Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Mighty Arm of God (Read Psalm 17:1-15)

By Your mighty power You rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies (Ps. 17:7).
All of us have enemies, even those who think they have none. Thieves who make it their business to rob us are our enemies. So are dishonest business people. People who drive cars when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs are our enemies. Don’t think because you’re friendly you have no enemies. The world is evil. Don’t bluff yourself.
But God is on your side, and He is a God with a mighty arm. He will sometimes intervene directly to protect you from the enemy, but not always. If you trust Him, however, it will make you more wiser and more sensible so that you are able to protect yourself. Because you know the world is evil, you will be better prepared for the possibility of an onslaught and you’ll be ready when it comes. You will be more careful about doing things that expose you to attacks from unknown enemies.
Remember how Jesus approached the cross: fearlessly. Call to mind how, through the ages, Christian martyrs courageously faced tyrants, opponents, oppressors and hostile crowds in the power of Christ. Remember above all, that it is a battle and He who is mightier than all the enemies is fighting on your side if you are fighting on His.
Almighty God, save me, protect me and keep me. Amen.

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