about forgiveness (1 John 1:9) and to claim that as a promise and as truth, and in Jesus’ Great Name I pray.


Is your relationship with Me getting better?

John 14:21

Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.

Improving Our Relationship With Jesus

Jesus clearly said that the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God will all of our heart, soul, and mind, which is the first and greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-38). If we love Him, we will strive to obey Him; and if we do, Jesus said that He will manifest Himself to us (John 14:21). To make something or someone manifest means to make it clear or obvious to the eye or mind. A manifest of myself would be my resume, my life story (testimony), my work history, my education, and such. I want Jesus to make Himself manifest to me. Don’t you? One way to do that and improve our relationship with Jesus is to obey Him because He says that whoever obeys what He says (His commandments) is showing that they love Him. As a result of that, He will love them, and this causes Jesus to “manifest myself to him.” I want that!

The Intimacy of Prayer

Nothing draws us closer to God than praying to Him. Imagine you have a best friend (and I hope you do) whom you speak to every single day. He or she is your most trusted friend, and you can tell this person anything at all and have confidence that he or she won’t be blabbing it all around town. Now, imagine Jesus is listening to you and wanting you to tell Him everything about you: your hurts, your fears, your disappointments, your heartaches. Spill it all out. Tell Him everything. Pour out your heart to Him. Any relationship is improved when you share your innermost secrets and thoughts, your aspirations, and your inclinations. Your relationship will always be better the more you are in contact with someone, even more so with Christ.

Abiding in Christ

You know that if you abide in someone, it means you are basically dwelling where they are, which is much of what Jesus said in John 15. The word Jesus said to abide in Him (John 15:7) is the Greek word “menō” and means “to remain under, to tarry,” and “to live.” So if you abide in Jesus’ words, He will abide in you (John 15:4). Then you can ask whatever you will of Him (John 15:7), and “it will be done for you.” Since we know that Jesus is the Word (John 1:1, 14), the more time you spend in His Word, the Bible, the better your relationship with Him will be. This is like Jesus’ biography. It is His life story. It is a Him-book! Do you want to know how to get to know Him better? Read His Word–there you will learn more about Him. The more you know, the more you’ll grow.

A Closing Prayer

Father, I seek to know Jesus so much better and to have a closer, more personal relationship, but I realize I must be living in obedience to His commands, I must be reading His Word daily, and I must be in constant communication (prayer) with Him so that my relationship with Him will get better. So I ask Your help in these things, and in the Great Name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, I pray.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Jesus Calling

December 23, 2016

I AM KING OF KINGS and Lord of lords, dwelling in dazzlingly bright Light! I am also your Shepherd, Companion, and Friend--the One who never lets go of your hand. Worship Me in My holy Majesty; come close to Me, and rest in My Presence. You need Me both as God and as Man. Only My Incarnation on that first, long-ago Christmas could fulfill your neediness. Since I went to such extreme measures to save you from your sins, you can be assured that I will graciously give you all you need.

Nurture well your trust in Me as Savior, Lord, and Friend. I have held back nothing in My provision for you. I have even deigned to live within you! Rejoice in all that I have done for you, and My Light will shine through you into the world.

1 TIMOTHY 6:15-16; PSALM 95:6-7; ROMANS 8:32; 2 PETER 1:19

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Jesus Calling

December 22, 2016
COME TO ME, and rest in My Presence. As you ponder the majestic mystery of the Incarnation, relax in My everlasting arms. I am the only Person who was ever sired by the Holy Spirit. This is beyond your understanding. Instead of trying to comprehend My Incarnation intellectually, learn from the example of the wise men. They followed the leading of a spectacular star, then fell down in humble worship when they found Me.

Praise and worship are the best responses to the wonder of My Being. Sing praises to My holy Name. Gaze at Me in silent adoration. Look for a star of guidance in your own life, and be willing to follow wherever I lead. I am the Light from on high that dawns upon you, to guide your feet into the way of Peace.

LUKE 1:35; JOHN 1:14; MATTHEW 2:9-11 NKJV; LUKE 1:78-79 AMP;

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Doing God’s Will {Read Colossians 4:7-18}

Epaphras, a member of your own fellowship and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends you his greetings. He always prays earnestly for you, asking God to make you strong and perfect, fully confident that you are following the whole will of God {Col. 4:12}.
Many Christians find it difficult to know God’s will for them. Young Christians experience this problem as having to determine what career choice would be best for them, or the choice of a marriage partner. Older believers battle to know God’s will for their lives and the demands of serving Him. The difficult part is guarding against confusion.
Paul told the believers in Colosse that their friend and leader, Epaphras, was praying in earnest that God would help them realize His will for their lives. All his prayers were focused on building their spiritual well-being. Not one prayer was for healing or money, and neither for a kind of “God-please-help-me” request. Epaphras knew how difficult it was to know God’s will and he pleaded with God to help them through this.
It would be a good idea for us to do the same. The more confused we become about God’s will for our lives, the more we need His guidance to find it. Ask Him to reveal it to you.
Often you will find the more difficult the choice is, the more likely it is that this is God’s will for you. He seldom calls you to walk a path of moonlight and roses. Ask other, wiser Christians to work through the confusion with you. Test the different options and see if you are comfortable with the thought that God is really leading you in a specific direction. Pray, and pray in earnest, that God will reveal His will to you clearly.
Lord, my God, today I pray for all who seek Your will for their lives. Amen.

Do you want a relationship with Me more than you care about security?

Luke 14:33

So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Who Do You Trust?

