Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The Unstoppable Word {Read Jeremiah 36:21-26}

The gospel is not speculation but fact. It is the truth, because it is a record of a Person who is the Truth. ~ Alexander MacLaren ~
Each time Jehudi finished reading three or four columns, the king took a knife and cut off that section of the scroll. He then threw it into the fire, section by section, until the whole scroll was burned up {Jer. 36:23}.
In the past, people have tried to prevent the message of God’s truth from reaching those it was meant for. For close on seven decades of communist rule in Russia, the Bible was banned and Christians persecuted. Finally, communism was rejected. During the past decade, 20% of the population converted from atheism to the Christian faith and Bibles are freely available again.
In ancient Israel, Jeremiah persuaded his friend Baruch to bring the message of God to the king, and his people. It told about God’s judgment over both the king and the people, and at last it was read to the king. He had it cut up and burnt. Jeremiah immediately wrote everything down again and it has been preserved for all time in the book of Jeremiah. Long after the king tried to destroy the Word of God, we are able to read and hear the exact words the king tried to destroy.
Tyrants may ban or burn the Bible, but they cannot stop the message from spreading. The truth (about God) will become known. Your task as a Christian is not only to read and hear the gospel, but to encourage its spread, both in the world outside and in your immediate surroundings. If you live in a country where the Bible is banned, keep it safe, cherish it, use it and make it known to others as far as you possibly can.
God of the Word, make the work of those who spread Your Word prosper. Amen.

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