Tuesday, November 8, 2016

You Are the Message (Read Isaiah 8:11-22)

Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD almighty (Isaiah 8:18 NIV).

Some years ago, one of the great Christian preachers died at a relatively young age: Dr. Will Sangster. He inspired large crowds with his preaching and many of his sermons appeared in book form. Thousands of people flocked to his meetings to hear the Word of God. After his death, his son wrote his life story. One of the remarkable things that impressed his son was that close to 1,400 people wrote to his widow after his death. A thousand of them did not mention the major sermons that had inspired them, but some insignificant act of love and compassion that had touched them. Brilliant as his sermons were, the person himself was a resounding message of God to others.
Isaiah means "The Lord will save." Sear-Jasub means "A remnant will return." Maher-Shalal-Hash-Bas means "Swift to plunder and quick to spoil." These were the names of Isaiah and his children, and Isaiah knew that he and his children were messengers of God. Irrespective of whether the king or the people wanted to listen to what they had to say, God spoke in any case through His presence in their midst. The prophet knew this and he also knew that it was even more important for him to live close to God so that the mission of his life - to direct people to God - would be effective.
You and I are also messengers of God. If you believe in Jesus and follow Him, you convey a message. It is not necessary to speak about religion all the time. However, make sure you pass on the message that God entrusted you with.

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