I can look at my checkbook as I do from time to time and have concerns that my money will run out before the month does but you know what, I still give my offerings to the church. That is because I trust with my heart and not with my eyes. I wasn’t always like that. In the only place in the Bible that God asks us to prove or test Him is with our tithes or offerings (Mal 3:10) so long ago I started to do just that and guess what; He proved to me that He was faithful and blessed my offerings. If I had trusted my eyes I wouldn’t have ever did it but I trusted Him with the eyes of faith and know that He is faithful and I have never been disappointed.

Wood, Hay, or Stubble?

When we stand before Christ to receive our rewards or the lack thereof, we won’t look back and think “Wow, what about all that money I made, what about that nice car I drove, what about my 401K Lord, what do you think about all those things?” No, those things might actually work against us unless we have used our resources for His kingdom and for His glory. What will pass through the fire that day are only things like gold, silver, costly stones (1 Cor 3:12) but everything else will be burned up and be useless (1 Cor 3:13). If we are more concerned with what we have, then we aren’t seeking the kingdom above all things because Jesus promised if we seek first the kingdom and that means seeking the King of that kingdom above all else, then He promises to provide for our every need (Matt 6:33).

Which is it: Security or a Relationship?

If we knew what the kingdom would be like and could go to heaven and come back, I believe we’d be much more focused on having a relationship with Christ at all costs over everything that costs. A relationship with Christ is permanent but the things of this world will all pass away. Paul had no trouble considering everything in this world as nothing compared to knowing Christ (Phil 3:7). If we don’t renounce everything for the sake of being His disciple then Jesus is saying that we can’t really be His disciple (Luke 14:33) in the same way that He says whoever doesn’t pick up and carry their cross cannot follow Him and be His disciple (Luke 14:27) so the question for you and I remains; Do we want a relationship with Jesus more than caring about our own security?

A Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, help me to focus on a relationship with You and Your Son, Jesus Christ, over the things of this world for they are temporary but you are eternal and I need You help in prioritizing my life and centering it around You and not on things and in Jesus’ name I pray.


Jesus Calling

December 21, 2016

Jesus Calling

MY PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE is unfolding before you. Sometimes the road you are traveling seems blocked, or it opens up so painfully slowly that you must hold yourself back. Then, when the time is right, the way before you suddenly clears--through no effort of your own. What you have longed for and worked for I present to you freely, as pure gift. You feel awed by the ease with which I operate in the world, and you glimpse My Power and My Glory.

Do not fear your weakness, for it is the stage on which My Power and Glory perform most brilliantly. As you persevere along the path I have prepared for you, depending on My strength to sustain you, expect to see miracles--and you will. Miracles are not always visible to the naked eye, but those who live by faith can see them clearly. Living by faith, rather than sight, enables you to to see My Glory.

PSALM 63:2; 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7; JOHN 11:40

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Having a strong faith could make you look crazy to others. Do you care?

Matthew 21:21

Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen.

Oh Me of Little Faith

I must admit that sometimes my faith is very small. It shows that I don’t really trust God. The opposite of faith is mistrust. I tend to trust what I see with my eyes and not what I believe in my heart to be true. When Jesus said “O you of little faith, why did you doubt” (Matt. 14:31), He could have been talking to me because, like Peter, I start to look at the water and begin to sink. The problem with Peter is the same problem that I have: I take my eyes off Jesus and look at the circumstances. How about you? How strong is your faith? Does your faith in God look like craziness to others, and do you care what others think? I have to ask myself that same question. One woman in Jesus’ day had great faith, which is why Jesus told her in Matthew 15:28, “’O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.’ And her daughter was healed instantly.”

Increasing Your Faith

When I read the Bible, it seems to increase my faith because I can look back at the pages of history and see just how faithful God was. Since we know that God never changes (Mal. 3:6), and since our faith is in Jesus Christ, we should realize that He “is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8). What He’s done in the past He can do today. I believe if we are in the Bible on a daily basis, our faith will grow because “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). So I can promise you that if you are reading the Bible every single day, you will grow your faith because faith comes by hearing, and I believe we can say by reading–reading “through the Word of Christ” and knowing that Jesus is the Word (John 1:1, 14), and that means we should be abiding in His Word.

A Radical Faith

We can never receive great rewards without taking great risks because great risks bring great rewards. Jesus said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you” (Luke 17:6). Stepping out in faith is scary business. I am a bi-vocational pastor, and one day I decided to quit my job and step out on faith because I knew that to pastor the church and write for some Christian websites while also working at a secular job was not going to work. Something was going to give, and it was probably going to be me, so I turned in my notice and gave them three weeks to find a replacement at the foster care agency I worked for. Just at the end of the three-week period, I received an offer to write for several other websites for a ministry, including the one that includes this daily devotional. God was faithful and supplied all of my needs. I’m not telling you I wasn’t worried and that my lack of faith didn’t cause me some sleeplessness, but taking that risk turned out to be the best decision of my life. It did look crazy to some of my family and friends and even my former co-workers, but I didn’t care. I knew I was meant to do this. What about you? Having a strong faith could make you look crazy to others, too, but do you care?

A Closing Prayer

Great Father, I know that faith is stepping out into an uncertain future, but since You created the universe, I know I can trust You. I can’t trust my own resources. But You, God, Who has everything at Your disposal, can give me the assurance to believe the things I don’t see by trusting in You, Whom I’ve never seen, and that’s because I have faith in You. In Jesus’ precious name I pray.
