Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Faithful Remnant (Read Isaiah 10:20-34)

A remnant will return to the Mighty God (Isa. 10:21).
It is amazing what a small group of people can achieve when their hearts are invested in a matter and they set about it with dedication and enthusiasm. Mighty political parties have come into being because of the dedication of a few “fanatics.” Christianity has become a world religion as a result of twelve disciples who carried out Jesus’ command to go into the world and spread His message.
Throughout the Scriptures, God carried out His salvation plan by means of small groups of people. When Noah and his family built the ark, God made the truth of His existence known to only one family. When Jacob sent his sons to Egypt in search of grain, God again used one small community. Then God called a few believers to maintain faith in Him. After the judgment over Assyria was carried out, there was a small “remnant” that would return to God in remorse.
The Christian community is usually a “faithful remnant.” They remain true to their faith and in spite of opposition, the body of Christian believers lives on. At times it seems to be on the brink of extinction. In some groups it is brought back to life, and revival brings new hope and trust. Sometimes the community itself is guilty of confusing the faith with other forms and systems. Then God sends a prophet or evangelist to call them back to their true calling.
Are you one of the faithful remnants? Don’t be discouraged by mass-unbelief, failure or godlessness around you. Persevere with your faith in Jesus. You will find your reward in heaven.
Lord Jesus, strengthen the faith of the remnant. Amen.

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