Monday, November 14, 2016

The Gift of God Read Isaiah 2:1-5

Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore (Isa. 2:4)
There is a place in Jerusalem that is at the same time beautiful and hopeful, but also dismal and tragic. It is the Western Wall, also referred to as the Wailing Wall. It is the only remaining part of the big temple that was built by Herod the Great, in Jesus’ time. Massive rocks were chiseled and piled up to form a wall. As time passed, deep, narrow crevices formed between these rocks. Dedicated Jews visit this wall, touch it and pray. Thousands of non-Jewish visitors do the same. Many of those who go there write messages or prayers on pieces of paper and push these in between the cracks in the rock wall. Most people who do this pray either for peace in Jerusalem or for world peace.
It is right that people turn to God for peace in the world. Human structures and strategies may avoid certain conflicts, but they are by no means successful. The prophet Isaiah looked far into the future, not to when things would be “sorted out,” but when God would bring the final chapter of history to fulfillment, and His kingdom of righteousness and peace came into existence. Ultimately, God is the only one who can bring perfect peace in the strife, conflict and chaos of the world. Only He can judge people and forgive their sins. If inner peace is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, intended peace is also a gift from God. We look forward to the time that He will give it - at His appointed time.
Lord Jesus, let there be peace on earth and let it start with me. Amen.

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