Monday, December 26, 2016

Before It's Too Late {Read Proverbs 17:1-14}

Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before a dispute breaks out {Prov. 17:14}.
Some of the greatest rifts in human relationships are caused by only a few sharp and badly chosen words. It is shocking that people will even resort to violence after the wrong interpretation of a seemingly innocent remark. Families and friends can be driven apart for years about something fairly insignificant.
An argument can only take place between two or more people. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can prevent it from getting out of hand by defusing the situation. Avoid the argument by refusing to get involved if it seems that tempers are starting to flare, or when the issue shows signs of reaching crises proportions.
When things have cooled off and everyone calmed down, you will find that no harm was done because you said nothing to fan the flames.
If you follow Jesus’ example, you will know how to make level-headedness triumph over anger and pride, and you will be able to withdraw from the argument, your dignity intact. Then you and all those involved will be thankful that peace has been restored because the heat of the moment has passed.
Holy Jesus, grant that I am never too hotheaded to stop before it’s too late. Amen.

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