Wednesday, December 7, 2016

What makes you unique? Do you use your unique gifts for Me?

First Corinthians 12:27

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

The Gift of Administration

The church is composed of many members, each having a different function (1 Cor. 12:20). Just like a human body, what parts can we not do without? None, for they are all necessary and needful. What unique gift do you have that makes you unique in the Body of Christ? One lady at our church has a gift of administration (1 Cor. 12:28). She functions as our secretary, records the minutes of our board meetings, and makes sure they are read at the next meeting to ensure that everything was covered. She has this unique gift for detail that I don’t have and not many others have, so we value her gift of administration for that reason. That gift of hers makes her unique. What about you? What makes you unique, and what unique gifts do you use for Christ?

The Gift of Service

Our church elder’s wife is really a unique lady. She is so conscious of the way the church looks to outsiders that even this morning she was cleaning out an old storage area, gathering things together, and sorting them to give away to a prison ministry’s thrift store for them to use to help support their ministry. She has the gift of service or helps and sees things that need to be done that most of us miss (1 Cor. 12:28). She may not even realize that she has this unique gift, but others do. I know I recognize it and tell her so. We need to encourage each other to spur one another unto good works, to tell them how great of a job they are doing and how much we need them and need one another. There are fewer things that can build up the church more than exhorting one another, encouraging one another, and edifying one another with our sincere words of encouragement. Don’t you think so?

The Gift of Teaching

Our church deacon is an older man who has lots of experience in teaching. He listens to one of my favorite Bible teachers, the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee. By his regularly listening to this Bible teacher and consistently studying his Bible, he has the gift of teaching that may be unequaled in the church (1 Cor. 12:28). Paul stressed that each member is to function together as a whole (1 Cor. 12:19-20), which is really the best way for the church to function (1 Cor 12:31b). What about you? What makes you unique? Do you use your unique gifts for Christ? Do others confirm this gift you have?

A Closing Prayer

Father, I know you have given each one of us gifts that we are to use for Your Son’s glory and for His church since He is the Head of the Church (1 Cor. 12:4, 12). Thank You for these valuable members who help us to be more like the hands, feet, eyes, mind, heart, and ears of Christ, and in His name I pray.


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