Thursday, December 29, 2016

God Is in Control {Read Jeremiah 36:21-26}

If you should be arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? ~Anonymous~

Then the king commanded his son Jerahmeel, Seraiah son of Azriel, and Shelemiah son of Abdeel, to arrest Baruch and Jeremiah. But the LORD had hidden them {Jer. 36:26}.

     We sometimes hear how God rescues people from a specific situation like a war, earthquake or other natural disaster. People survive an accident and know that if the hand of God had not protected them, they would certainly have died.
     When Baruch took Jeremiah's message to the royal court, insiders warned him of the danger that awaited him and Jeremiah. They decided to hide until the danger had passed. They saw God's hand in everything and they surely thanked Him for their survival.
     It is good for Christians to hear this story. God can intervene in situations where people are in danger because of their faith, and because they stand by what they know to be the truth.
     In some countries, tyrants are still in positions where they have sole power. Millions of people suffer tremendous injustice. Some brave Christians have courageously started speaking out against the unrighteousness and the persecution of Christians.
     God doesn't guarantee their safety for taking this courageous stance. But He is there in the whirlpool of conflict, and in many cases He intervenes on their behalf. God is never conquered by dictators. In the end, He is in control, whatever the outcome of the conflict might be.

Almighty God, protect those who are in danger because they remain true to You. Amen.

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