Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Human Savior (Read Romans 1:1-7)

The Good News is about His Son. In His earthly life He was born into King David’s family line (Rom. 1:3).
There have been many great and famous men and women of God through the ages. Some were prophets, some devout believers; many of them were very holy; others worked their fingers to the bone in serving their fellow men; yet others were great teachers. Which one of these people describes Jesus best?
All these people were sent by God, yet they were ordinary people who God used in an exceptional way. Jesus was also a human being in the full sense of the word. He had the same physical appearance as anybody else. He ate and drank, worked and slept. He got tired and sometimes yearned for refreshing solitude. He prayed and was given the power of God to perform miracles. In biblical times a person’s identity was not determined by an entry in a central register or a number, but by mentioning the person’s parents. This could be extended by referring to the person’s grandparents and their parents. Jesus is described as “born into King David’s family line.
Only a person who is fully human can be your Savior. He needs to experience your fears; battle with your temptations; and understand your sorrow and heartache to enable Him to give you life in all its abundance. Because Jesus became totally human, He raised the standard of humankind because He was a perfect human being. He added a new quality or dimension to human life and made it what God intended it to be. Have you experienced this miracle yet? Has Jesus turned you into what God intended you to be?
Holy Father, make me more and more like Jesus. Amen.

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