Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Are you living for the things you are praying for?

Philippians 4:6

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Living and Praying for the Same Thing?

Jesus said that if we seek Him and the kingdom above all things, He will provide for all our needs (Matt. 6:33). Are you living for and praying for the same thing? That is, is what you pray for what you are living for? In other words, if we are living for a nice home, job, plenty of money as our chief goal, do you think God will hear and answer that prayer? If we are seeking to glorify God and live for His glory so that others will see Him in us, is that what you pray for? I try every day to pray for divine appointments where I would meet someone or someone would cross my path so that I can share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what I live for, and that is what I pray for. How about you? Are you living for the same things that you’re praying for? There’s nothing wrong with asking God to bless you, but what is the true purpose of being blessed? Is it to bless others?

Clothing, Food, and Shelter

What do we live for? Is it for the same reason that the universe was created (Psalm 19:1), which is for the glory of God? Worrying doesn’t do us any good at all, as you probably already know (Matt. 6:27). We’re not to worry about the necessities of life, anyway (Matt. 6:28), and what we’ll eat, drink, or wear (Matt. 6:31). Today that might be more like how we’ll make our car payment, the rent or house payment, the electric bill payment, and so on and not what we’ll eat, drink, or wear. Most of us have enough to eat and plenty of clothing to wear, but in Jesus’ day those were the things they worried about. If we are living only for those things–and there’s nothing wrong with being concerned about having enough to pay our bills–then our focus might be on the wrong things. I sometimes get preoccupied (worried?) about making ends meet. But am I praying about it more than worrying about it?

Prayer Versus Anxiety

If there were contests between prayer and anxiety, I’d lose many of these battles because I let anxiety win out over praying about the necessities of life. Sadly, I don’t always take to heart Paul’s advice in Philippians 4:6. I have this verse end read as “be anxious about everything…and nothing by prayer and supplication and with no thanksgiving I don’t let my requests made known to God.” Is that like you sometimes? I would imagine I’m not alone. That’s why I need to be reading the Word daily because greater faith can come by hearing and reading of the Word (Rom. 10:17). So instead of asking you this question, I will ask myself: Am I living for the things I am praying for? Probably not like I should. What about you?

A Closing Prayer

Oh Creator God, my Father, I am so weak in faith at times and don’t commit things in my life to prayer like I should. Help my weak faith and give me more confidence and reassurance to trust in You and in what Your Word says, and in the strong name of Jesus I pray.


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