Thursday, December 8, 2016

What makes you smile? Did you know I love to see you smile?

Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Joyful Jesus

We might not think about Jesus in this way, but I have no doubt that Jesus smiled a lot and that He was not just joyful but a happy person. It’s hard to go through life and not smile, isn’t it? Can you imagine Jesus never smiling? Did you ever think about the fact that Jesus loves to see you smile? When He sees you smile, He sees that you are contented with life because discontentment grieves the heart of God. It’s like saying to God, “God, I am not happy with where I am or what I have.” Paul learned to be content in whatever state he found himself (Phil. 4:11), and much of what endured might have broken most people. The Bible teaches that contentment with godliness is great gain (1 Tim. 6:6). If we have all we need in life, we should be content with that (1 Tim. 6:8), as a lot of people don’t have nearly as much as we do. So just think about Jesus and how it must please Him to see you smile–at least once in a while.

More Frowns Than Smiles

Do you know of any Christians who just can’t seem to smile? It’s like they’re afraid it’ll break their face. They’re too somber and serious all the time and hardly see the benefit of smiling once in a while. It’s hard to be around people who never smile and always have a frown on their face. But if you’re wearing a smile all the time, people are more likely to want to be around you and talk to you. Smiles are highly contagious. Did you know that? Smiling is catchy. If you smile at people, the next thing you know, you’ll make someone else smile and then they’ll make someone else smile. Like ripples in a pond, it pays itself forward. Why not intentionally smile today at people and see their reaction. Smile when you don’t feel like it. When possible, smile at piles of miles of trials–they might just disappear.

The Priestly Blessing

Jewish tradition holds that Numbers 6:24-26 was a blessing pronounced by the priests every morning after the sacrifice at the Temple. The phrase in this blessing reminds us of the glory of God shining upon Moses’ face after coming down from the mountain and being in the presence of the Lord. There is a certain joy and light that seems to emanate from someone’s face when they’re smiling. Doesn’t it seem that way to you? I wonder if the priests were smiling when they gave this blessing. I would think so; but if not, surely the ones who heard this blessing must have. What is it that makes you smile? Did you realize that Jesus loves to see you smile? Surely it’s better than a frown.

A Closing Prayer

Lord God, my Father, I have so much to smile about. Help me to cause others to smile by my own smile due to a holy pleasure I have in You and to cause this blessing to be passed on to others, and in Jesus’ name I pray.


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