Friday, December 30, 2016

More Precious than Gold {Read Psalm 19:1-14}

A man's heart is right when he wills what God wills. ~ Thomas Aquinas ~

The laws of the LORD are true; each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb {Ps. 19:9-10}.

     We tend to think of gold as an exceptional source of wealth. In fact, it is very unpredictable as far as price goes. For many years its selling price was $35 an ounce. Then, in 1980 it shot up to more than $800 an ounce. In 2004, it was valued at about $260. In 2006, an expert predicted that it would exceed the $1000 mark! Material values are unpredictable, unreliable and deceptive. Yet, in spite of this, people spend their lives worrying and stressing about these material values.
     Our Scripture for the day was written 3,000 years ago. King David had deep insight into the course of world events, and also the value of things as compared to the truths and precepts of the Lord. He was a very prosperous man. He knew that in guiding humankind on how to live, God gave us something more precious than the finest gold. David obeyed God's precepts himself and did his utmost to use them as indicators for his faith and actions.
     Don't be like so many modern people who run down and despise the Lord's teachings. Jesus didn't do it. He said He had come to fulfill the law. He rated the law even higher by adding love to it. What we urgently need is to make the laws of God number one in our value system again, and to cherish them. We will be so much richer if we do this.

Help me, Father God, to place Your teachings at the top of my priority list. Amen.

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